A Conversation for Ask h2g2
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
im afraid you are talking noncense.
i was deeply in love with the first and her betrayal cut me to the core.
i will never again be happy with a mundane life.
as to the second, well she was on the seen before i split with the first.
she had always wanted to be with me and i thought she was alright.
but the problem was i never stopped loving the first, so my relationship with the second, never had a chance to bloom in it own light.
before anyone get any seedy ideas
i have always been honorable to my first love and nothing happened untill it was very very over.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
azahar Posted Jul 23, 2004
Well, try to get used to the concept, Gig, because you *will* have to die someday. No matter what hair-brained plans you come up with to live forever.
Usually when people die peacefully saying 'enough is enough' it's because they are very old and actually have had enough, or they have been suffering through a terrible illness (ditto), or they have a spriritual thing happening which makes the 'next step' seem somewhat appealing.
I have a question for you - what would be so sh*t hot about immortality? Have you thought this out? I await your reply.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Swodahs Neetriht Posted Jul 23, 2004
Yes, do you think you could cope with the Sunday afternoons?
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
my fear of death stems from the phrase.
i think therefore i am.
as long as i am alive i get to experince and to interact and improve.
the list goes on for ever, so life must.
your average joe blogs would probably end up with a life span of 500 yrs or so.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Wiro Posted Jul 23, 2004
though its compllety irrelevant, gigabane i suggest you go read the science of discworld.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
if you remained physicaly 25 for you whole life then i wonder if you really would be 'tired' of living.
in this reality
you dont age
you dont get ill
you dont worry about how much you earn
you dont have debts
your entire life you are assosiated with a life parent.(a citizen who works side by side with you and several others to maximize personal growth.
there is some sort of pyramid about the needs of a human i read once.
well i think it talkes volumes about the structure of society.
or at least the priorities of the governing body.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
older that 20 less than 30.
i cant say better than that.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
lets just say i had six months of key stage three edcation before i was forced from care.
i only had a year in the protection of care in the first place.
i have had a decade or less as a man and in that time, i have had to try to catch up on education, define my own meaning for life, quest for a partner to spend my life with.
and before i could even start to look at those sort of things i had to sitt in squalor desperatly trying to learn enough skills to power myself in this world, the only incom i ever had was the dole, no even as a smoker of tobbacco that leaves you with not a lot to fix your life.
i am now capable of running business to the point of making money.
granted it has to be hq'd as far from uk as possible but that is another story.(the business is hiding from the uk, i am hiding from something else entirely.)
so take a deep breath people because i am here in this world to stay.
now if you just give me a few years to catch up i promise life will never be dull.
ps i meant what i said about buying microsoft and releasing everything as open scource*
*= subgect to the prevention of any market crashes.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
Swodahs Neetriht Posted Jul 23, 2004
I'm hoping you have quite the clever plan for buying Microsoft, as that seems like it would be a bit hard to do.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
azahar Posted Jul 23, 2004
Was it Reddyfreddy here who suggested Gig might be Lemon Blossom on acid? Well, with apologies to LB, who I happen to like very much, I can see where that comes from to some extent.
But at least LB know how old she is. And although some of her ideas might be a bit wonky it would have to be a seriously *bad* acid trip to ever get her to where you are right now, Gig.
Another question for you, Gig. Are you happy? Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
only if your scaling it to another existing competitor in that market.
i mean if richard bransom, ibm, intel and hewlet packard could probably gang together and do it.
then what is to stop say 8000 indpendant sole trading companies all in different names decided to all buy a slice.
should those said companies all belong to one owner...
the most powerfull type of business is the sole trader, because you have so much power and very little to declare.
just think how many businesses could exist that dont actually exist on paper, who it able to keep up.
well i can personaly garunteee, the whole system is too slow, because all of my puppets, sorry business assosiated, have never been caught doing anything anywhere ever.
theres more that one way to skin a monopoly law. hehe
happy? what is happy?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
no i am not happy.
iwatch the news and it brings tears to my eyes.
i see back stabing and blatant cheating going on in the world.
i have had some personal losses of my own
we all have to die
beuty fades.
nothing ever created by anyone will ever last forever.
no. i am probably one of the most unhappy people on this planet.
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 23, 2004
could you give me specific reasons you think that AZ
what does GiGaBaNE mean?
azahar Posted Jul 23, 2004
You mean besides the fact that your world-view sounds like something most teenagers go through? I'm not being glib. It does honestly sound like that to me.
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what does GiGaBaNE mean?
- 201: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 202: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
- 203: Swodahs Neetriht (Jul 23, 2004)
- 204: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 205: Wiro (Jul 23, 2004)
- 206: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 207: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
- 208: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 209: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
- 210: Mrs Zen (Jul 23, 2004)
- 211: Mrs Zen (Jul 23, 2004)
- 212: Teasswill (Jul 23, 2004)
- 213: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 214: Swodahs Neetriht (Jul 23, 2004)
- 215: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
- 216: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 217: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 218: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
- 219: GiGaBaNE (Jul 23, 2004)
- 220: azahar (Jul 23, 2004)
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