A Conversation for Ask h2g2

useless facts

Post 3021

Proudwart, AKA Connorchap.

>>Spell it<<
Sorry, but I'd grow old by then, and besides, there's a new Strong Bad email that I haven't seen, However, I can tell you what my favorite word is: floccinausinihilipilification; the study and catagorization of unimportant and worthless things. (Which, coinsidentally, is what this conversation forum is all about.)
Proudwart (who was #3000!)
smiley - dragon

useless facts

Post 3022

Baron Grim

Floccinausinihilipilification... Yea, that's a good 'woody' word.

I like Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words. Especially when you break the word down.

useless facts

Post 3023

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

And here I thought that was the fear of hippopotomi.

useless facts

Post 3024

Baron Grim

Very loquatious hippopotomi that like foot and half long words.

useless facts

Post 3025

A Super Furry Animal

Hippopotamus means "river horse".

I am, unfortunately, woefully ignorant of their ability to vomit underwater.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

useless facts

Post 3026


smiley - headhurts



useless facts

Post 3027

A Super Furry Animal

Nope, nothing about hippopotami vomiting underwater on either of those links...smiley - erm

RFsmiley - evilgrin

useless facts

Post 3028


no, but a lot about long words. i think we simulposted.

useless facts

Post 3029

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Is there a long word that means "to vomit underwater"?

useless facts

Post 3030


wouldn't have thought so...yet. smiley - evilgrin

useless facts

Post 3031

Baron Grim

yes... the word is "Explunge".

useless facts

Post 3032


not particularly long though is it?

useless facts

Post 3033

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

no, but that would make the act of vomiting underwater explungification, wouldn't it? Not too bad.

useless facts

Post 3034


Underwater Vomiting...
This is quite probably already in the thread somewhere (apols if so), but in case we all missed it, here's a classic piece of the masterful Bywater on the eternal subject. See note 2 :

useless facts

Post 3035

Wilma Neanderthal

I have it on good authority that these arabic words vomit underwater: bint, alchemy, algebra, alcohol... but these ones can't as they are the same as spanish - and spanish doesn't count coz it needs a translation in parentheses: kalset (socks), zaytoon (olive)

useless facts

Post 3036



Isnt it


useless facts

Post 3037

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

<<The word Naff used by ronnie barker in porridge is part of an underground language used by gay people & it means Not Available For F**king.>>

Isn't this 'fact' from the same school of thought which suggests that 'f**k' itself was an acronym of Forced, Unlawful Carnal Knowledge?

Some more facts about words:
Bloody is not a contraction of 'by our lady'.

'Octopi' is not a valid plural of 'octopus' (the word is Greek in origin, therefore the plural is 'Octopodes').

The word c**t (thought to have first been written down by Chaucer who spelt it 'Queynte') originally referred to a full scabbard for a sword or dagger.

useless facts

Post 3038


Hippophobia means fear of horses.

useless facts

Post 3039

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

I think that's a bit of red herring Mr D, while your scabbard my have evolved from Chaucer, my little ole OED gives kunta, from middle English and kunte from French. I take it your're improving a tad, what.

useless facts

Post 3040


Mr D and WA - maybe you should watch "Balderdash and Piffle" - BBC2 every Monday evening - they discussed the scabbard v the French version last night smiley - winkeye

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