A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 81


I'm pretty sure that my delusion is along the lines of *I'm different and everybody that can't accpet it should go eat a poisonous mushroom*, at least, that's what it is today. Actually, i'm nto quite sure if that is a dillusion...

what the hell, why not.

That disturbing feeling

Post 82

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

RF - did you mean there aren't any threads in Ask that you are unaware of, or none on the whole of the site? smiley - bigeyes

This is a pretty big place you know, and there are all sorts of nooks and crannies...

That disturbing feeling

Post 83

A Super Furry Animal

I meant on Ask.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

That disturbing feeling

Post 84

Kat - From H2G2

I just saw out of the corner of my eye a thread asking if liver moves towards milk. Whilst I failed to read the thread I am now very disturbed.

I have solved all my paranoia in real life but vanishing everyone except for about 7 friends. This way I dont need to think about them...out of sight out of mind. Of course it does now mean that I am shunning any friends and will grow up talking to cats but never mind

That disturbing feeling

Post 85

Moving On

Evening each..

Well Kat, at least cats can take all the praise and affection you'd care to give, so maybe talking to cats isn't such a bad idea!

Re your g/f's not liking compliments... my younger son went thru a stage of that - said anything nice I said to him made him feel awkward, so in the end I consciously stopped saying anything "nice"... and after a couple of months he came round and asked for positive feedback when he wanted it. Granted, he was 14 at the time, so I could put his attitude down to teenage/hormone angst!

As for paranoia, etc, on these threads... yeah. I used to wonder if I was saying the "right" things, and I'm also still a little wary of disagreeing with points of view - mainly because I'm not an articulate debater - I like to wave my arms about in R/L, and of course, thats something you cannent do "here".

As for cliques.. well, eventually, it seems, one finds a group of like minded folks and sort of doodle around with them.... but since the group I doodle around with all appear to have gone on holiday permanently, I guess its up to me to make an effort to join in with others. And like R/L, it can be a bit nerve racking sometimes.

Feel free to mutter behind my back... what I cannent see or hear, cannent really hurt me!

That disturbing feeling

Post 86

Kat - From H2G2

*mutter mutter*

erm what can I mutter about? Your odd spelling of can't??

I'm going to learn to speak cat, jump on a plane to Vienna and live there....maybe...no wait this is why Im at my friends....so i DONT do that.

That disturbing feeling

Post 87

Moving On

Tisn't an odd spelling of can't.. it's irish idiom! I cannent SAY can't anymore!

That disturbing feeling

Post 88

Moving On

P.S. Mowp!smiley - cat

That disturbing feeling

Post 89



I started a thread on online paranoia only to find it going through to someones gf not liking compliments nor the dinner that had been prepared through on to hair (which i skipped over, i hope ur not offended) and have ended up on moving to vienna and learning to speak cat talk.


oh wait, i forgot the bit about irish idioms

ok, now i can say "um...ok?"

apparently i have found a group of ppl that like to change subjects

cool, i suppose

can we possibly get back on track???

That disturbing feeling

Post 90

Spaceechik, Typomancer

OK, back to paranoia....and the topic

Someone a ways back (it's midnight, I'm not going backlog-diving!!) said that they had introduced two of their friends together, who then hit it off so well, that they are now better friends with each other, than will the poster.

I've been attempting for the longest time to introduce my ex-bf's wife to my very best, oldest friend and trying really hard to not feel paranoid.

I think I'm OK with it; they're both artists, and I think they would hit it off, get a lot out of each other's professional experience and have a lot in common. (Besides, the ex's wife is a lot like me, so I know she'd be compatible with my VBF!smiley - evilgrin)

I have also felt really paranoid about how I appear on this site, to others. I'm older than most on here, but I'm definitely "younger" than almost anyone in my age group. Kind of like being in temporal limbo. I get a lot from being on hootoo, so I'll just have to resign myself to feeling out of sync, and do my best to not give others here a reason to discuss me!


