A Conversation for Ask h2g2
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Started conversation Jul 22, 2004
If you have read the contents of "need help naming a political system" and think you uderstand what i am trying to create and would like to be a part of it then give me a buzz.
I am specificaly looking for a person right now that has good business skill and very good web skills. must be able to fully run e commerce.
i am not a legal entity and there fore there is no job description as i cannot choose to enforce my beliefs on magorties.
however, i must stress i hate all religions and think they get in the way of humanity.
i have no problem with people who are gay in their heads, but i believe it is wrong to practice gay sex. i dont want to argue about this, if you dont like it then just ignore me.
i am seriously trying to become a king and have an appropriate plan that will take years, but if you can fill the above position, you will be provided with a house in france and all reasonable expences covered.
because of the flexibility required i prefer a single person as couples rarely agree on things. when i have gathered enough like minded people together then relationships can form that are also in the intrest of the empire.
we get one chance at life people... the ultimate prize is immortality, so lets try.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13 zodiac)
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Xanatic Posted Jul 22, 2004
You really are making me dizzy. I don't know wether to laugh or cry.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 22, 2004
ive been around for a while but fear keeps me in hiding.
there are a lot of sinister types around im sure mean harm to the human race.
but i am ready to destroy microsoft within the decade and with it will follow a technical revolution.
somthing to realy get you thinking.
what if someone decided to make a virtual optic equivelent of each of the electronic components then we would have a computer that has a selection of colors availible for data transfer instead of 1 and 0 you could have a language of a million colors each representing a small subroutine.
in short a computer a million times faster than current, with immunity to heat generation and EMP blasts.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th zodiac)
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Ged42 Posted Jul 22, 2004
I wouldn't bother Xan this guy's an amateur.
Gigabane you should follow 2legs' example, now there's a guy who's bonkers with style.
alternatively try posting on www.b3ta.com you'll get a much better response there.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 22, 2004
I will never deny that i have no great skills of my own.
what i will say is that i know how to make money, lots of it, i can effectivly win the business game with the model i have designed.
the reason why i think I can make it possible is only because i know who is needed to run each job in the system.
ive declared my motives somewhere in here and only people who are happy for them to be my cause, are ever gonna join. so from the start it causes simbiosis between managment and people.
GiGabaNE's ultimate ambitions.
live forever
take control of the human body and perfect our form(i have no opinion on asthetics this is about indestructability.)
Take a planet as my HQ to oversee the empire
protect my peoples and their technologies by whatever means ness
when DNA can be distinguished from human e.g human b,
then new laws will exist, no death exept for death. to any creature at all.
if anyone dosnt believe me then just ask and i will try to answer.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th zodiac)
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Ged42 Posted Jul 22, 2004
So in essence your're a megalomaniac who wants to live forever, right.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jul 22, 2004
My own view of computing is simple in essence and gathers up the availible resources provided by one of natures most enduring products that unties us all together, in the 'all together'.
By simple application of Rioja Reserva 1997 to the BIOS with a Vodka driven cooling system reducing the opperational instabilities of the Hopback Summer Lightening processor (equivilent to 42 serial 10 X 100 GB P4 processors running in parelle with a 27 GHZ Badger-tomato Toto Moto designed (TM) rum drive), The combined power equates through the Insaine ramblings anti-filtration unit that is double buffered with the coffeee machine making a stability factor of 10 X 7 to the mins 4, this gives a unique ramblings proclamation (Haris and Formby 1998) optimising the manual duplex input rectifyer to a staggering 25 units per week.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Ged42 Posted Jul 22, 2004
See Gigabane, Thats how to be bonkers, watch and learn from Grand Master 2legs.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 22, 2004
almost. i i an ultra paranoid who wants to live forever, but believes that there is always some bast*rd who wants to stop you just for the pleasure of the power.
i want to live forever and i understand the price for that is to bring along a people who also benefit and we can protect that right as a unified group.
