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Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 561

Trin Tragula

smiley - huh

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 562

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Just bookmarking Trin smiley - smiley

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 563

Trin Tragula

Ah - OK! smiley - smiley (I thought it was code! smiley - biggrin)

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 564

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Like a beacon of light in the darkness?

Or a warning to passing vessels about the impending dangerous rocks?

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 565


smiley - oksmiley - roflsmiley - lighthousesmiley - injuredsmiley - kisssmiley - elfsmiley - ticklesmiley - huhsmiley - injuredsmiley - smiley?

Does anybody else find the racialist ideas of the Lord of the Rings disturbing?

Post 566

Trin Tragula

*Embarrassed* Er, yes, something like beacon of light ... *mumble*

Tolkien, Monolithic Evil and AntiOpressive Practice

Post 567

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> the almost-ex spouse with those assault convictions, mental health problems, substance abuse problems, etc.

What have you created indeed, sir.
smiley - winkeye

( Hey, I'm 146 posts back because I had technical glitches for 48 hours - hope I didn't miss anything important smiley - laugh Seriously, if anyone had a question or comment aimed at me please repeat it or post a link on my homepage to your posting here because four of these Gigglebahn threads have gone wild and I'll never catch them all up. I see a lynch mob forming anyway. Ho hum.
Also understand that any responses I might give from 140 posts back will be somewhat out of context and gods knows possibly innappropriate to something that may have transpired since.
So having entered the thread on a fraudulent Post 21 I think I'll lurk behind an accidental 'unsubscribe' - oops oh dear, I hit the Unsubscribe buttom - you're all floating away into deepest darkest cyberspace.)

The next level......

Post 568

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ...between the fall of the Roman Empire and the arrival of Christianity. <<

The fact that Christianity had become the official state religion of Rome was one of the reasons it fell.

So I believe Christianity arrived in Britain well before the final fall. Many Romans had become Christians, presumably some of them were stationed in Britain. How successful they were in converting the locals is a good question lost in the times that followed.

But the first Christians monks and Saints who came to the British Isles, dared to brave the savage north only because the Romans were still ostensibly ruling the area and travel was relatively safe.

But yes, there is an age - wrongfully and prejudicially called the Dark Ages by later Christian scholars - between the withdrawal of Roman military power and the full-fledged invasion of Roman religious power after 1066.

In those three or four centuries called the Dark Ages, the locals tried to reclaim their culture as well as their land. There were constant power struggles and Viking invaders, that sort of thing. It is from these days perhaps that the legends of Arthur and Robin Hood were born.

Both legends were obviously later modified to fit subsequent events and causes. But Arthur and Robin were probably both just heathen opportunists, warrior kings who led gangs of cuthroats that could safely pillage former Roman camps and towns during the three hundred year power vacuum created by the Fall of the central Italian military authority. Their kind was seldom succesful again after the missionary and clerical invasions that camp-followed the Normans across the channel.

One man's Dark Ages is another man's good old days.

smiley - peacedove

The next level......

Post 569



smiley - laugh


<> (kea)

Are they not hatched or was that just in the film? I know that in the book they talk about cross-breeding the orcs and that they were originally corrupted elves, but there don't seem to be any female orcs so, like you, I also have always thought of them as a sort of artificial creation.



The next level......

Post 570


they are meant to be the decendants of warped and twisted elves.
they do now grow in the wild, i dont know if you can actually tell the difference between men and women orcs.

they did seem batch grown in the film.
but they do say the uruk hai is a cross breeed.
do goblins lay eggs?
i suspect it was probably a magic incubator or something.

The next level......

Post 571


Aren't the Uruk-hai orcs crossed with 'wicked men', which is why they can be out during the day?

It still comes across like they are somehow 'hatched'. I mean, can you imagine a pregnant orc? smiley - erm


The next level......

Post 572


i thought they cross bread orcs and goblins.
crossing a troll with a goblin may be a little painfull for the goblin.hehe
i thought they just allied with wicked men.

been a long time since i read the book

The next level......

Post 573


either way its only fiction, could you picture an orc doing anythin but fighting.

picture the little female orc, with a little pinny who tides up the cave and wits for mr orc to come home, where the mate like orcs and then do what?
give birth/lay eggs.
either way seems unnatural for an orc.
id have prefferd a myth like the orc were once a proud and powerful nation who stole regeneration (i know its a troll thing) from the gods, and were cursed to walk middle earth as ugly bags of mostly hate.
where as we humans are ugly bags of mostly water.

The next level......

Post 574



smiley - erm

Anyhow, I found this, 'What was the origin of orcs':


There seem to be a lot of conflicting ideas about this. And what about orc children? I think the scene in the film showing a full-grown orc 'hatching' fits with my idea.


*And* salt! smiley - winkeye


The next level......

Post 575


heavy going article.
i reckon tolkin already had it planned out but died before revealing.

have you ever seen the film where big worm things hastle an american town, bit of a comedy really. there where several of them(movies i mean)

the point is in the 2nd or 3rd, one of the mutated creatures vometed a new life form.
they might do it that way.
however, the fact that there where a few of them all together bieng birthed in some great big slime, i propose the have children rather like frogs.
except without the tadpole stage.

if fits with the idea of great orcish orgies as well.

The next level......

Post 576

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

>have you ever seen the film where big worm things hastle an american town, bit of a comedy really. there where several of them(movies i mean)<

'Tremors' (featuring the criminally under-rated Kevin Bacon), and yes, it is *meant* to be a comedy.

smiley - shark

The next level......

Post 577


that is the one...
do you mean over rated???
i thought he was rather poor in that film about opening the doors of the mind and a dead raped girl.

speaking of mind doors,
does anyone know if hypnotism can improve memory in a big way?
i think it maight be the early stages of human re proggraming?
i would so love to have a working memory.

The next level......

Post 578

badger party tony party green party

Have you noticed that this thread one about a single aspect of a single writer's ouvre is moving faster than a thread about god the universe and everythingsmiley - erm

Wonder what the response would be if we started a thread "so is the Koran racist/"

smiley - devil

The next level......

Post 579

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

No, I do mean under-rated. 'Stir of Echoes' (I think that is the film you refer to) may not be the best example of his work (though as a movie I quite like it), but he is never less than professional, and occasionally (for example 'The Big Picture', 'Apollo 13', 'The Hollow Man' and many others) he is superb.

smiley - shark

The next level......

Post 580

Mrs Zen

>> speaking of mind doors,
does anyone know if hypnotism can improve memory in a big way?
i think it maight be the early stages of human re proggraming?

Yes it can and yes it is.

It is also not especially difficult to find out about or to learn how to do.


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