A Conversation for Ask h2g2

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 541

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, you ask for an explanation and call the answers 'dross'? Now that's interesting. smiley - bigeyes

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 542


Alright, alright, you two settle down or I shall start knocking knees together.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 543

aka Bel - A87832164

Do you have bony knees the, benjamin? Do you think the sound of your knees knocking together will be scary? smiley - winkeye

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 544

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Well, the following 2 or so posts pretty much did answer the query. The next 25 to 30, ... well ...

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 545


smiley - grr

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 546

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Ahem, all this talk about topic drift is drifting from the topic at hand. Only Fools and Horses wasn't it?

smiley - winkeye

smiley - run

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 547

aka Bel - A87832164

Don't smiley - grr, benjaimin, you know I unsubscribed from a conversation between you and me after the good reverend too it upon him to to intrude there, giving the info page as an invitation, and give his unasked-for opinion fo our conversation. I unsubbed just to make sure I wouldn't say something I'd regtret later. I'm just biting my tongue here, too.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 548


Well and good Bel, but I don't understand why you can't both let it go. You're getting on each other's nerves, that's clear enough, but it doesn't need to intrude. From my point of view the thread went way off topic and a lot further than answering Nick's question about delboy, but then I don't mind topic drift, so I don't entirely agree with either of you. Can we move on, please?

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 549

aka Bel - A87832164

Sure, ben, it wasn't me who lamented about the topic drift. smiley - smiley

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 550


Good. Now how have other people found the experience of being on the front page?

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 551

mia kulpa

I don't know yet. Do you think I stand a chance?

My PS is kind of boring.

smiley - angel mia

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 552


Well it's not full of fancy stuff but people can read your journals and explore your entries and stuff, and post a message asking what mea culpa means- so it's all good. Say Aye?

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 553


I said "aye" pages ago, I just don't know if I have a chance. Because after that there was a request for more "ayes" even though I'd already put mine in.

smiley - angel mia

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 554


Let's assume that this the italics occasionally get lost and forget who's already ayed. Maybe they list a fp list so they can keep track of who's volunteered.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 555


Sorry, mia ... but you should try saying something like that. smiley - winkeye


**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 556

aka Bel - A87832164

You know, az, you just managed to confuse me smiley - laugh

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 557


I'm alright, I was confused anyway. smiley - biggrin

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 558

aka Bel - A87832164

You'd make a perfect candidate for the Braidy Bunch in then, ben.

smiley - run

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 559


Do I need someone to second that nomination?

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 560

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

You are welcome to join outstanding organisation that the sisters inaccurately (and somewhat petulantly) refer to as The Braidy Bunch. Ignore their joshing, they know no better, the poor misguided dears.

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