Lifesavers and Lightsabers: Two Things that Sound the Same but are In Fact Completely Different in Every Way you could Possibly

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Issue #1 in the Similarly Named but Completely Different Series
By Proudwart

Lifesavers and Lightsabers: they are almost opposites, and yet they have been named almost exactly the same thing. Most people never think about this peculiar similarity in names, but as a floccinausinihilipilificator, I feel that it is my duty to dive into this baffling (and totally unimportant) link between two completely unrelated items that we all know very, very well.
The Lifesaver, and the Lightsaber.

The Lifesaver

The lifesaver, as most people are undoubtedly aware of, is a small, hard candy shaped like an inner tube, so as to prevent anyone from choking on it if they happen to swallow it whole. They come in many different flavors, such as lime, watermelon and, er, something else, um, anyway, and they usually come individually wrapped.

The Lightsaber

The Lightsaber is a fictional type of electric sword invented by George Lucas in the Star Wars books, which were later made into a series of extremely popular and corny movies. In fact, the original movie was inspired by the samurai movie ‘The Hidden Fortress’, which was released in 1958. C-3P0 and R2-D2 were based on the two bickering peasants, Luke Sywalker on Toshiro Mifune’s character, and everything in the Star Wars movie on everything in the Hidden Fortress movie. Unfortunately Lucas did not realize that he was basing his script on a movie that was parodying of the type of film he was creating, but he made millions anyway.
Back to the subject of lightsabers: lightsabers are a type of sword were the blade is replaced by a high-strength laser that mysteriously ends about three feet away from the handle, and also can deflect other lightsaber blades and lasers (apparently in the Star Wars universe light acts like a physical object against itself, and travels slow enough for you to dodge lasers after they’ve left the gun). The color of the blade signifies to the person you are approaching if you are his friend come to have a cup of tea or his mortal enemy come to amputate his hand and destroy his moisture farm. Here’s the key: Green/Blue/Purple/Pink = good, Red/black = evil. Simple. People wielding lightsabers usually dress in brown (if they're good) or black (if they're evil) robes, and, in the IV movie, act like they’d spent too much time practicing talking in cool voices and hadn’t rehearsed the choreography for more than five minutes over the course of a week, and were afraid they might hurt the other actor or themselves if they struck harder than they would a cacti with their fist.

So, how could two things so separated from each other be named almost exactly the same thing? The lightsaber is designed to make people die, whereas the lifesaver is designed to not make people die. The answer:

I don’t know.

But if you do, please tell me.

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