A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 61


Nice to meet you too, Pan smiley - smiley (See? I did figure the smiley thing out.) Yes, I have a tuxedo, and I look great in it too. And I'm not too proud (or too cheap) to ask you out, either. I prefer Scotch and steak, but it's just a matter of taste. You can keep the martini's but I'd love to get messy with you over some Alaskan King Crab legs and drawn butter. So, where are you?

Thanks for the kudos about my daughters. They're well-adjusted now, but - God damn! (primal scream) - it wasn't easy! (Exclamation points factorial)


Post 62

Mostly Harmless

A quick change of subjects.

Yo Bob, use a bloody spell checker will you. Open up MS Word write your reply, SPELL CHECK THE D*MN THING, and cut and paste it back into the forum.

Dyslexic or not, use the technology and make life easier.


Post 63


Yho! Mostly Harmless. Ease up a bit! *tries to look sweet* I knew a fellow in college who couldn't use a spell chek because it stopped him on every other word! I have one that's used when playing scrabble. It dosen't have many of the words 'I' use smiley - winkeye But really. If you saw letters back to front...how would you even know what to type to get close to the 'sound' of the word? We can understand Bob. So it takes a minute to figure out what's been said. Is your life so consumed that you are unable or unwilling to take a moment to understand a man who's sees things a bit differently than you? *tisk-tisk, and here Pandy was hoping you'd be a nice fellow* Pandora LIKES nice fellows smiley - bigeyes

Hello Pete! I'm right here in my log cabin. Just in front of the picture window in what has become my office. *Waves, in a Queenly manner* "Good going on the scream! It's wonderful to 'vent'! I enjoy finding places that echo!"
*Hmmmm...has a tux...looks good in it...(even if he does have to say so himself)...not TOO cheap....hmmm...* Have I mentioned that I also enjoy a 'good' malt scotch? Sounds like we'd get on famously getting ourselves all messy at dinner. I don't know where you are Pete, but I'm here in the US, in Ohio"*...of all the places in the world to have to say you're from! Sheesh!* "I'm getting ready to plan a trip, sounds redundent...anyway...when my old house sells I'm packing my bags & heading out. I just don't know: when, where or how long. I may even wait until next year as I do enjoy the fireplace so! (when I remember to open the damper FIRST smiley - winkeye) And I have a feeling I may not be coming back. I'm thinking of moving to a cottage near the sea. I don't care what sea. As long as it's filled with salt water! And from where do you hail? I've met so many nice people here at h2g2! I'm really quiet shocked at myself! I never thought I'd be 'meeting' people over the Net! But this is fun! Wheeeee! Your next...


Post 64


OK! Now we're making progress... I'm right next door to you in a manner of speaking. I'm in PA, just outside of Phila. Hmm, so... log cabin... Ohio... doesn't give me much to go on. But at least we're on the same continent. Oh, and, well, um... I've been told I look good in the tux, and I'm not too modest to pass that along smiley - smiley Log cabin... Ohio... likes to go formal... what an enigma. I would have to guess Cleveland, based on the 'formal' dating preference, although I'm hard pressed (pun intended) to think of Cleveland as THAT sophisticated. I, too, have met a couple of people from the internet, and they've turned out to be (fairly) normal... of course, my definition of 'normal' has broadened significantly over the last few years.

So, by way of introduction so you can determine if you're still interested: I'm fairly kinky, the exact same age to the day as Bill Clinton (note how I juxtapose kinky and Clinton together), I lift weights and kick box, 190 lbs (give or take), 5'-11" (give or take), and I travel a lot on business, which is software for Fortune 1000, mulitnational manufacturing companies. And... I DO get to Cleveland occasionally.

Waving back at you from high atop the Hotel Sheets, I am just plain Pete


Post 65


Hi Pete. I go to Clevelad as little as possible! I Love Philly! I've had the same room the past two visits..it used to be the Hershey... what's it called now? It's driving up a wall...sure to think of it as sonn as I shut Mac down! They've got a nice gym (for a Hotel & hot tub & pool. Even a nice spot to jog in the courtyard. It's been a couple years since I was there jsut to relax. Sometimes when the World gets a pace ahead of me, I go to a nice Hotel & sleep, swim, eat & basically relax. *loves room service-but MUST shampoo hair daily*

My frind Rick has asked me to go with him at some point to re-visit where he was stationed while in the Navy. I have a couple frinds who
live just outside the City. They built in a new building complex in one of those Indian Named counties. I guess we'd visit them.

