A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 581

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

>Wonder what the response would be if we started a thread "so is the Koran racist/"<

It'sd be very short. Because the answer is 'No'.

*Anyone* can become a practicing Moslem providing they take the trouble to learn Arabic.

smiley - shark

The next level......

Post 582

Mrs Zen

In fact the New Testament is arguably Zionist.


The next level......

Post 583

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

That is certainly true...

And the jury is still out on Rastifarianism.

smiley - shark

The next level......

Post 584



I thought Kevin Bacon was excellent in Mystic River, though somehow Sean Penn doing his 'baby Bobby' impersonation and Tim Robbins painfully over-acting seemed to grab most of the public's attention.



Are you sure there are 'wild' orcs? I thought they all belonged to and served either Sauron or Saruman.


The next level......

Post 585



But isn't it also true, Ben, that some people are simply not 'hypnotise-able'?


The next level......

Post 586


i know a little arabic. enough to be polite anyway.
i have the same problem equaly with all religeons and cultures.
i dont understand what these things mean.
i see people having different tastes, but isnt that a different thing.
i think any system built on the belief that something other than humans are the sole judges for humans, will inevitably lead us to our doom.
we our totaly in control and responsible for our actions.
not some god
and certainly not some bloody comands or threats of a heavan or a hell.
enough humans without any form of academic eduacation of any form and i even mean speech and language. would still be able to distinguish what is "good" and what is "evil"
even animals know when they are doing something they are not meant to.
we should judge ourselvs and if we do it right the no god would ever be able to complain about our choice of life. if they really are intrested in the "good"
as to devils, bloody wanna be peons that need to cheat to get power.
human kind will be able to defeat you one day without the need of gods.


Post 587


i have tried before, but i think my natural level of paranoia will not allow me to go under.
i have even woken up before under a general anasthetic as they where instaling a bolt into my body. lets just say... ow!!!

could a hypnotist sucessfully perform under the watchfull eye of a gunner?

The next level......

Post 588

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website


>Wonder what the response would be if we started a thread "so is the Koran racist/"<

It'sd be very short. Because the answer is 'No'.


I bet that's what they said about the Lord of the Rings too smiley - winkeye

The next level......

Post 589

Mrs Zen

The problem with saying whether or not a person can be hypnotised is defining hypnosis. Define it one way, and the answer is "yes, and most of us are hypnotised by random events most of the time", define it another way, and the answer is "no, hardly anybody at all is ever hypnotised".

The short answer to the question is that a good hypnotist can hypnotise just about anyone, and - hey - so what? It is just another mental state, after all.


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Post 590


thats exactly righ.
it is the ultimate in open mind, but obviously this is dangerous in a scouciety with motives. hehe that could be funny.
could you imagine if everyone was equaly succeptible to suggestion from everyone else?

and could the hypnotinst perform properly with a gun pointed at his head?

The next level......

Post 591

Mrs Zen

>> could you imagine if everyone was equaly succeptible to suggestion from everyone else?

Well, some hypnotists say that this is exactly the world we live in. We are all influenced subliminally by random events all the time.

It's a shame you are in the Netherlands, there are some exceptionally good tv programmes in the UK on Channel 4 by a guy called Derren Brown which explore that sort of thing.


The next level......

Post 592


see wouldnt matter in my society as everything (digitisible) made by the hand of man, would be copied to the nexus (if data) or the historical museum of facts (if physical).

right now though, ill just have to wait till i can afford to start buying those lovely tv archives(copies anyway)


Post 593






Post 594


maybe if i had a mute body guard pointing a gun at the hypnotist with orders to shoot if he tries to suggest something that is not of my requirements.

if these criteria where adered to, then maybe , just maybe i will be able to relax enough to go under...

GiGaBaNE (of the 13th Zodiac) AKA: Paranoid Android


Post 595

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I have noticed that you seem to mention firearms quite a bit GigaBaNE smiley - erm


Post 596


i am stockpiling.
dont get me wrong. it has nothing to do with an agenda towards governments or citizens.
lets just say there are some people in this world that need to be removed because their human right issues are just too great.
and untill the time we cure death, then everyone is already dead, my society rules do not apply to me yet or anyone else for that matter.
i have a few loose ends to tie up before i am no longer allowed.


Post 597


as to why im into weapons in the first place. well people want me dead.
apart from the obvious reasons, i did a little vigilantie work when i was less in control of my emotions.

oh i am not above torturing a man i have just seen try and rape a woman.


Post 598

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>lets just say there are some people in this world that need to be removed because their human right issues are just too great.
and untill the time we cure death,...<<


Post 599

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>oh i am not above torturing a man i have just seen try and rape a woman.<<

Why would you do that?


Post 600


because it is one of those really bad things that humans are capable of that is almost as bad as murder.
that poor victim has a warped sence of reality from that moment on.
everything is different.

that and the look of terror/fear/confusion/ pleading to gods to help...
any man that can put a woman through that needs to be truck off the human rights bill.
as they have lost their civilised humanity.

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