A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 3801

Yael Smith

Same here. smiley - smiley

Petty Hates

Post 3802


Havingsmiley - seniormoments while only 32! Just had to turn back to see what Elly was agreeing to and I'd only just read it!

Petty Hates

Post 3803



I nominate that for quote of the day. Truest thing I've heard in years!

On the starey thing, I find it very much depends on location. In the big cities, people glance and then look away if they don't recognise you, as you would expect. In smaller towns - particularly ones in the south of England where people refuse to acknowledge the presence of strangers - they try their best to ignore you but if they can't, they just stare. Lack of personal skills in some places methinks. Winds me up no end.

Petty Hates

Post 3804


You know the answer then? Don't go there!

Pooter related irritant of the day - why can it work perfectly one day then next time you switch it on it suddenly doesn't recognise this that or the other and throws up unintelligible error messages every time you try to send an email?

Petty Hates

Post 3805


Simple answer - it's crap. When that sort of thing happened to me though it was usually because Windows had performed some sort of automatic update thing, thereby changing all the settings and becoming incompatible with all the other stuff I'd spent bloody ages getting to work with earlier versions.

After it broke completely and I had re-install everything from scratch, I turned off the update function.

Petty Hates

Post 3806


I've set it so it asks me before running updates but as I never understand the requests it does no good!

Petty Hates

Post 3807


People who say "You look just like your mum!" in the manner of one imparting new information.

Petty Hates

Post 3808

psychocandy-moderation team leader

People who don't know how to spell the word "breathe" properly. "Breath" is a noun. "Breathe" is a verb. Neither word is particularly long. They don't even sound alike. How difficult can it be?

And people who run lawn spriklers over the sidewalk, then act like you've committed some heinous act by walking on a dry patch of grass.

Petty Hates

Post 3809


Oh, how I hate chopping onions !

Petty Hates

Post 3810


Don't we all! smiley - wah

Petty Hates

Post 3811


I don't get affected that badly by chopping onions. I have no idea why.

Petty Hates

Post 3812


Is that because of stinging eyes or do you just hate chopping onions?
If it's the former, have you tried chopping them underwater- the onions being underwater that is, not you too... smiley - erm anyhow,

A petty hate I have discovered recently is products that don't have stated on the packaging whether or not I can eat them 'raw' or if they need cooking. I bought some mini-scotch egg things and it didn't say if they were 'ready to eat' and there wasn't even the distinction that I normally look for between 'cooking guidelines' and 'heating instructions'. Humph smiley - sadface

Petty Hates

Post 3813


The use of 'itch' where the speaker means 'scratch'. "Stop itching it, you'll make it worse!"

Petty Hates

Post 3814


(Scotch eggs tend to come ready cooked.)

Petty Hates

Post 3815

Yael Smith

You get less effected by chopping onion the more you chop onion. It lets out a gas that goes into your respiratory system and irritates your nose and eyes. The more you're exposed to it, the less it irritates you. Simple!

Petty Hates

Post 3816

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I hate when people look.. well not look.. but STARE at me
its like
you never seen a person before?
my GOD
then they go on and stare at the person behind me
like yeah thats not creepy or anything


Whoops... I know I do this while I'm out. In my defence I will say it's a hangover from a younger me who spent some of his formative years street patrolling in wonderful places like Belfast and Stroke City, where you learn to read a street - and the people on it. There will probably soon be another generation of ex-Toms who will stare at you in the street, then move on to the next person, because they leant to do this in places like Basra. OK, so we also learnt to use it to intimidate, to put the thought into the other person's head "I know EXACTLY who you are, who you associate with, and what you are currently thinking", but I try not to use this form of the Stare unless I have to (some people might read it as a challenge).

I have been mistaken for an undercover copper by people who recognise what the Look might signify.... so apologies. We know it makes you feel uncomfortable - that's part of the reason fir using it in its original context - but it's a hard thing to switch off. On some streets, it's even a survival technique.


But when you live in Hickville USA where everyone is just a bunch of Minors and Ranchers... wheres the survival there?
I mean... we have an FBI branch that deals with like.. small stuff.. there are about 2 agents that work out of it though
I doubt that these people are like... opratives of some wierd.. thingy
and cops?
in MY town- I know who all the cops are cuz its such a small town
I appreciate the explination just the same though smiley - smiley

heres another petty hate:
I mean.. MY GOD
Do they ever want to have children? Those pants are SO tight they must cut off circulation to their legs
along with OTHER appendages
do they think its hot to look like a stick figure? I MEAN REALLY!
I like my man to be a bit scraggly but I dont want to break him if I ever hug him!!!! CMON MEN! WEAR MANLY PANTS
heh thats all for now

fordsmiley - cheers

Petty Hates

Post 3817

Cheerful Dragon

One of my dislikes is people stating the obvious. I arrive somewhere and they say, "You found us alright, then?" (On one occasion when I'd spent an hour looking for the place I told them, "No, actually", and then told them what I thought of their map.) Even hubby does it. Sometimes, when I stay up late, he comes upstairs and says, "Still up then?"

I seem to recall DNA mentioning this in THHGTG.

Petty Hates

Post 3818


Oh, it's raining!

Petty Hates

Post 3819

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Cosmetics, soaps, etc that list their main ingredient as "Aqua" smiley - grr Poncy tw*ts. Even own brand stuff does it.smiley - cross

Is anyone stupid enough to prefer Aqua to water?

Petty Hates

Post 3820

Yael Smith

I always wonder if they're trying to hide the fact that they're using water, and if so- why? It's not like anyone's allergic to water or something, are they?

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