This is the Message Centre for Great Omnipotent Tigger
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
Lizzbett Started conversation May 27, 2004
I spotted you on the Greensleeves thread (and liked your post), so, being a nosey old bat, I thought I would take a look at your personal space and leave you a message.
Great Omnipotent Tigger is a top name, by the way.
Are you quite new to h2g2?
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
Great Omnipotent Tigger Posted Jun 2, 2004
(has it been 6 days already!)
I've been a member since maybe February 2003, but stop in irregularly. Glad you liked my name! I started out here as Tarbh Rua (Irish for "Red Bull" -- a reference to "The Last Unicorn" and not to the energy drink. Why in Irish? Because I knew those words!) I was responding to "Miss Ann Thropick" posting in "Do Christians Own the Internet". She derided the notion that one could worship God even if he had no objective existence by suggesting we could then all worship the "Great Omnipotent Tigger" if we wished! I immediately changed my moniker and replied with Tigger's commandments.
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
Lizzbett Posted Jun 3, 2004
Very fine commandments they are too!
I came to h2g2 via the Book of the Future website (now closed) and Get Writing. I do still go on Get Writing a bit, but as I have rather lost interest in writing as a hobby, hootoo tends to be where I hang out when I am in fact supposed to be working.
Things are fairly quiet in my office this week and my boss is out today, so I intend to spend a fair bit of time on here. I haven't managed to write an entry for the guide yet (although I have started two) because I spend far too much time hanging around the conversation threads.
So, what do you do when you're not being omnipotent?
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
Great Omnipotent Tigger Posted Jun 3, 2004
There's nothing wrong with me that being omnnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient wouldn't cure.
It's just around noon here in New Jersey, so does that mean it's 4 pm over at Suffolk College? Lizzbett, I have the same problem of hanging around conversation forums rather than doing something substantive, like work. It's as if, as long as the world is less than perfect, I'm looking for an argument, or at least a contradiction.
I work for ADP Retirement Services as a computer programmer/analyst. ADP's first business is as a payroll outsourcer, and for all I know, *your* paycheck is printed by ADP.
I sing with a small (16 mixed voices) semi-professional choral group called "The Starlite Chorale", which is the best-un-paid second job I ever had.
I live in central New Jersey with my wife and two girls, and spend way too much time commuting to work.
How do you get to work? I just heard that gasoline in your neck of the woods is going for three times what we pay here -- the equivalent of US$6/gallon. Ouch!
Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
Lizzbett Posted Jun 4, 2004
Morning Tigger!
I'm not entirely sure what the time difference is between New Jersey and Suffolk but I think it might be a bit more than four hours, indeed, it might be as much as six. I was still logged in at 4pm BST but I didn't see your post until this morning. I'm writing this at roughly 10 am, so I guess you're still in bed! (I wish I was).
I walk to work because my office is only 15 minutes walk from my front door. I don't even own a car. I sold my last car in 1993 when I got divorced because I couldn't afford to run a car and pay rent. Now that I have a mortgage, I doubt that I will ever be able to afford a car again! My boyfriend runs a small car and as he earns twice as much as me, I let him worry about the cost. Fuel here costs around 80 pence per litre, which does indeed equate to at least $6 a gallon. I live within walking distance of the town centre, my job and even the local hospital and we have a good bus service in Ipswich. I do, however, borrow Chris's car to do the groceries every week.
Your singing hobby sounds great. I should probably find myself something like that to do in my spare time. My boyfriend works shifts and also plays a lot of golf, so I do spend rather too much time on my own. I like being on my own, but it is not necessarily good for me.
Anyway, I think that is enough waffle for one posting. I hope you have a nice weekend and maybe we can 'chat' next week.
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Hello, Great Omnipotent Tigger
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