
The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.
- Andrew Brown

I'm here because I'm escaping from my life. I'm really too busy to be able to afford the time to spend here doing this. My boss would attest to that if he knew what I do; my wife will attest to that; my girlfriend will attest to that; my kids will ... well, you get the idea, I'm sure.

Anyway, this is just the kind of thing appeals to my kind of weird sensibility. And, I'm holding out the hope that something here might springboard to something else that will lift me out of my life. No, not like suicide. I do like life, even my life... actually a lot. I'm thinking more along the lines of like playing the lottery, you know? Or hanging around Hollywood and Vine. That kind of lightening-strike sort of luck that comes from being in the right place at the right time and that results in being able to spend all my time doing things like this.

Two things: I have a facility for languages, which is what brought me to Altavista Translations in the first place. And, secondly, I have recently decided what my life's dream is. It took 98% of my life to-date to figure it out, so it must be significant. It is to go to Nepal. Unfortunately, I don't speak any of the approximately 70 different languages and dialects, but why should language be a barrier? So, dear visitor, if you can take me to Nepal, I'm yours. If not, but you're a dark-skinned, brunette female, between the ages of 30 and whatever, under 130lbs, under 5'-5", with small breasts, nice legs, and a nice butt, I'm yours, too. If you're neither of these, well, welcome, but don't bother me.

One final thing that is telling about me: doesn't the hg logo in the upper left corner of this window look like the number 69?

The President has kept all of the promises he intended to keep.
- George Stephanopolous, Clinton's aide speaking on Larry King Live

The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on...
- Omar Khayyam- The Rubaiyat

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Hi Pete Oct 4, 2000


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Researcher U145512


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