Hey, Hey, I'm back and as always , you're welcome to my personal space
Welcome to my Space. I'm out at the moment (or I'm in, but I'm peering at you from behind a tree) so please feel free to leave a message, or a parcel of money or just an account number, and I'll get back to you as soon as you've gone.Beep.
Hmmm? Still here? Fair enough, your funeral, might as well bang on about myself for a bit, then. Close the door on your way out.
May I first offer you the opportunity to broaden your educational horizons almost limitlessly and, perhaps more importantly, bugger off (can I say that?) without having to admit you're bored.Become a wiser and more noble human being here
Isn't knowledge great? Speaking of which, ever wanted to know how far away the horizon is? Well I have. So if you're like me1 then all you need is the knowledge of how far you are above sea level and you can just click here.Still, still here? Well fair enough, here goes: I live in Eastbourne and I have manyanimals and one wife (in that order). The wife you can visit at... well, click where it says wife. Honest, she's real. If you have any questions about hamsters, go and ask her. Honestly, anything at all. Really, I dare you. A mystery prize is on offer to anyone who can stump her. As well as hamsters, Raven has Joint Hypermobility and Fibromyalgia and we would be very interested to hear from anyone else who has either of these, or who cares for someone who has them. In the mean time, we live in Eastbourne, where we have been since October 2005 (I was going to say how many months that was for but then I'd have to update this thing every month and I can't be doing with that sort of malarky- there's a word you don't see every day)a charming small victorian town on the south coast of England, which I recommend to people who plan to come briefly and not get in my way while I'm out food shopping. Prior to moving to the South Coast, I was born in Henlow, Bedfordshire. I studied History and Philosophy at the University of Glamorgan in South Wales, and then I moved to Letchworth, Hertfordshire, to live with Raven, and spent two years working as a Teaching Assistant at Highfield Secondary School. That's not very interesting, but it is true, and you can't have everything, can you? When I am not busy at work, most of my time is spent at work just sort of standing around. When I am not at work or between jobs (standing around doesn't get tolerated anywhere for long- it is the chief criteria for my dream job) I am looking after my wife (having to tolerate me 24 hours a day takes a lot out of her, so she needs 24 hour care) reading, meandering aimless on the internet, writing (this took me weeks!) and sleeping. I particularly recomend sleeping, I think it will appeal to all ages. If you wish to read what I have written about caring Have a look at The Complete 'I Couldn't Care Less' If your interest is still piqued (and so it should be) you can visit my single personal contribution to the internet here. Since I did not have the foresight to put in a message board or a hit counter at the time and I now can't be bothered, you may well be the first person to visit. Please feel free to leave your praise below. You can also go to www.benjaminmoore.com if you like. It has nothing at all to do with me, but since we share a name I felt morally oblidged to publiscise it anyway. Now you have read all about me, you can go and read all my interesting guide entries, all the boring ones and then leave an amusing reply somewhere, letting me know that you popped by, and feel more complete as a result. Please come again soon. Oh, look, since you're here, why not pop in and have a look at The Life and Times of Adolf Hitler my exciting and slow moving university project which I'm sure you won't read.
Why not pop into Peer Review and see what's coming up? Or if that's just too slow and far away for your liking, you could visit What's Coming Up instead. Since we're talking links here, here's another good one: Ask H2G2
and, indeed:
And a new addition, my own little contribution to Ask H2G2: May I conduct an experiment? So how can you tell all my many exciting entries apart? Well don't panic, I've helpfully divided them into categories for you to breeze past that little bit more quickly:GUIDE ENTRIESBedford Rugby ClubBeing a Teaching Assistant in the UKRich Hall - Comedian and AuthorWatching England in the Football World CupThe University of GlamorganThe Interview Proecess at Boots the ChemistJeremy Hardy - Comedian, Writer and Political ActivistThe Musgrave Collection, Eastbourne, East Sussex, UKMoney Saving for StudentsJohann Lippowitz - Austria's Foremost Interpretative Dance Artiste The Aristocrats - A Documentary About A Joke POST ENTRIESThe World of Rita CummingsThe Further Adventures of Rita CummingsCelebrity CultApologies and ComplaintsHow Hard Can It Be? - Part 1How Hard Can It Be? - Part 2Moving HouseReport from the East Sussex Crime DeskRANDOMNESS AND LUNACY Evil Songs Political CorrectnessDaveI wrote like the wind |
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in h2g2 NaJoPoMo 2012 |
1And God knows, somebody must be
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."