A Conversation for Ask h2g2
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Wiro Posted Jul 22, 2004
yeah but my point is that we have someones whose name is death calling for the death of death inorder to give immortallity ....
i am a PC gamer as well, but i don't spend my entire life playing them so i never get that good compared to those who spend as much time as they can playing, though when i do spend a day or to at it i get better.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
anhaga Posted Jul 22, 2004
Seems gigabane has logged off. I guess he isn't always on the look out. It also would seem that he'll have trouble waiting out those people in his new dictatorship who don't want to leave.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
anhaga Posted Jul 23, 2004
I have just a Final Fantasy, ladles and jellyspoons:
After you find all 12 Zodiac coins and bring them to the Queen in Treno, she will say that it feels like there is something missing. Agree with her, and she will send you on a quest to find the "13th Zodiac coin." You can find this coin in Quan's Dwelling at the same location that you found the Scorpio Zodiac coin. Bring it back to her. She will thank you and give you a "hammer" to help synthesize special weapons and items.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for people to join him in the looney bin
Hoovooloo Posted Jul 23, 2004
"how can you argue against me when you are not even sure what u contest."
But Giggy, I am sure what I contest. The only uncertainty being shown here is coming from you, with your vague handwaving talk about "an alcohol-like substance". How can YOU argue against me? Here's what I bring to the argument:
1. A degree in chemical engineering and ten years experience.
2. Actual hard physical data, e.g. enthalpies of vapourisation figures, above.
3. Capital letters on correctly spelled words.
Here's what you bring:
1. Stupid ideas easily demolished by anyone with elementary knowledge of physics.
2. Er...
3. That's it.
Spot the difference.
"firstly, the money matter is purely to do with the amount of minds you can get concentrating on the task at hand."
Once again you force me to remind you that you are wrong. NO amount of money and NO amount of minds could change the charge on the electron, just to take a parameter at random. And to do the things you suggest, you'd have to change things that basic.
"i mentioned that alchohol happenes to evaporate quicker than water"
And you are gloriously unaffected by the information that *speed* of evaporation is irrelevant, it's the amount of heat shifted that matters. Do try to keep up.
"I also said an alcohol like substance."
Yes, you did. However, chemistry doesn't work like that, as you'd know if you knew anything about it at all. Do you even know what alcohol is? How many kinds there are? Their different properties? (This is a rhetorical question, as I obviously already know the answer - which is that you have no idea at all.)
"third and get this because it is the most important."
Ooh, I'm rapt.
"you are the one who understands that that particular formulae wouldnt work"
Well spotted. I'm also the one that understands that "formulae" is a plural, and that it's the wrong word in any case and what you actually mean is "compound".
" you are the one who would be able to find (if it exists) the substance that would do a better job than salt (not the water)."
OK, you appear not to have understood my previous post at all, or indeed actually read it. Once again for the hard of thinking: the issue is not the salt. The issue is that one of the primary functions of sweat is cooling, and that water does the best job. The salt is just a distraction you seem to be obsessing over - get over it.
"or are you saying right now in public that all the great minds of the world would look at this idea and fail to improve upon it...you are the conceited one."
Er... no. I'm the qualified professional one. I'm the one who actually makes his living, and is pretty well paid, designing heat transfer processes, among other things. So yes, I'm saying right now in public that if you're looking for a solvent that will fulfil the functions of sweat - cooling, salt excretion, pheromone secretion, non-toxicity, non-flammability, bio-compatability, etc. - then water is the only game in town. You WILL not find a better solution. If you persist in failing to understand this, you are wasting my time. The bill will be in the post.
"i dont assume i can make it exist. you assume that no one can make it exist."
Wrong again. I don't assume. I know, just as I know you can change the gravitational constant of the universe by wishing it away.
People like you are dung on the shoe of engineering. You waste time and bandwidth with crackpot, half-baked ideas a bright schoolchild can see through. Go to school.
"have i missed anything?"
Your entire education, it seems. Try again. Try harder.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for people to join him in the looney bin
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jul 23, 2004
>Do you even know what alcohol is? How many kinds there are?<
well, there's ,
Purveyor of cheap shots to the masses
GiGaBaNE is always looking for people to join him in the looney bin
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 23, 2004
Cheap shots? I'll have one of them, thanks!