I am a bit different than your averaged 'raised in the sticks' kinda'
gal. I party well with Bikers & Doctors. No difference in my behavior. I've been spoiled, so I'm told...because I've dated men who
had limos & planes, etc. So, a long lunch from work use to be five hours. From office to the airport to a nice destination, a meal, then back to work 'til mid-night. I've been active in local politics & may as well admit that I've been to D.C. for Congressional Hearings & feel that I've done my 'time' with regard to politics. This past year would have been the 1st year I haven't voted since I was able:

at age 15 & 1/2! I get soooo sick of being called to jury duty three times a
year only to sent home because I have a connection with either the judge or a lawyer.

College was in Cinny...& I live fairly near Lake Erie. If you look on a map, you'll see the V pointing right toward my cabin. I have an in-ground heated pool with beautiful 'Luma Lights' all around the top...
they slowly chane color as they fade into the next color. I'm sitting here wearing my latest sunburn at the moment. Time to shower & slather lotion all over so I can stay nice & soft smiley - winkeye Have a good day & I look forward to 'talking' to you again soon...Pan

Confused but then it does not take much.

Post 66

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Nice Imadge there.
Sorry I have been having a hetic week did this change to peoples life storys or somthing smiley - smiley


Post 67

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

Just a word about the shirt thing. First of all why is he trying to change who you are? Second Why are you letting him? I can understand if you were wearing a bikini tape costume top. If you feel good in that shirt wear it! And if you want to change your hair why don't you. You give him power over you. Men, parents and peers, and even other women pull big trips. Be yourself don't change for anyone. You girls are starting to bash yourselves. I think that you all have some very good points, being a woman myself I know the stereotyping that goes on. For example I am natural blonde, I get the blonde jokes all the time. I am not stupid and I resent them. I do have a good sense of humour and can put anyone else into the same joke. Someone is always the butt of a joke. Not all are politically correct. I don't really mind. "Consider the source" my mother always said. I am fortunatley very lucky I don't have the same problems in my relationship. My husband and I are honest and speak the truth to each other, Sometimes it's not always what you want to hear but you work through that too! It's like a debate kind of thing. Stimulating conversation for a change.
Nice discussing with you all.

Confused but then it does not take much.

Post 68


Hi Bob...wasn't really trying to create an 'image' just telling about my life a bit. It's been crazy here too. But I drop by h2g2 a couple times each day to try to keep in touch with my new friends! Hope things ease off for you some! Take care...time for work, Pan!


Post 69


Hi Hoppa...we both posted at the same time. I nearly missed yours!
I do change 'a bit' to make him more at ease. I have alot of men friends who come around & he tolorates it very well. I will change the shirt or wear a long skirt when we go somewhere out of respect for him. Don't get me wrong though...we're about done as a couple. He just enjoys showing me off like a trophy! At first it seemed natural, as many men have bought me a dress & said,"Here, wear this with your black ballet slippers when we go out tonight. I don't like you to look so tall." (I'm all of 5'6) But if it boosts a man's ego & dosen't hurt me, I see no problem with it. Esp. if he's bought the outfit. Why I got married?!? well, I was going to die...according to all the experts in Philly...of this rare muscle disease. But I got better instead! I thought I'd give this fellow a good start in life by leaving him everything...but I mucked things up by remaining alive smiley - winkeye Now I just can't see us together for ever! I want to spend another Winter here in my cabin, as I will take a financial loss when I leave. I'm looking for a cottage by the sea somewhere. He just refuses to believe I'm really going to leave. I'm trying to help him realize it!
All it gets me is more roses. He just 'aint' getting the whole picture. And I'm geting to the point where I no longer feel it's my job to educate him! Did any of that make sense? I've had very little sleep this past week. I work as a phone counsoler from mid-night to whenever. But it seems as though he makes as much noise as possible!
Leaving the dog bark, etc...so, enough is really enough! Nice talking with you. Do you work outside the home? You sound interesting! Pan


Post 70

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

Yes I work outside the home and have a crazy but real nice life. Fine other than money or there lack of. I have a ood relationship- which is rare these days! Most of my friends are divorced or have man trouble. It is neat that there are so many broad descriptions of women and men, I think it is wrong to stay if your unhappy as long as you have made sure that the man knows why he is getting dumped. Be straight up and say hey man this is how I feel and basically state what you did on here and then there will be no question of him understanding that roses aren't going to fix it and then you both can go from there. Honesty is always the best policy. Lies will only get you into more trouble, what have you got to lose. Take it easysmiley - smiley


Post 71

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Lies will only get you in to more troubble depending on your situation the are some times when it is better to lie than tel the truth but in this case I have to agree.