i will help anyone else who is capable to set up their own empire if it is in the intrest of another niche market.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th zodiac)
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jul 22, 2004
You think I jest.... But I'm sure the current optimum opperational functioning of my PC is releated to the missing bottle of rioja I don't want to live forever,
Oh, time to go and water the curtains
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 22, 2004
the problem is 2leg is talking real crap, my ideas are based on physics and current hardware knowlege.
i would challenge a knowlege match with 2leg to find true capabilities but on the web all knowlege is easily availible.
im for real, 2legs that was a joke.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Whisky Posted Jul 22, 2004
<-- Roughly Translated as meaning I've nothing constructive to say, I'm just having difficulty believing this 'conversation' is for real
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Dibs101 Posted Jul 22, 2004
I don't have any direct experience in web design, or e-commerce, but like you I don't believe that lack of experience should be an impediment. I don't think that reading up on the matter is the key either, but I know that I can do it. I have amazing ideas that will revolutionise e-commerce, but obviously I don't want to discuss them here. Just tell me where the house in France is and I will meet you there, and we can discuss this further.
My big question is do we dget a uniform? I always think they are important, and a movement as big as yours will need some kind of identifying feature.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Whisky Posted Jul 22, 2004
Hey! I've already got a house in France, so what do you offer as a substitute in your employment package?
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Xanatic Posted Jul 22, 2004
Gigabane: Have you read the "How to be an evil overlord" manual? It might come in handy.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 22, 2004
there is a uniform for the commercial staff
one for security
and one for science
i will get back to you about france, i am in amsterdam at the mo, will be in france in 30 days or so.
dont want to be rude, but if you dont have a skill that can emediatly contribute, then your not emdiatly hireable.
nothing personal its a business structure afterall and there are no current funds for training or time really.
i am under staffed and busy, so i cant even train myself or i wouldnt need anyone.
i am suffering a workload bottleneck, that can only be fixed by a skilled person.
as to france. currently have 4 properties, but the are still being renovated for habitation.
untill i have a lot of staff so i can delagate everything and still have profits, things will be a little close, we work in a tight group.
for example there are two of us in the dam at the moment sharing a flat.
we got a couple of people in canada but thats far away on the to do list.
the point is until we are rich it will be a little comunal.
not all of my staff are good people to get on with but have some uses to forwarding the empire.
i even have a few bosses that are sort of converted to my cause.
just remember people, those that join are pretty invisible from the rest of the world.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th zodiac)
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Xanatic Posted Jul 22, 2004
Invisible from the world? So you are saying that those people you already have on your side to help you with your empire, other people can't see them? That explains a thing or two.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Whisky Posted Jul 22, 2004
Cool! I've always wanted to be invisible...
Does that mean I've got to wear a long raincoat and a fedora everytime I go out in public though?
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
Ged42 Posted Jul 22, 2004
I don't why someone would want to rule the world, its a dump.
As for living forever, you're going to get so bored.
Anyway Gigabane, power corrupts, it would corrupt me and it will definately corrupt YOU. Thats why i don't power.
Oh and 2legs you'll find that you drank the vodka as well as the Rioja, which is why your computer isn't working.
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jul 22, 2004
Key: Complain about this post
GiGaBaNE is always looking for loyal employees/subjects
- 1: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 2: Xanatic (Jul 22, 2004)
- 3: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 4: Ged42 (Jul 22, 2004)
- 5: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 6: Ged42 (Jul 22, 2004)
- 7: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jul 22, 2004)
- 8: Ged42 (Jul 22, 2004)
- 9: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 10: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jul 22, 2004)
- 11: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 12: Whisky (Jul 22, 2004)
- 13: Dibs101 (Jul 22, 2004)
- 14: Whisky (Jul 22, 2004)
- 15: Xanatic (Jul 22, 2004)
- 16: GiGaBaNE (Jul 22, 2004)
- 17: Xanatic (Jul 22, 2004)
- 18: Whisky (Jul 22, 2004)
- 19: Ged42 (Jul 22, 2004)
- 20: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jul 22, 2004)
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