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Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 521

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>(though Kea may have felt a little pressurised at one point). <<

Perhaps, but one reason we didn't end up having a spat about it was because I felt reasonably confident, on the basis of having seen your style of posting, that when I explained my perspective it would be understood and probably respected even if you disagreed with me.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 522

Mrs Zen

>> I felt reasonably confident, on the basis of having seen your style of posting, that when I explained my perspective it would be understood and probably respected

I rest my case.

>> I did that once, azahar, when I was being double-teamed by you and Jez.

Er. Did what? Can you provide a tad more context, Adeleide?


Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 523

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


No evangelising at all... as it happens, we were talking about reincarnation in Christianity, and pacifism.


No, I never saw you being like that at all! That's why I feel a little bit intimidated.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 524

Mrs Zen

I remember the conversation. It was about the reasons why people believe in reincarnation, and the variety of people who do.


Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 525


Adelaide was double teamed by Azahar and Jezsmiley - yikes

Thats an image i didn't need.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 526

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Oh, it's just a reference to azahar's assertion that I always claimed to be an oppressed Christian. Once, back in 2003, I got fed up, but I didn't phrase it the way she probably remembers it.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 527

Mrs Zen

smiley - ta

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 528


This is getting confusing,

I have a nice little structure fro my life on H2G2,

I found a nice little thread I contributed to on Tolkien which suddenly went quiet, some of us managed to breathe a little life into it but it faded out, (Now a small goup is trying to turn the posts into guide entries). Then I found a New Tolkien Thread(this one) and enthusiastically Joined in.

I contribute to another thread on the existance/non-existance of god/s which I enthusiastically post on.

However both threads are now talking abut God/s (And Della/Adelaide, {I wonder why she wants so many people to talk about her?})

To be honest I am befuddled and am not entirely certain which thread I am reading at any one time. smiley - headhurts

Short of begginning a new thread for Della/Adelaide Bashing, I would for one find it less confusing if the debates on god/s stayed on the god thread (Including christianity, which I am happy to discuss at length, {By the Way Adelaide do you know Andrew S: as you two seemed to act as a tag team on our discussion of the provenance of Pauls Letters ect, until you stopped responding and left him to discuss things with me alone[It seemed odd to start a conversation with you with passionate opinion on both sides and end it with someone else who's reasons for discussing the topic were not entirely clear]})

I liked the post on the corruption of races by Sauron, by the Way, a point I have been attempting to put across unsucsessfully for a while.smiley - cool

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 529

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

SD, hi. No, I *don't* want lots of people to talk about me! I honestly wish it would stop, and people would discuss the issues.
I don't know Andrew S., I defer to his greater knowledge about Scriptural texts, that's why I left that discussion to him.
There are already threads for Della/Adelaide bashing (which isn;t a distinction I like, not one little bit. In fact, it's ridiculous.


I quite agree! I find the Silmarillion interesting for that very reason, it's "backstory" if you like, and explains Sauron's own corruption, and just how far back the origin of "evil" in Middleearth goes.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 530

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I just cant think why all the threads that Della goes on end up turning into Della bashing ones.

Even when the people on them are not them same old gang that Della has rows with....

Err mayby it is becuase of what Della does and says, just a thought.

Mayby if she stopped lying about what happened in the past people stop feeling the need to correc those lies.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 531


there is nothing wrong with an MCSE, and if you get the answers of the net, your gonna be a bit stook, out in the field without a post 1 card and a loop back kit
though i have never realy used the loop bak as i have never need to.

college computer education is far to narrow.
the only creditor i value higher than microsoft in the commercial world is cisko.

as too the not being in competition.
that is true of course.
i am not in competition with anyone, my problem lies in the fact i do suffer from a lack of education, so it is very dificult to get my ideas accross with plausible plans.
this seems to keep people focused on my personal ideas and not on the purpose of my visit here.
my ideas are just brain teasers.
what hurts is that all these so called brains are sat here condemning me and my skills, when the best they can manage for the world without the motive of wage, is to pompusly judge the lower classes in a chat room.

so i need an education, so what.
every single human i have had the pleasure to get to know personally has come away-enriched somehow.
thinking, that maybe just maybe, theres a higher point to life than just going to work, having babies, and dealing with wars "over ther somewhere".