>> change the gravitational constant of the universe by wishing it away.
Is that why I can't lose weight by clicking my heels together and hoping, then?
You mean I am actually going to have to do all that diet and exercise stuff?
GiGaBaNE is always looking for people to join him in the looney bin
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jul 23, 2004
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Xanatic Posted Jul 23, 2004
If somebody feel like worshipping me as their emperor and working towards a better world, I have a shed out in the back garden. I can´t offer immortality, but I´m sure when you sit and work in a shed it will feel like an eternity.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jul 23, 2004
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jul 23, 2004
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Jul 23, 2004
Do you get much use out of the conversational klingon Hoo?
Has he come back today, or is it all over?
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Jul 23, 2004
Sorry Kelli, but it looks like he's still with us...
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Hoovooloo Posted Jul 23, 2004
I get more use out of conversational Klingon than I thought I would. I've got at least one email correspondent with whom I've never interacted in any other language. I'm currently working on, among other things, a Klingon version of my favourite poem, to be titled <<'oStlhInganDIyaS>>, the very title of which is a pun on no less than four levels.
(When) do you think he'll be back?
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 23, 2004
What's the English version of your favourite poem, Hoo?
He's online, at the mo. We can live in hope.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
i am willing to concede the point, the technology isnt worth the hastle.
i am very unhappy with your closed minded ness though.
when i offer idea's they are meant to be examined purely on face value, you are not meant to analize the technical accurancy of the progect, because i dont even do that, nor must you look at it with only todays technical capabilities.
the point is i spam ideas, to mr scientict and he re designes it so that the solution occours even if the design does not.
how many time s do i have to say to you people that i didnt have a childhood education.
Now mr know it all.
im sure you know an awfull lot about your chemicals, but you dont even seem capable of truly understandin the power of non related science fields meddling.
as i tried to explain when you first shot down my idea, it simply moves down to a smaller scale.
yes you have made me very aware that when you eat salt, it essentialy splits in two bits?
i think my small brain gets that.
now what i want you to do is take a simple overview of natrium.
you cannot tell me that such a simple construct, with such a density could not be replaced with something man made. that is without even looking at the 3 co's.
i am not trying to put a time frame on things, i merely suggest that we could construct a vessel and deliver an advanced cooling system.
if you doubt this technology is rapidly upon us, then i suggest you brush up on you sub-atomics because string theory is here to stay, and with it a new level of understanding.
in the end though it is pretty irrelivent. the ultimate cure for all thes problems is to replace our dependency on thos bloody midiclorians or whatever they are called. they make us dependant on oxygen-which causes all the problems in the first place.
i suppose you would blow a brainstack if i were to tell you i thought of the isotop NA-24?
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th zodiac)
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Hoovooloo Posted Jul 23, 2004
Just try saying the Klingon title and see if it brings any poem titles to mind. I'd hoped you'd get it.
Those things after the h and the D are upper case i's, not l's. The thing after the t is an l. I hate sans serif fonts.
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what does GiGaBaNE mean?
- 141: Wiro (Jul 22, 2004)
- 142: anhaga (Jul 22, 2004)
- 143: anhaga (Jul 23, 2004)
- 144: Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still) (Jul 23, 2004)
- 145: Hoovooloo (Jul 23, 2004)
- 146: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jul 23, 2004)
- 147: Mrs Zen (Jul 23, 2004)
- 148: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jul 23, 2004)
- 149: Mrs Zen (Jul 23, 2004)
- 150: Xanatic (Jul 23, 2004)
- 151: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jul 23, 2004)
- 152: Gamesbond (Jul 23, 2004)
- 153: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jul 23, 2004)
- 154: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jul 23, 2004)
- 155: Dibs101 (Jul 23, 2004)
- 156: Ivan the Terribly Average (Jul 23, 2004)
- 157: Hoovooloo (Jul 23, 2004)
- 158: Mrs Zen (Jul 23, 2004)
- 159: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 160: Hoovooloo (Jul 23, 2004)
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