A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 481


Oh heck, so I've been wasting my time over here then??? smiley - winkeye



Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 482

Mrs Zen


If we just edge the picnic table a little way over this way, we can watch both threads from here.

Anyone want anything to throw?

smiley - tomatosmiley - tennisballsmiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - tennisballsmiley - tomatosmiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - flansmiley - tennisball

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 483


"no big deal" was meant in sort of an historical or cosmic sense. It's always best to take the long view. This is just an ongoing annoyance.

But there's a package for me at the post officesmiley - biggrin I think it might be that first edition of The Treason of Isengard from Abebooks. smiley - run

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 484


If you wouldn't mind pushing me up there you can use the blades on my wheels to slice those tomatoes.

smiley - magic

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 485

Mrs Zen

*push* *shove* *push*

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 486

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Thanks kea , but the real life thing called beer dragged me away smiley - winkeye Make that wine an smiley - ale Ben, there's a good lass?

On a slightly more serious note, in t'other thread, our new dipstick claimed English as its first language (I'm sure that's not spelt rightly). Given the presentation, do we think its a) very young, but has picked up the gist of some long words, or b) adult but went to an inter-city comp?

smiley - ale

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 487

Mrs Zen

smiley - ale it is, dear.

My guess is very young, there is a certain puppyish charm to him. Mind you, he *is* subscribed to this thread, so we shouldn't talk too loudly behind his back.

Want something to eat to go with that?


Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 488

badger party tony party green party

adult but went to an inter-city comp?smiley - book

smiley - grrsmiley - zen

one love smiley - sleepy

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 489

Mrs Zen

Wassup, blicky?

(Want some smiley - choc or some smiley - cake?)


Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 490


>> adult but went to an inter-city comp? <<

yeah blicky, those are the places where they train people to be content with their station in life.

(Quick Ben, push faster!)

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 491

Mrs Zen

smiley - runsmiley - tennisball

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 492

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

No ta dear, makes the ale taste funny.

It is possible to be adult and go to an inter-city comp. Hard work, but possible.

Why, is she going to birth another thread?

smiley - ale

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 493

badger party tony party green party

Wha'ppen sister.

Time for this little badger to climb the wooden hill.

Just got a job in an inner city comp and happen to have been educated in one (well when I was there or bakers cut bakcs werent closing the schools through strikes or just plain closing the school). Anyway I'm going to leave Kerr alone tonight.

one love smiley - rainbow

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 494

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Ah. No offence meant auld Blicky, just an off-the-cuff remark.

I'm sure there's some admirable inter-city comps. Not to mention admirable comps in general. I was just relying on sterotypes for a cheap joke, sorry an' all that.

smiley - ale

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 495


i am an adult who had very little education as a child.
mostly self taught, but have some skills in MCP MCSE, managment and care in the community.

i do have a puppy ish quality, but normally only women and queers think that.

i still have the ruling vote though. i earn more money.
i can hire more staff. i can in essence pay for my will to be conducted exactly as i wish.

also i have spent most of my adult life with the love of a wonderfull woman.

i may be a moron, but i have a rich and fruitfull life.

if i do die, then i bet my epitaph will be better than thao.

and just to put the boot in, i am in the world top 15% of contributers to the seti at home program, which i feel is important to humanity.

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 496

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

"i am in the world top 15% of contributers to the seti at home
program, which i feel is important to humanity."

Which means, in my experience, that you have an unloved computer that doesn't get enough use.

smiley - ale

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 497

badger party tony party green party

I think your puppyish GiGGY and Im not a woman or on the other bus...,but hey life is about new experiences so who knows for the future.

one love smiley - rainbow

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 498

badger party tony party green party

Kerrsmiley - peacesign

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 499

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Indeed Blicky. I would type that sign, but I think my entire family would ex-communicate me smiley - winkeye So I'll go for-

"Peace, and long life"

smiley - ale

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 500

Great Omnipotent Tigger

Dear anhaga,
I'm not disturbed by racialist ideas in LOTR. The good guys occupy the northwestern corner of the world, surrounded by sea. Mordor controls the ways further south from Minas Tirith and east from Mirkwood. Sauron is a a twisted Maia, a fallen angel, who will do anything to get revenge on those he hates. If the Southrons and the Easterlings work for Sauron, it seems to me only because he has seduced them, controls the information they get about his enemies, and considering what would happen if to their countries if they p*ssed him off, they might think it smart not to irritate him. They are effectively slaves.

I feel we shouldn't worry about the uses people may have for Tolkien's work, to support their own mental sickness of race hatred. They had no problem managing to support it a hundred years before LOTR, and no doubt will contine doing it forever. smiley - sadface

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