A Conversation for Ask h2g2

That disturbing feeling

Post 161


Tonights Kat is filmed in front of a live audience.

The question is what rating is your life? PG, 18, XXX smiley - yikes

That disturbing feeling

Post 162

Kat - From H2G2

Currently? Probably about 15/18. Nothing exciting going on but possibly too emotionally harrowing for younger people.
My audience are all dressed in clothing from Grease...how the hell does that work? They're all just standing leaning against my bedroom walls!

That disturbing feeling

Post 163


Trying to think of a Greese joke, but nothing comes to mind.

I don't have a audience (they walked out) but I do still have a soundtrack. Currently playing 'I'm going slightly mad' by Queen for some reason.smiley - silly

That disturbing feeling

Post 164

Kat - From H2G2

I guess "And She Was" by talking heads can't really count.

It's not nice being watched by them! Wish they would go away and loaf around looking cool somewhere else! I can't even see them!

That disturbing feeling

Post 165


Just ignore them, they'll eventually get bored and go and be cool somewhere else. smiley - cool

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