Post 72


You're both right & I don't lie to anyone about anything...except maybe a tiny white lie when a cop pulls me over *bats big brown eyes to show how it's done* ! LOL!!! I will say to my husband,"I'm really going to miss this cabin!" And he'll respond with, "Oh, now honey, you're not going anywhere!" I say,"Yes, I really am! I've been shearching the Net for places along the oceans." Then he says nothing.

Bob, you asked if the topic had changed...I'm talking about a relationship-mine. If you want to talk about a certian thing...what would it be? I didn't mean to muck up your thread here...Pete & I are just getting to know eachother...which is a relationship. Hoppa & you are talking to me about my relationship with my 'someday ex'. Jump right in & talk about whatever you like. Im just answering questions at the monent, as we all get to know eachother. Am I doing something wrong here? G-nite for now...Pan


Post 73

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Not at all it was just a question and it is not my thred I have no idea who started it but I dont really think it is anybodys thred I was just confused that is all.
It proberbly has somthing to do with hospital coffy the stuff never tasts right to me.

Any way I think I will add somthing more than just my owne opinion for once
Ok I will start by opologising for not menchning names because she comes on from time to time and it is best if she does not know but that will become apparent
Right It all started last yeare when a friend of mine broke up with her partner after they had been going out for about three years. It was one of those nasty breakups and the boy involed was knowne only as "that piece of shit" for the next six months. I have knowne this girl since I was a kid (well technically I still am at 16 but that is not important) and we have been great friends. I have always wanted to take it further but I am scerd of rejection (which is strange because it has never botherd me with any body else) I am also worried that if we do get togther and it goes wrong it will ruen our friend ship. so insted I set her up with another oneof my friends and she is really happy they both are but I just cannot help feeling jeious and I am not shure wether I should tell her or not Because if i do and she breakes up with her curent boy friend I proberbly lose a great friend and any way I got them toger in the first place but I want to tel her I am so confused but isent everybody at my age.

P.s Hoppa will mail you and mick the latest funstuff concering hospitals and my sis soon, It is great balieve me I ams o dam angery over it but that is nothing new.
Oh and if any one else wants to know the full depressing story you can mail me at [email protected] because I still dont want it on the web propperly.


Post 74

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

I was wondering how you were doing! Glad your still hanging in there. take it easy. About your friend and the girl you like. I think you should make sure you really want to be with her before you embark on telling her and your friend. Find out if that is what you really want.
Hoppasmiley - smiley


Post 75


Ditto...what she said!!! Good luck dear!


Post 76


Oh my God. I was afraid of that: you live in a log cabin in Toledo! I suppose I really shouldn't say that, sounding like a snob. Actually, Toledo is one of the few cities in the US that I haven't been to. I did skirt around it once on a long driving trip.

Was it the Hershey Hotel? Built by Milton Hershey during the depression, it's a fantastic old big hotel. They have a swing dance lesson every Friday night on the veranda. I live about an hour from there, in West Chester, about 20 minutes from Valley Forge. Let me know when you'll be in the area again. I'll dust my tux off.

Of course, sorry to say, I don't have a limo or an airplane. I have a ten year old Lumina and an Explorer... oh, and a little Tracker that the kids use. My second daughter just graduated from St. John's College in Santa Fe in May. Her sister graduated last year from the same school. Their brother is about to go back to his second year at Clarion University in upstate PA. All that by way of saying that I'm basically broke much of the time.

I do pre-sales software consulting: I essentially demonstrate the software to prospects. My job gets me out of town a lot... and I do get to Detroit occasionally. Last week was the worst travel week of my life: I was stranded twice in the same week, in Chicago and Boston. I worked in my hotel room in Springfield, MO, until 3:30 this past Tuesday night, got up at 6, and did my presentation at 8:30. It went very well, by the way smiley - smiley

When I'm not traveling and working, I do kick boxing and weight training (at the Y, not a 'health club').

Did we talk about age? I'm the exact same age as Bill Clinton... to the day. I mention that in case age is an issue.

Hey, Bob. Sorry if I'm making this too personal. I didn't really intend to, but Pan said she loves men... I love women. I'm jumpin' right on that flashing invitation. I'd much rather establish relationships than talk about them.

Okie dokie, artichokeys, I've got to get back to work. And, Pan, you've got a friend in Pennsylvania (you too Bob) smiley - smiley cya's!!


Post 77


Bob, Bob, Bob. If you can't screw things up at 16, how will you ever live with yourself when you're 50? Screwing up is what life's all about! If you never screw up, you never learn anything. Just think of it this way: if people never screwed up, most of the great literature in the world would never have been written!

