Proudwart: Why Does He Be So Strange?

I am a bipedal, dirinus, masculine, bimanal, poriferous, ectomorphic carbon-based lifeform who enjoys perambulating, pandiculating, and floccinausinihilipilificating. To summarize, I am a two legged two nostrilled male two handed tall thin human hwo has pores in his skin and likes to walk around and stretch and yawn and think about stuff that doesn't really matter to anyone exept him. To summarise the summary, I am a teenager with the average number of lims for a human who in many people on the swim teams opinion has way too much time on his hands. To summarize the summarization of the summary, I'm me.
Okay, I kind of went on more than was neccesary just then.
My hobbys include making paper airplanes, playing around with double sticks, making clay models, drawing, making 3-Dimensional digital art and animations, watching, writing entrys for H2G2, preforming magic tricks, coming up with stories which I promptly don't write, playing on the computer, building bows and arrows which actually work, and building catapults that actually don't. I'm around 6', I play water polo and vollyball, and I swim. My entrys include, in the order that I wrote them in, "Boredom Banishment 101", "How To Choke On A Pretzel", "Happiness, The Secret To", "A Christmas Party Story", "How to Deal with the Unfairness of Life", and "Lifesavers and Lightsabers: Two Things that Sound the Same but are In Fact Completely Different in Every Way you could Possibly Imagine (Except for Most Ways)".
In closing, this morning I drank a huge glass of milk and it was very refreshing.


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Proudwart, AKA Connorchap.

Researcher U2541856


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