A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 1


For the sake of my own excessively paranoid mind, I would like to ask if anybody else gets the feeling, when they join places like h2g2 or other permanent chat sites, That everybody is secretly passing messages about how so-and-so is really stupid and if so-and-so had any sense, they would just bugger off and stop posting their control freakish and unwanted threads. Is it just me?? Wait a sec, will this thread be viewed that way?!??!?!?!? AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

seriously though. If it aint just me? when the hell does it go away???

That disturbing feeling

Post 2


I´ve never had that feeling on an internet site. I do have it most of the time in real life though smiley - sadface

That disturbing feeling

Post 3


Erm, well, I certainly often wonder if people wish I'd just bog off and stop posting cr*p when I have built up a nice healthy list of killed threads!

That disturbing feeling

Post 4

Kat - From H2G2

I get that feeling yes....in fact it actually happened once! boy that was unpleasant!

That disturbing feeling

Post 5

Noggin the Nog

Of course people are passing messages around behind your back smiley - erm

But I'm not going to do it here. I'm going somewhere else to do it. smiley - winkeye


That disturbing feeling

Post 6

Kat - From H2G2

*frowns and watches Noggin passing pieces of paper infront of her*

That disturbing feeling

Post 7


I have to say that I think its much better to feel it on the net than in reality. It comes from insecurity and lack of positive feed back. In the real world, we take all kinds of cues from people when we interact in person. These cues reasure us that we are valued. All we have here is the typed word, so we're recieving very limited feed back on our "performance ". I think the disturbing feeling is a good thing. smiley - biggrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 8

Kat - From H2G2

what if you just dont believe the positive feedback though?

That disturbing feeling

Post 9


Even if Nog really is passing messages

That disturbing feeling

Post 10

Noggin the Nog

*Looks guilty. Hides bits of paper behind back.*


That disturbing feeling

Post 11


You dont have to believe in it and you may not even think you need it, but... we all do even if its very subtle

That disturbing feeling

Post 12


put it down Nog, we know your gamesmiley - winkeye

That disturbing feeling

Post 13

Kat - From H2G2

okay sorry i didnt really voice that properly...my girlfriend doesnt believe ANY positive things you tell her and they actually make her feel worse....what does one do about someone like that? Its impossible to say anything to her ever

That disturbing feeling

Post 14

Noggin the Nog

Well, when I first joined I did have the feeling there was a secret cabal of experienced researchers, and that one day, if I hung around long enough, I would be given the secret password.

Hasn't happened yet, though smiley - sadface


That disturbing feeling

Post 15


i find it highly amusing when they try to bury the conversation over many threads, thinking we are uncapable of parralel thought.
i love pocket psycology

That disturbing feeling

Post 16


Kat, could this be a male/ female thing. Is this when you complement her? Prey tell me more

That disturbing feeling

Post 17


I wonder why that is Nog, I got my password last week and I've only just joined.smiley - winkeye

That disturbing feeling

Post 18

Kat - From H2G2

Its with anything!!!! She does it with everyone and anything...for example shes AMAZING at the piano...but she can hardly ever take a compliment...I understand that one a bit more as she always feels she can get better. But she often feels that compliments are trying to catch her out or are subtly insulting her or something.
And it cant be a male/female thing...Im female!smiley - biggrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 19


well girl, you should know that compliments dont have to be verbal, love and affection are the best kind of positive feedback a girl can get, dont you agree ?smiley - loveblush

That disturbing feeling

Post 20

Kat - From H2G2

*looks small* that doesnt really work either...spesh as currently shes on a self loathing thing and refusing to kiss me even...*sighs* the wonders of girlfriends....all girls are aliens I swear

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