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 532

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

>so i need an education, so what.<

*sigh* I can't find the words, I really can't.

>every single human i have had the pleasure to get to know personally has come away-enriched somehow.
thinking, that maybe just maybe, theres a higher point to life than just going to work, having babies, and dealing with wars "over ther somewhere".<

And that, my friend is your difficulty. I don't think that anyone in the threads you've been in thinks that those three things constitute a purpose in life. You are preaching to the converted.

smiley - shark

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 533

Mrs Zen

>> I quite agree! I find the Silmarillion interesting for that very reason, it's "backstory" if you like, and explains Sauron's own corruption, and just how far back the origin of "evil" in Middleearth goes.

An opinion, with a reason to back it up. You *can* do it Adeleide!

smiley - ok

>> best they can manage for the world without the motive of wage, is to pompusly judge the lower classes in a chat room.

Presupposition. You don't know what anyone does for the world without the motive of a wage.

>> every single human i have had the pleasure to get to know personally has come away-enriched somehow.

I for one will beleive that.


Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 534


Actually, Gigabane, they've been mostly passing judgement on your ideas, which is what you have presented here. You seem to be saying that you want it both ways: you want throw your ideas into the ring to be "brain-teasers" but you don't want the ideas to be examined by the teased brains. Believe me, there are much more challenging ideas floating around (particularly in books, which you say you don't read because they might corrupt you) than the ones you have presented here. Your agenda for the future and the inventions associated with it read like a rather badly written pulp eugenics science fiction story from the 1930's.

Now, I must leave soon to construct an internal combustion engine using stone knives and bear skins.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 535

Trin Tragula

smiley - laugh

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 536


Ooh, obscure Trek quotes. I like! smiley - cheers


Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 537


smiley - smiley

It was actually an obscure paraphrase rather than an obscure quote. I believe Spock was building a subspace beacon or some such. I, on the other hand, am building an internal combustion engine (a much more complicated item, as I'm sure gIgAbANe could tell you).

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 538


Here we go:

"I'm endeavouring, Ma'am, to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using stone-knives and bear-skins."

smiley - smiley

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 539


i can acept my science ideas being blown up im fine with that.
as long as the distinction is recognised between what i am personaly capable of inventing.
and the other mater, which is about society.
i think we can saftly say that no political system that has ever existed has achieved the ultimate goal of general harmony on earth.
however, i belive all the ingredients are already availible for it, it just needs to be rearranged.
if all business were united, the profit margin could fix most of the problems of the world.
i know profit isnot enough, which is why it needs to be merged with a body responsible for the administration of a nations every need.
with all laws working on a local level(it does have several upward layers) there is no real power to anyone in the system unless they cheat.
cheating is a flaw in every system, we can but use security.

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 540


I find the Silmarillion interesting for that very reason, it's "backstory" if you like, and explains Sauron's own corruption, and just how far back the origin of "evil" in Middleearth goes

Ah back to the title of the thread,

I wonder when these admittedly entertaining diversions occur, how exactly they originally related to the ideas under discussion. I speculate that they arrise due to the corruption of an original intent, the corruption in this case seemed to arrise out of challenges of the authorativeness of one individual and the authenticity of evidence and opinion of that individual. Most people prepared to post on the thread seemed drawn into this. (I wonder if those who read but didn't post were, a) uninterested, b) intimidated c) waiting for an opportunity to get back to the topic, but through not postinc complicit in the corruption of the theme.)

I dont want to imply that this is necissarily a bad thing as this is a disussion on a web page and is allowed it's deviations, although my confusion was genuine. However it serves as an example of how a group can deviate from a 'norm.'

The question I want to raise as a result of the above reasoning is: Does Tolkien Show a corruption of a whole group,

1) because he can't think of anything better to do?

2) because he is consciously or unconsciously drawing a paralell with Nazi Germany?

3) because he wants to show entire groups can be bad?

4) for simplicity's sake?

5) because he is unconsciously following a racist ideaology?

6) For all of the above reasons?

7) For some of the above reasons?

8) For some reason I haven't thought of yet?

Interestingly Would it be possible for contributors to this thread to develop a consensus on an answer as easily as we were able to contribute to topic drift.

smiley - winkeye

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