A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Sep 20, 2012
it's a bad day when you can't throw a pudding around your own house
What news story etc etc
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Sep 20, 2012
perhaps since it was born at Camp Bastion its a bast...
What news story etc etc
taliesin Posted Sep 21, 2012
Ecce... Monachus?
"A Spanish woman whose botched restoration of a century-old fresco of Jesus became an international laughingstock now wants a slice of the revenues the work is generating, as thousands of tourists are drawn to the church."
I think this would do very well on T-shirts....
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 21, 2012
>>"A Spanish woman whose botched restoration of a century-old fresco of Jesus ... thousands of tourists are drawn to the church."
I think this would do very well on T-shirts....<<
So she replaced one boring sterotypical western styled white jesus painted 100 years ago by a far more interesting post-modern monkey boy jesus painted by an "inspired" octagenarian. I think they should definitely keep it. Yes I agree, they should make T-shirts, mugs, fridge magnets souvenirs etc.
What news story etc etc
HonestIago Posted Sep 21, 2012
>>It is hard to see how Latvia could get accepted into the EU, some of their citizens were actually shooting at us in WWII<<
Umm, if we didn't let the former Axis powers in the EU, there wouldn't be an EU. Germany in particular stands out.
What news story etc etc
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Sep 21, 2012
Cheers Honest;
I don't think Germany celebrate the Waffen SS and their economy is nearer ours than these satellites are, and Latvia has two grades of citizenship, or so it is reported as apartheid.
What news story etc etc
HonestIago Posted Sep 21, 2012
>>They don't ever talk to me but talk about me in their own language<<
Unless you speak their language, how do you know they're talking about you?
As for Latvia supporting the Germans in WW2, as with all history you've got to put yourself in their shoes before you understand what's actually going on. After centuries of occupation by foreign powers (Russia, Poland-Lithuania, Germany, occasionally Sweden) the Baltic States gained their independence between the world wars. The Russians, as part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, invaded and occupied the Baltics, including Latvia.
The Germans then invaded the USSR, 'liberated' (from their POV) the Baltics and offered the Baltics independence again. Latvia wasn't fighting a world war, they were fighting a war of independence supported by the enemy of their enemy (much like the Finns - should they be booted from the EU?). Not everyone considers WW2 to be a world war, nations were fighting for a myriad of reasons.
What matters is that, since independence, Lativa has gone on to build a strong, pluralistic civic society that some core members of the EU could envy.
What news story etc etc
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Sep 21, 2012
"Unless you speak their language, how do you know they're talking about you? "
Well if someone leans out of a van and shouts directly at you, or if a neighbor has a party and is laughing and joking pointing in my general direction then throws empty vodka bottles in my garden, or if the skinhead who allows his dog in the shop off the lead is seen teaching it to go on my doorstep.
I think they are not very nice, and don't believe you with the history lesson. My grandad was at a concentration camp liberating jews, he wouldn't talk about it but I found somebody else that would. Apparently if you shook their hands their skin fell off.
I think that was something to do with the SS wasn't it.
Didn't the Germans demonise the sick and disabled before starting on the Jews; looks like history just keeps repeating itself.
Actually there only a Daily Mail story linked with evidence in hidden; the post wasn't exactly flattering though.
What news story etc etc
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Sep 21, 2012
>> Didn't the Germans demonise the sick
and disabled before starting on...<<
Yes, Darwinism gone wild. Survival of the fittest
is the basis of natural selection; certain observable traits
are 'destined' to survive and dominate. It follows logically
that anything and anyone with less than ideal capacities and
abilities ought not to be a drain on limited public resources.
Also, by getting rid of all undesirable traits and establishing
policies to prevent their reproduction it was believed to be
helping nature along the road to the inevitable perfection of
the master race.
Similar policies have long been followed by gardeners and
farmers who use euphemistic names for it like weeding. And
selective breeding.
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 21, 2012
It was a most rational plan based on social Darwinian, Nietzschean, race, nationalistic, social engineering and selective scientific principles. God was certainly dead.
What news story etc etc
swl Posted Sep 21, 2012
Fife NHS is refusing IVF treatment if the couples smoke and/or the woman is overweight.
What next? Refusing diabetes treatment if your partner picks their nose?
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Xanatic Posted Sep 21, 2012
Their smoking habit could be a danger to the fetus, so that part seems a good idea.
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Pink Paisley Posted Sep 21, 2012
And a woman's weight (under OR over) can also have an effect on her fertility.
It is probable that having a partner who picks their nose is unlikely to effect her fertillity (but MAY reduce the likelihood of becoming sexually aroused).
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 21, 2012
Facebook uses facial recognition software to tag you when you upload photos:
What news story etc etc
swl Posted Sep 21, 2012
Re: the IVF story. OK, I get it now. Smoking decreases fertility and therefore lessens the likelihood of IVF being successful. Makes sense really.
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What news story etc etc
- 13701: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Sep 20, 2012)
- 13702: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 20, 2012)
- 13703: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 20, 2012)
- 13704: taliesin (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13705: U14993989 (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13706: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13707: HonestIago (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13708: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13709: swl (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13710: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13711: HonestIago (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13712: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13713: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13714: U14993989 (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13715: swl (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13716: Xanatic (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13717: Pink Paisley (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13718: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13719: U14993989 (Sep 21, 2012)
- 13720: swl (Sep 21, 2012)
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