Journal Entries


This webpage, H2G2, is for people to discuss life, the universe, and everything. So we write our entries about the Philippines and saucepans, whatever it may be, but often as not we forget why we're even on this website to begin with. We're here because we all love Douglas Noel Adams, the brilliant man who, years ago, quite suddenly died of a heart attack on an exercise machine in Santa Barbara. We're all fans of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently, the Meaning of Liff, Last Chance to See, whatever it may be, it's due to Douglas that we're all writing here. And that's what we forget, that the purpose of all this is to write actual helpful information for the rest of the world to read. Douglas loved technology, and he made this website as a way of gathering all sorts of info about - well, anything, really. So I propose that, when we sit at the keyboard and start typing in our advice for how to fix a bionic elephant or tips on how to survive in New York, we thing first "What would Douglas Adams write?" If we all did that, H2G2 would be a much better place.

-Proudwart smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: May 21, 2007

Yup. He's back. Du DUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!! *cymbol crashes*

I have returned from... uh, wherever I've been all this time. Kind of sad that even I don't know where that is, but oh well. That's just how the cookie gets stomped and completely obliterated.
Any how, in recent times I have made an account on YouTube (, on which I broadcast a Comedic Improvizational Parody News Show dubbed Ad-Lib News, which I have five episodes of so far. I also have a festooning of other videos up there for your utter bewilderment.

Cheerio for now!
Proudwart smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2007

search, Re. Research.

I've been doing some field research for my new guide entry, and it's proven to be a fair bit more challenging than I had anticipated. So, I am asking you all, what is the best way to simulate an alien invasion?

PWTsmiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2006

I'm back finally!

I'm finally back and typing! smiley - ok I got a high-speed internet conection, so now I don't need to wait half an hour for the browser to open!!!smiley - biggrin
In recent times, I have been doing alot of pictures with Marvin the Paranoid android on deviantART! Here's a link:
I did some other stuff on there, too.
Cheerio for now!
PWTsmiley - dragon

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Latest reply: Aug 27, 2006

HEKP! (I mean, HELO! Wait, I mean HWLP! Imean, oh never mind,)

I have now officially had guava juice in my nose for thirty hours. Anyone know how I can get it out?
PWTsmiley - dragon
PS Who likes the new Don'tPanic gif?

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2006

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Proudwart, AKA Connorchap.

Researcher U2541856

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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