A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 101

A Super Furry Animal

By the time the kid realises s/he's being manipulated, the guilt is well and truly set in place. As you grow up you either learn to accept it, or take solace in psychopathy.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 102

Kat - From H2G2

Im so confused...I thought we were supposed to be talking about paranoia...not parental instilled guilt

That disturbing feeling

Post 103

Moving On

Surely the two are interlinked?

That disturbing feeling

Post 104

Kat - From H2G2

not for me

That disturbing feeling

Post 105

Moving On

Fair enough. But GENERALLY speaking, do you think they may be interlinked?

That disturbing feeling

Post 106

Kat - From H2G2

well i fully agree that parental instilled guilt will highly likely result in paranoia...however it will not follow automatically that paranoia is the result of parental instilled guilt.

I can find no guilt, however am incrediably paranoid...

That disturbing feeling

Post 107

Moving On

H'mm. Interesting. I used to feel guilt, but I amn't paranoid

(and before you mention it... amn't is another Irish idiom I use!)

Actaully, thinking about it - I know what *I* mean by guilt and paranoia, but those are merely my definitions.

What are yours?

That disturbing feeling

Post 108

Kat - From H2G2

oh noooo!!! sorry can't go into that. Am currently trying to detail paranoia and guilt on a DLA form...overload overload!

That disturbing feeling

Post 109

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Guilt and paranoia are pretty useless.
Ok motivation in small doses if you need and want to changesmiley - ok
As a lifestyle. it must surely bite.

I used to have a hard time babbling while refusing to accept a compliment.
A therapists told me; Just say thank-you.
If you feel awkward it ends the moment faster and appropriately.
smiley - smiley Like any other smiley - gift it is kinder to be gracious rather than debate it's value. That view cured me quickly!

As far as people talking behind your back....
I doubt h2g2 is much different than any part of life.
There are those that gossip and those that don't.
Most do not have the time or interest in doing so.
No good can come of concentrating on the negative and surely people have more suitable ways of spending their time.
Small minds gossip and it is senseless to worry about them. They are probably not very interesting if that is where their attentions lie.
smiley - peacedove

That disturbing feeling

Post 110

The Groob

And then there's the guilt you feel when you're happy. smiley - erm

That disturbing feeling

Post 111

Kat - From H2G2

It's alllll guilt!!! WE're surrounded by it and half the time it's encouraged! Oh and what about blame culture? My family is almost famous for it!

That disturbing feeling

Post 112

Moving On

Er... Sphinks, why are you feeling guilty for experiencing a transitory emotion?

And as for the "blame" culture.... thats just sheer manipulation because the other party can't hack it/or cope with what someone else feels.

(been there, had it done, got the tee shirt, etc)

I came to the conclusion I could "feel" any emotion because thats my entitlement as a hooman being. It's what I *did* with the emotion that could possibily lead to consequences, which I would then have to deal with - which is fine by me, too.

As for blame... that was a bit tougher; in the end I figured that you can't please all of the people all of the time and just let them get on with it.

Oh yeah, before I forget, your DLA form Kat - have you got a local voluntary group called D.I.A.L. your way? They're excellent in helping you fill in those awful Disability forms, and as you've said; if you're feeling a bit fragile mentally, how in hell can you be expected to understand the thing?

That disturbing feeling

Post 113

The Groob

I'm alright. When I'm happy I enjoy it.

However, I've already decided that when I have kids I will not try to control them with guilt.

That disturbing feeling

Post 114

Moving On

Glad to hear it!

And I, too decided not to control my two by guilt... and they've turned out amazingly together individuals. Infact, I'd like em a lot even if they WEREN'T my sons!

That disturbing feeling

Post 115


well perhaps the paranoia boils down to childhood when your parents seemed to know what you were up to even when you were in a different room, in a separate part of the house? smiley - winkeye Or even somewhere else entirely!

As for guilt, nowt wrong with that, one of the worlds most successful religions is based on it!
smiley - run

That disturbing feeling

Post 116

A Super Furry Animal

Only one?!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 117


lets see, the calvinists died out, or all went to hell, however you choose to see it. The jews are happy i suppose,

The unitarians don't know what guilt is

That leaves...THE CHRISTIANS!!

No especially the christians i suppose as the catholics...

That disturbing feeling

Post 118

Kat - From H2G2

Ah but the Jews blame everyone else for what's happened to them over the years and so surf on a wave of guilt

That disturbing feeling

Post 119

A Super Furry Animal

>> The jews are happy i suppose, <<

You sure about that? I'd've said that they were up there with the best guilt-mongers!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 120

Moving On

You reckon?

Nah.. for me it has got to be the "Waily waily waily Oh-Lord_I-am-not-worthy" Christians that get my vote for pure guilt mongering

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