A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 61

Kat - From H2G2

May I just say that my dinner was incrediably tasty if I do say so myself. Unfortunately I just didnt want much! Sigh...

I was near Newquay in a place called Crantock. I wanted to go to Padstow but because Im not allowed to drive it would have been a little far and I cant abide buses...in fact I just broke out in a cold sweat thinking about it. Did you venture near Rick Stein's restaurant?

Oh and if you have a burning desire to see my hair smiley - erm




That disturbing feeling

Post 62

A Super Furry Animal

If you look on az's photo album you can find a pic of Noggin The Nog. (Off for a rummage to find you a reference)

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 63

Kat - From H2G2


The links didnt work! erm...lets try all that again!



That disturbing feeling

Post 64

A Super Furry Animal

Here you go:



RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 65


I know Crantock well stayed there last year, it a lovely beach isn't it.
Haven't ventured in Ricks restaraunt yet although one day I will. Padstow is pretty especially the esturay. It'll still be there when you're ok to drive.
Am going to nosey at your hair. In light of the compliments issue am not sure how to respondsmiley - smiley

That disturbing feeling

Post 66

Kat - From H2G2

I have no fears of compliments specially right now...I seem to be flying on a breeze of not caring.

I went to Polly Joke beach mostly as Cranotck beach was a little big for me with my awful swimming abilities which i didnt want anyone to see.

It may be a looonnng time until I'm allowed to drive. My parents have put a ban on me until I get my head sorted out...they still seem to be hoping its a "teenage thing"

That disturbing feeling

Post 67

A Super Furry Animal

Still getting page not found/page unavailable messages on those links, Kat. smiley - sadface

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 68


Cant get your page either Kat. Never m,ind might be a good thing if you're feeling wobblysmiley - erm

RF enjoyed the photos, Nog should shave it off !!!!

That disturbing feeling

Post 69


Your links still don't work Kat. You probably have to click on option to make them public or something. While we're on the subject of posting pictures or hootooers, this thread has pictures from the summer meet. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1770359?thread=447539&skip=0&show=20 (pretends he wasn't eyeing up the female hootooers)

That disturbing feeling

Post 70

Kat - From H2G2


It worked for me! *wails a bit*

let me think...try going to


and then clicking on the links

That disturbing feeling

Post 71

A Super Furry Animal

Oh, and anyone who isn't on az's photo album can submit a photo (there's an e-mail address on the first page of the thread).

In the unlikely event that you want to see what I look like, you'll find me on page 5 (looking thin) or page 8 (current shape and size!)

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 72


With it abit of copy and pasting, i got it to work smiley - smiley

I like your Happy Hedgehog smiley - biggrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 73

Kat - From H2G2

Nice...erm...hair do? jeans? How tall are you by the by?

and did the link ever work? Sorry I dont know why it wont at all!

That disturbing feeling

Post 74


got it working too Kat. Assume you're Kat in Joe, Kat ,dog ? smiley - biggrin

RF have already looked at your pic and was pretending I hadn't smiley - winkeye

That disturbing feeling

Post 75

Kat - From H2G2

Im the black furry one actually smiley - laugh

The happy hedgehog is an important part of life! and an example of my handwriting of course. The cough document...is...erm...oh dear I shouldnt let people in my directories...

That disturbing feeling

Post 76


i only looked at your hedgehog honest.smiley - laugh
Just realised that I've been on this pc for hours. Am off to do something enegetic, be back later no doubt.
Cant find the email address for the picture.
Also Kat all 3 of the black and furrys in that pic are beautiful smiley - smiley

That disturbing feeling

Post 77

Noggin the Nog

If you're referring to the hair, it's already done.

smiley - musicalnote I am the egg man smiley - musicalnote

They don't call me Noggin fer nuthin' yer know.

That disturbing feeling

Post 78


I just got back from vacation to find 74 new posts, wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!???? The point is, that ppl on this site can be quite mean. I am the first to admit that i can sometimes be an @sshole and post some stupid and unwarrented sh*t. But so can everyone here under the right conditions, so no need to get nasty (*ahem* ~jwf~).

As for kat's gf issue. If she doesn't want her dinner, give it to me, it sounds yummy. Oh wait, I'm 5 hours behind most of you. Darn. I can think of nothing to do, accpet to sneak up on her in the shower, that has worked for me before.

Badgers are cool

That disturbing feeling

Post 79

The Groob

I started a thread some time ago called "Are you deluded?". It was based on an article by the psychologist Raj Parsaud. He said there are two common types of delusion: the delusion that you are a bad person and people haven't found out how bad you are yet, and then the delusion that you are more special than most people and other people haven't realised that yet.

That disturbing feeling

Post 80


Thats fantastic. I am clearly deluded and proud of it. Make youre own reality , thats what I say smiley - ok

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