Don't anyalyze, don't wait another nanosecond. Take that girl and pour your heart out to her. Make a fool of yourself for her... worst case is, she'll never forget you for it. If you don't, I almost guarantee you that in ten years, she'll hardly remember you at all. If you do, worst case is, in ten years she'll be your ex-wife. If she rejects you now, she's not much of a friend to begin with.

Take it from someone who faces rejection every day: you HAVE to risk it! If you expet rejection, you won't be disappointed, but you might be very pleasantly surprised.

I actually read your message after I replied to Pandora, and had to try to bust your head up a little to get you thinking straight. Stop agonizing over things, rush in an go with your intuition. Just do it!


Post 78


By the way, I have to tell you how much I enjoy reading your typoes. No kidding, it's refreshing and makes me think about how funny our language is.

Now, stop being a coward and go get that girl!


Post 79


You have totally missed the point of what was being said.Men in today's society are being brained washed into believing that we are the dirtiest, nastiest, raunchiest thing on Earth. We have oppressed everyone and everything since the beginning of time, further more, now we should PAY. Pay for the rest of eternity. I am not now, or never have been and never will be an abusive person. But according to the media and "some "(notice what I actually said) womens groups I should be chastised and castrated, for things others may have done.
So whats my point? Simple, I am a man,let me be a man. If you can't except me for that, then go away. We all need to respect everyones feelings, I would never advocate indecent behavior. But, I will no longer tolerate being the scape goat for the worlds problems.
Live and let live is a pretty fair way of life, it gives everyone an equal chance.


Post 80


Hello omailin, hope I spelled that correctly, my eyes burn from lack of sleep. All the letters are begining to 'run together'. Did we ALL totally miss the point of what's being said? I thought that those of us talking about man-vs-woman sort of agreed to disagree. And that we would try to not lump ALL men nor All women into the same category? I could be wrong, that happens alot, esp. lately. Since I'm challenged so often with regard to various issues here at h2g2...I love it, but have had to eat my share of crow too. Whom do you believe to be brain washing men? Just women in general? I'll have to be honest here & say I didn't do it & in case I did, it was an accident smiley - winkeye As I mentioned some time back, I like men. Some are not so nice, just the same as women...but if I had my 'druthers'...I'd wanna' spend my time with the fellows. You know, like at a cook- out...the women usually end up in one area & the guys in another...well I'm the gal hangn' with the men. I've gotten alot of insight to both species, & as a result I have many men friends & several ladies who don't care for me in the least. Now, don't get me wrong here...there ARE some wives who tell me that they are very glad that their Husbands have a woman friend, as I seem to be able to talk to the guys better than their own wives at times. Perhaps because they allow themselves to listen to my advise, since I have nothing to gain from it.

Pete, I do not live in Toledo! Sheesh, that's worse than Cleveland! But you are in the general area. It's a small Village smack dab between Sandusky & Cleve. Several miles from the Lake. The W. Branch of the Black River starts right in my woods. (It flows into the Lake)
LOL! You must have looked on a map! I jsut remembered the Hotel...It's now called the Double Tree! The last two times I was in Philly the lawyer I was doing business with put me up in the same room there. They have a wonderful spinich salad! I ate one everyday. Jan & Feb of 97 was the last time I was there. I have no idea how old Clinton is, nor do I care...I came into this World kicking & screaming 12-9-56. Everyone thinks I'm between 28 & 35...it use to tick me off, but once a few grey hairs started to poke out...it no longer bothered me smiley - winkeye
Has ANYone else noticed...when you turn 30, somebody ALWAYS calls you Mamm or Sir? At first I thought it WAS because I was getting so much older, then I realized that it was just because these were really young people waiting on me & were TOLD to be respectful to their ELDERS! *groan* Age dosen't matter one way or another to me. When I was 35 I met a young man out with his Dad to celebrate his 21st B.D..
The Dad was hitting on me, but I ended up dating the 'boy' for a few months! Oh but that was fun!!! No wonder guys (many men, that is) go
after young ladies! Wheee!!! It's fun for awhile. But when you get to needing good conversation, you can feel the generation gap slowly widening! HA! You know it's 'bout over when the kid says,"What's an 8 track?" LOL!!!
Everyone have a great week-end! I know I'm a bit early here, but I'm off to the woods. I will be working the greavyard shift right into Mon. but to avoid the moody of man of the house, I've decided to sleep in a hammock & 'try' to burn a couple hot dogs. I haven't stayed in the woods by myself for over a year now! Time to commune with nature!

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