A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3581

psychocandy-moderation team leader

"Daisies" (Czech, 1966)


A fantastic, avante-garde kind of flick- a whole lot of fun. Laughed out loud several times.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3582

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I wouldn't recommend Sweeney Todd for anyone with an aversion to blood and/or a nervous disposition, and I don't even want any lunch, which is going to be strictly vegetarian from now on.

smiley - ill

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3583

Steve K.

"I, Robot" (2004). I'd only seen the end previously, this time I watched the whole movie. Although I'd heard negatives, I was expecting to like it - Will Smith, a classic Asimov story, big time special effects ... so ... I dunno, it just never clicked for me. Good, yes, but only good. It seemed like the special effects took center stage versus the story, a little too much. But still, good, with too few good lines:.

Detective Del Spooner: [to Susan, after the robots have started a revolution] You know, somehow, "I told you so" just doesn't quite say it.

Also "Clerks" (1994), bought at the VHS clearance at the video store. I think the concept, situations, and conversation topics are funny. But the dialogue needs some serious editing, IMHO. The "actors" seem to be rushing to get their lines into the allotted time. Still, funny stuff in situations I recognize from experience.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3584


Saw Sweeney Todd Monday. Seriously Weird. Also some of it doesn't make sense. Where did his wife suddenly turn up from at the end?

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3585

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

She was in it from the start. He kept chucking her out of the pie shop!

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3586

A Super Furry Animal

Yes, do pay attention, Mr. Maven! smiley - winkeye

Gosh, I'm getting behind with this...

At the weekend, I went to see Cloverfield. Quite good, and not nearly as seasickmaking as some earlier posters may have you believe. Of course, it's at its best when you *can't* see what's happening, and only get glimpses. It contains classic film elements of quest, redemption and love interest. Unfortunately,

*** SPOILER ALERT *** Look away now if you don't want to know

Once you see the beastie it looks a bit ordinary.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3587


I went to see The Bucket List today which is fairly cheesy and daft and amateurishly manipulative for the most part but with a few funny moments.

I also rented 3:10 to Yuma which was good but over long and fiddled about too much in the last act with the effect of dissipating any tension into confusion. Russel Crowe and Christian Bale both gave relatively poorish perfomances compared to Ben Foster who was absolutely fantastic and stole the smiley - erm stage. Boom boom.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3588

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Had a bit of a "filmy day" today.

First Up "Run Fat Boy Run", pretty bog standard brit-com fare. I laughed a fair bit, but given Simon Pegg and Dylan Morain I really expect rather better. 2.5/5

Just finsihed watching "THe Darjeeling Limited" and it really is rather splendid. Interesting, funny and genuinely pretty uplifting. I loved it. 4.5/5

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3589

Sho - employed again!

saw The Last King of Scotland. Wow, Forrest Wittaker was brilliant. And James McAvoy was... cute smiley - drool

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3590


I saw The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford the other night. I was good, top-class acting, but it was far too long.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3591


Looking forward to Last King of Scotland tonight Sho! Watched Pursuit of Happyness last night. Meh. Wasn't as deep and meaningful as I'd been led to believe. Happyness appears to be working as a stockbroker. Nice to see Will Smith do something other than save the world, mind.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3592

Sho - employed again!

Bea - I have to warn you. There were parts towards the end of Last King where I couldn't actually look at the screen. Although some of the things we heard about Idi Amin weren't shown, some things I'd never thought of were. smiley - ill But all the same - totally fascinating to watch how Forrest Wittaker becomes Amin. Really really brilliant acting (didn't he get the Oscar for that last year?)

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3593


I saw Last King of Scotland too. Don't think it was as good as I was expecting. Felt that the sex stuff was a bit contrived and superfluous and detracted from the seriousness of it all. And I found James McAvoy's character a bit arrogant and annoying.

But Forest Whitaker was indeed brilliant.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3594

Pink Paisley

P S I Love You.

A chick flick +.

Went to hold hands with the other half. Actually not so mawkish as I expected.



What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3595

A Super Furry Animal

Forrest Whitaker was indeed a brilliant Amin.

Went to see "There Will Be Blood" yesterday.

There won't. There also won't be a discernible plot, likeable character, or, so far as I could see, a good reason to make this film. What a waste of two hours.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3596


I must have rented The Last King of Scotland about five or six times. Haven't managed to actually *watch* it yet for some reason. smiley - huh

I've done the same with The Machinist and Adaptation smiley - doh

I watched Ratatouille last night. I thought it was pretty good and I don't generally like pixar. Monsters Inc is good but the rest I don't like. Except Finding Nemo but that's only the title I like because it makes me think of Skee-lo the 80's rapper who did "I wish I was a Little bit taller"

Finding Skee-losmiley - laugh

smiley - erm I know what I'm talking about.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3597

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - cross Finding Nemo is one of my favourite films.

It's half term, so on Thursday night we watched High School Musical 2 (mostly harmless) and last night I saw the Spongebob Squarepants movie for the first time. Who needs drugs eh? But David Hasselhof was brilliant.


What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3598

Steve K.

"Finding Nemo is one of my favourite films."

Amen. Ellen deserves many awards ... great voice acting.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3599


Saw Juno, the comedy about a pregnant 16 year old. It was very very witty, and the acting was good all around.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3600

Sho - employed again!

if I have to see High School Musical 2 one more time, trust me, despite RF's assertions to the contrary: There. Will. Be. Blood. smiley - laugh

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