The Ash Grove
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The ash grove, how graceful, how plainly tis speaking,
The harp wind through it playing has language for me.
Whenever the light through its branches is breaking
A host of kind faces is gazing on me.
The friends of my childhood again are before me,
Each step wakes a memory as freely I roam.
With soft whispers laden its leaves rustle o'er me,
The ash grove, the ash grove alone is my home.
So welcome to The Ash Grove, !
This grove has its own upstart god, the Great Omnipotent Tigger, the god of whimsy and the incredible lightness of being.
Here follow His commandments, a work in progress, which we shall name
"The Umpty-logue".
1 I am Tigger. The most wonderful thing about me[Bokonon]...asked McCabe to outlaw him and his religion, too,
is that I am the only one. Therefore, thou shalt have no other
Tiggers before me, because that would be ridiculous.
2 Remember to keep silly the umpteenth day, and fill it with fun,
for it is bouncy, trouncy and flouncy.
3 (I will return with more commandments after tea. I shall be traveling incognito.
4 If you need to find me, seek me under the name of Sanders.)
5 The unexamined life is well worth living.
That's why there are so many happy ignoramuses and so many
miserable philosophers in the world. Make a note of this.
6 Do not live in a fool's paradise, and don't live in a fool's hell, neither, for each extreme is fraught with danger.
7You just can't argue with a word like “fraught”.
in order to give the religious life of the people more zest, more tang.
-- the Book of Vonnegut, "Cat's Cradle"
With this in mind, the Great Omnipotent Tigger will not seek membership in the Pantheon of gods, and for the sake of His followers, hopes one day to become the outlaw god of an outlaw religion, because the Great Omnipotent Tigger is all about zest and tang!
Being USAmerican of Irish heritage, once upon a time I was interested
to learn the Irish rendering of my given name.
"Vincent" (Latin for "conquering") became "Uinseann" (\in-shan\ Irish for "Ash-tree")
ash, Irish uinseann, Middle Irish fuindseog, ash-tree, Old Irish ind-huinnius, Welsh on, onen, earlier onn, onnen, Breton ounnenn. Cornish onnen: *osnâ, *osnestu-; Latin ornus (*osinos); Lithuanian u@osis, ahs, Russ. jaseni@u.
Cf. English ash.
"He's more machine now than man, at least by weight..."
-- Things Obi-Wan Never Said About Me
However, he could have. To get around in my daily life, I use a power wheelchair. The link I've provided is to a picture of the chair I use, the Permobil Chairman 2K. I estimate that I weigh 200 lbs. and it weighs 300 lbs. So, to speak truthfully, by weight I am more machine than man.
I believe that in many ways, our liberties, and by that I mean all our liberties, both for disabled and for the rest of us, depend on modern technology as well as on modern humanistic beliefs. Eliminate one or the other, and a sheltered life at home for the disabled or tyranny for the mass of men might again seem like a good idea.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility to any form of tyranny over the mind of man."
- Jefferson
Version: 1.1
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-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----
And remember, : (-2 – 24) + 63 + 5 = 42!
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Observations on Cardiac Catheterization | Aug 12, 2004 |
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger | Jun 4, 2004 |
Wecome to h2g2 Tarbh Rua! | Apr 23, 2003 |
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For future reference... | No Posting | Feb 4, 2015 |
<weird> | No Posting | Jun 2, 2013 |
"You can't always get what you want..." | No Posting | May 21, 2012 |
Snip snip | No Posting | Dec 5, 2011 |
Witty Moniker NaJoPoMo 2011-11-08 | No Posting | Nov 9, 2011 |
Great Omnipotent Tigger
Researcher U224635
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