A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 501

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - snork

smiley - rofl

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Post 502

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Or there may simply be far too much competition with the North American generated stuff. Mind, in the 80's, I spent a lot of military time in communities that were well off of the beaten path as well. It matters not. Atleast in this instance, I have half a clue as to what you are on about. TTFN

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Post 503

Fizzymouse- no place like home

You could have a look at this Rev if you're feeling really left out.smiley - winkeye


smiley - mouse

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Post 504

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

An absolute classic!! smiley - rofl


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Post 505


There is a wonderful US television channel called PBS that has always been available in Canada (at least for the past 20 years), and Sunday nights they show the best of British television.

I can't remember offhand if Only Fools and Horses was actually shown there, but I remember the series (somehow). I also remember the Sherlock Holmes series, Agatha Christie, Miss Marple, Yes Minister, Fawlty Towers, Prime Suspect, Inspector Morse ... oh too many to write down. There would usually be a British series programme shown and then a film.

And I remember watching Monty Python when I was a teenager, so that must have been on regular Canadian television (the CBC). And of course Coronation Street was shown on the CBC daily when I was a child. Gaaaa, I can still recall that very depressing theme music...


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Post 506

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It still has that depressing theme music smiley - rolleyes

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Post 507

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, the rev has unsubscrbed, so he won't get to know about this anymore.

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Post 508

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - cool Az, so the Americas aren't entirely backward then.smiley - rofl

smiley - mouse

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Post 509

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


There is always the <./>Info</.> page, or he could lurrrrrr.. smiley - erm read it later smiley - smiley

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Post 510


Wasn't it the most depressing theme music ever??

Gaaaa, can still remember it.


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Post 511

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*takes the noose from her hands*

Now, now, az.. it wasn't that bad.. smiley - hug

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Post 512

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I've never watched any of the comedy series, most of them have never been broadcast here. I remember Coronation Street (I think, was that with -what's his name - who later starred the boss of MI5) as butler?

I don't recall the music though.

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Post 513


<> (Fizzymouse)

It was very true 20 years ago that nobody could touch the quality of British television. Even when I moved there 15 years ago it seemed quite exceptional.

But from what I hear, it's pretty much gone the way of so-called 'reality' shite and other very mainstream programming and has become ... well, rather sad really.

Such a shame that the UK decided to go backward, wouldn't you say?


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Post 514

Fizzymouse- no place like home

That would be Gordon Jackson I think you're speaking of - I don't recall him being in Corrie, but I am very young.smiley - biggrin

smiley - mouse

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Post 515

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

An accidental click, that was apparently noticed ... smiley - blush

PBS is available on any town that has a cable system. But as az can attest, the Interlake district of Manitoba didn't have much of that stuff in the 80's ... I did mention that I have been in areas, "rural", where cable systems were not options. What-ever the smiley - bunny-ears allowed, that's what you saw. CBC, of course, in both official and bland languages.

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Post 516

Fizzymouse- no place like home

You're right Az, tv is becoming a participation sport over here - very disappointing.smiley - sadface

smiley - mouse

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Post 517

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


B'El are you mixing it up with 'Upstairs Downstairs'?? smiley - rofl

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Post 518

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I'm not sure, either, Fizzy, because we never had a series with the originalm title. The one I'm thinking of was called: Das Haus am Eton Place (the house at Eton Place) here.

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Post 519

aka Bel - A87832164

You'd know, lil, I can't tell by the title.

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Post 520

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

That was Upstairs, Downstairs... smiley - ok

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