h2g2's NaJoPoMo 2011
Created | Updated Nov 14, 2011
November is a month of endurance writing.
There’s NaNoWriMo, the art of trying to write a novel in 30 days flat. But there is also NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month, which is where those involved try to write a blog post every day for a month.
I don't want a blog!
‘Is she trying to drive us off hootoo?’ I hear your cry. ‘We’ve only just got back!’ To which the answer is, not at all.
We have decided to hold our own version of NaBloPoMo and that’s NaJoPoMo, or the h2g2 Nation’s Journal Posting Month. The challenge is to post a journal entry every day for a month right here on the site you know and love.
You can sign up officially at the NaBloPoMo site, and if you have, why not join the h2g2 group there? But see below for the roll of honour for h2g2's NaJoPoMo.
What do I write?
It doesn’t need to be a diary. Your posts can be about whatever you like, House Rules permitting, of course. If you visit this thread regularly you will find prompts to help you with ideas when you are flagging.Although as your intrepid challenge setter1 is taking part herself, and as past experience has shown that she will spend much of the month watching the clock tick down towards midnight waiting for inspiration to strike, she would very much encourage those not taking part to show their support for the project by adding prompts, or questions, or themes, or challenges to that thread.
I want commemorative stamps!
It is a NaBloPoMo tradition to offer prizes for completion of he November slog and h2g2’s NaJoPoMo wouldn’t like to buck tradition. Therefore everybody who completes the posting marathon, with an original entry in their h2g2 journal every day,2 will have their names put into a hat and the first name pulled out will be given a book. Not just any book, but a copy of the book used as part of the winning bid for h2g2 to showcase the breadth and quality of the writing on the site.
This is a book worth owning, and there are very few of them in existence, so with typing fingers limvered up, we're off!