That disturbing feeling

Post 91

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Make that

"I'm older than most on here, but I'm definitely "younger" than almost anyone *I KNOW* in my age group. !!

No need to jump on me for hubris!! smiley - winkeye

That disturbing feeling

Post 92

Moving On

Sensible man. (Paranoid, possibily, but defeniately tidyminded. I like that) Sure... lets get back on track.

Is it just *you* that feels people are passing secret messages, etc?


Personally, I don't doubt there are a few memebers of this forum who may do that - being a lurker, I notice cryptic, and sometimes apparently inappropriate little asides, which may - or may not - be a dig about others' viewpoints. Occaisionally, you get full blown witch hunts - just consider Justin the Preacher, the religious (and I use THAT label advisedly) bloke, with his extreme and narrow minded views at the start of the year, or more recently, there's a lad/y called GiGa-something who is certainly exciting a lot of negative responses... but then, if you like, those with very extreme views, or those who cannent argue/debate coherantly just seem to ask for hassle - which they get in abundance, but that's upfront critisism, isn't it, rather than the whispering behind one's back.

But if you're asking do I think people find anything that *I* - or you or anyone else says so vitally important to them that would cause them to "pass notes" - and by that I assume you mean e-mails? -then, in honesty if they do, then I think they're just very sad feckers who need to get a life and expand their tiny minds so that others' opinions don't weigh so heavy on them!

This is a forum for sharing knowledge and having conversations, rather than a chat room set up, as I understand it. We're all entitled to think what we like and say - within reasen - what we like, too. And whether it's to the person concerned's face, or behind their back is surely not terribly important?

After all, if it's behind your back, as such, they're talking "about" you and not "to" you! And also, if they "ARE" talking about you, then that's the attention taken off another poor sap, so you could call it a public service if you like.

So to sum it up, then - yes, I expect a minority in this forum *do* whisper a bit - and I expect a few of that minority *do* pass notes.

Does it worry or upset me?


Can I go back to talking cat now? That's the beauty of this forum Zarniwhooplives, one conversation leads to another, and there's loads of change of subjects, which is the bit I like best! On the other hand, it's good occaisionally to - as you say, get back to the original subject.

Have a nice day

That disturbing feeling

Post 93

Moving On

Space Cadet

What's a hubris?

That disturbing feeling

Post 94

Spaceechik, Typomancer

hubris -- means haughty pride, I think, like the kind that goes before the fall?

That disturbing feeling

Post 95

Moving On


You mean like feeling good about yourself and then waiting to get kicked because of it?

Isn't that just normal, healthy human guilt?!

(Although what any of us has to feel guilty about, I've never quite figured out) smiley - smiley

That disturbing feeling

Post 96



Maybe we feel guilty about not having something to feel guilty about?

that's interesting

When you learn to speak cat let me no, there are quite a few cats i would like to tell to piss off in my neighborhood

That disturbing feeling

Post 97

The Groob

Apparently, some psychologists say we go through our lives with constant guilt because we are guilty about the amount of pain we caused our mothers when we were born.

That disturbing feeling

Post 98

Kat - From H2G2

It was me who introduced my two friends together. They now want to go out with each other....oh and one of them doesn't "need" to be my friend anymore as the other friend has filled my place!

That disturbing feeling

Post 99


"We feel guilty about the pain we caused our mothers at birth..."

So if more women took morphine when in labor, we wouldn't feel so guilty?

That disturbing feeling

Post 100

Moving On

Aha! THERE definately speaks a man!

Believe you me - if men were able to give birth, then there'd only EVER be one child per family!
We are supposed to feel guilty for the pain we caused our mothers, eh? What a lot of tosh! Which persykologist came up with that one, I wonder?

I reckon our parents simply found using guilt and shame an effective way of controlling us kids, myself. And so it perpetuates - until you get a kid smart enough to realise they're being manipulated!

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