A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 41

Kat - From H2G2

Not like that...she actually gets angry!


Hey your hair looks really nice today Nick!

No it doesn't! You're mad! Don't be stupid, it looks awful, it always does.

No I think it looks nice. It's just my opinion, you dont have to share it but I thought Id comment

Well dont

That disturbing feeling

Post 42

Spaceechik, Typomancer

RF said, "If you click on "who's online" at any particular time, there appear to be a lot of people (currently 104 on a Sunday evening) and yet very few people posting."

So many of us are in different time zones, you see. When I'm onsite, it's during MY evenings, which is normally PST, about 9 hours out of sync with England (maybe as much as 11).

The convos I post to are probably not the hot ones going in your peak posting times, in the UK.

Mostly, I just don't post, because I don't want to get jumped on!!
smiley - evilgrin


That disturbing feeling

Post 43

Kat - From H2G2


sorry I couldnt resist.

Talking of threads about people...Ive got two friends who used to be my friends separately and were GREAT friends. Then they met each other and now they spend ALL their time together and are better friends than I was with them. Due to paranoia and bitterness I dont even bother talking to them anymore...

*hangs head*

That disturbing feeling

Post 44


I gave up trying to complement girls, no matter how hard i try they always turn it round into some kind of insult.

I remember when i first joined the site, i became so good at killing threads just by posting on them, that i considered hireing myself out as a thread assassin. smiley - pirate

That disturbing feeling

Post 45

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

To go back to the original paranoia issue I've never thought that there was this secret cabal.I do however have this thing about being invisible especialy like Ictoan when I manage to close a thread.Very worrying.smiley - erm

Incog.smiley - tea

That disturbing feeling

Post 46

Kat - From H2G2

I often manage to kill threads...i used to wonder if I smell odd or my typing is so appalling people get scared away. Now I just bumble around in a very small section of the site with few friends...which is a shame as Id like more!

That disturbing feeling

Post 47

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Kat said, "Not like that...she actually gets angry!"

Then I'd have to say, it's her and not what anyone else says.

It seems to show a high degree of irritation or possibly even defiance. Has she had some reason to stop trusting people, sometime in her life?

Best solution might be to just give her more space for a while; very hard to do, though, when you share a flat.


That disturbing feeling

Post 48

A Super Furry Animal

Yeah, time zones make a bit of a difference, but I don't think that there are threads of which I am *totally unaware*, unless someone posts at 3 am (BST) and no-one replies at all, but there's enough activity generally on other threads for it to drop off the front page!

On the compliment thing: women and hair. My ex would go and get her hair coloured. This wouldn't leave much change from £100. Afterwards, she'd come out complaining how it was all wrong, they'd done it the wrong colour, the highlights were too light, the lowlights too red, yada yada yada. So I'd spend ages reassuring her it looked fine, no really, it suits you, you look lovely...

Next time, she goes to the same hairdresser, and asks for the same stylist. You'll never guess what happened when she came out...smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 49


Kat just to compound your confussion, I am also just back from Cornwall !
Put the gf's dinner in the bin !smiley - ok

That disturbing feeling

Post 50

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Ged said, "I remember when i first joined the site, i became so good at killing threads just by posting on them, that i considered hireing myself out as a thread assassin. "

smiley - rofl

Unfortunately there's enough of us around that any thread is on it's own, when it comes time to die! smiley - biggrin


That disturbing feeling

Post 51

Kat - From H2G2

Isnt it strange how so many of us are thread killers and yet we're all having a thread thats going okay?smiley - biggrin

Girlfriends dinner will NOT go in the bin! I've worked hard to make it! It's curried mince with peas and smells yummy. If she doesn't appreciate it then tough to her!

Hair is strange stuff. Mine gets cut when I can put it up in a short pony tail. Otherwise it does what it likes as long as it gets washed every other day or so. Therefore I dont need compliments about it. By not worrying about things and just letting them go with the flow I get by with accepting compliments by remembering that they are the person's opinion and i dont have to share it but they felt it was worth enough to mention it.

That disturbing feeling

Post 52


In a sense there is a Hootoo inner circle, it is called 'The Cult of Nighthoover' and is led by Grand Maester 2Legs.
I don't know what goes on within the cult, but i do know it involves badgers.

That disturbing feeling

Post 53


Kat, if she doesn't appreciate it ( the dinner) I'd be worried. Have you already eaten ??? Couldn't you mange 2 portions smiley - tongueout I'm a veggie , other than the meat it sounds goodsmiley - laugh

I agree about the hair, not all women are obsessed by it. as long as I have it ( hair I mean) I don't care how it looks.

That disturbing feeling

Post 54

Kat - From H2G2

No I havent eaten yet. Its not even 8 o'clock yet so Im not hungry. Also when I get hyper I find I need to eat less. And I can survive on less sleep. This doesnt necessarily mean that I dont sleep lots...just that if I dont then its okay.
You know I got told once to remember how to spell necssary by remember "one sea but two ships" i.e. one c and two s. Why oh why can i remember that and couldnt just remember to spell it correctly?
Girls hair is important! It looks nice and is good to run your hands through and nice to look at and is sexy and and...Ive forgotten what i was talking about

That disturbing feeling

Post 55

Noggin the Nog

Why does every thread I'm on end up talking about hair?

When *I* haven't got any?

It's enough to make you


That disturbing feeling

Post 56


ah but if your a boy,in my considered opinion, no hair is gooddddddddddd smiley - tongueout

That disturbing feeling

Post 57

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Nog, look at it this way: It's already happened, one less thing to worry about. smiley - winkeye

And, of course, they'll catch up!


That disturbing feeling

Post 58

Kat - From H2G2

No hair is...well I dont feel the same way Mox does as that would be strange...but I do agree that no hair on guys does often look good.

Where in Cornwall did you go Mox?
*ponders whether she should just go and leave you a message instead of cluttering a VERY important thread* smiley - biggrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 59


No probs Kat, we are intellegent individuals who can multi task. I camped near Padstow, spent time out cycling and the on the beach in Newquay and Polzeath. I live in Devon so go down there frequently.Where were you?
I feel i need to back track slightly on the hair thing, I'm dont treat my own hair with complete disregard, I just dont mess about with it constantly. I cant bear women messing with hair and make up, once its done that it for the day where I'm concerned.
Nog, just how much hair do you mean when you say no hair ???

That disturbing feeling

Post 60


Nog has clearly legged it. Too much interest in his lack of hair smiley - run

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