A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 141


Yeah some Hootooers have a knack for creating threads that seem to live forever. I wonder how they do it?

Unfortunately I have no control over the 'invisibility', some people can see me no problem, others are constantly going (in all seriousness) "where's Ged?," when i'm right in front of them.

If I knew how i made myself invisible I could make a fortune selling it to the military or dirty old men.

smiley - ghost

That disturbing feeling

Post 142

Kat - From H2G2

Or me...and I'm neither of those things. I just want to skip train fares and to feel safe that people aren't staring at me.

Maybe everyone's deliberately keeping your threads short...sorry just felt like putting some paranoia into your day

That disturbing feeling

Post 143


*Paranoia Strikes*smiley - yikes

Ahhhh, they're all around us man, they're all out to get us

*puts foil hat on head*

smiley - ufosmiley - monstersmiley - run

That disturbing feeling

Post 144

Kat - From H2G2

*develops asthma quickly*

what about this...my dad took the Head of Amazon Europe out for lunch on Friday...is it a plot to take over the world!?

That disturbing feeling

Post 145


Just the head! What about the body?

(sorry, i couldn't resist)

That disturbing feeling

Post 146

Kat - From H2G2

oooh I don't know!!! or maybe just the body so that nobody recognised him? Maybe I should ask smiley - smiley

But yeah! My dad's a nobody! So why is he with someone so rich and important!?

That disturbing feeling

Post 147


Hi Willow! You seem to also have 'that disburbing feeling' so I thought I'd just let you know that some of us can read invisible ink.
smiley - witchsmiley - zoom

That disturbing feeling

Post 148


Well Kat is your dad the head (or body) of his particular company?

Their meeting might be head to head.

*gets hit by rotten tomato* smiley - tomato

Though to be honest i'd prefer to meet the Amazon's body rather than her head. smiley - bigeyes

That disturbing feeling

Post 149

Kat - From H2G2

*sighs, head in hands*

My dad works for Royal Mail

That disturbing feeling

Post 150

Noggin the Nog

Which is enough to make anyone paranoid.


That disturbing feeling

Post 151

A Super Furry Animal

Hmmm...so Amazon must be one of Royal Snail's biggest customers, hence the meeting?

The Amazon body only had one smiley - tit remember? All the easier for shooting that bow'n'arrer.

Where's Ged? Anyone seen Ged? smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 152

Kat - From H2G2

You have no idea how paranoid you can get from that! Luckily it's not as if he actually touches mail too often...just occasionally

That disturbing feeling

Post 153

Kat - From H2G2

Amazon are launching a second class postal delivery and my dad's in charge of coordinating it and giving them what they want...that's why...but that takes the mysticalness away!

That disturbing feeling

Post 154


Wow, didn't know that about the Amazons Reddy Freddy, still ones better than none. smiley - bigeyes

Kat be careful when revealing Post Office secrets. You might be bundled into the back of a delivery van, rapped in plain brown paper, stamped and then posted to Timbuktu! smiley - yikes

That disturbing feeling

Post 155

A Super Furry Animal

You might get posted to Timbuktu. But will you actually be delivered?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 156

Kat - From H2G2

Well seeing as I would then be out of Royal Mail's care...who knows!

Yeah I could reveal all the awfulness going on in Royal Mail right now and what's been happening and stuff about Consignia....bbuuuttt...well who would be interested!? DeutschePost? hohum!

That disturbing feeling

Post 157


You could end up anywhere, Titicaka, Istanbul, Constantinolpe, Penge.
Truely anywhere

That disturbing feeling

Post 158

Kat - From H2G2

Where the hell's Penge?!

My new bit of paranoia: I have an audience hanging around the edges of my room and I just can't see them

That disturbing feeling

Post 159


Penge! I've never been there myself, but i've heard it's a very nice place.

(apologies to Robert Rankin)

That disturbing feeling

Post 160

Kat - From H2G2

Let us return to paranoia smiley - smiley

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