A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Jul 4, 2001
I´d also say he has gotten a pretty good treatment here. Other places he´d just been called a pervert and kicked out.
PP: prostitution is illegal were you´re from? Tsk tsk.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 4, 2001
Prostitution not illegal but living off imoral earnings, soliciting and kerb crawling are. Crazy mixed up bunch of laws I reckon. (for got to add to previous post though).
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Ommigosh Posted Jul 4, 2001
Well, I thought that Corinth was definately making fun of us (and himself) in a strangely pointless but entertaining kind of way. It was of bit of a pity that the subject matter was just on the wrong side of the distasteful border. He was looking for a big response for sure and wasn't really all that interested in the subject matter at all, I reckon. He could quite easily give as good as he got if anyone mocked him (that was obvoious from his calm, unruffled, measured responses). But nobody really rose to the bait and if he has left the thread alone, it will not really make this place any better or worse.
As has been stated before, probably anywhere other than h2g2 would have had him pilloried and flamed as a sad old pervy loser.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jul 4, 2001
And THAT is the point.
I have been thinking about the changes in society in the past 5 decades. When I was young, old people could still control and intimidate young people. Children had respect for their elders, and that's why laws had been put in place to protect children from dirty old men, who took advantage. Now it's reversed.
Today, old folks are isolated and prohibited from being part of 'what's happening' by the contempt and loathing they feel from the young. Our elders can see life going on, but they are cut off from it and lonely. There is fear in their eyes because young people scorn them and threaten them. No one wants to be swarmed by uncouth youth.
We have just seen how the PC-thought police gather and begin to circle round as soon as an old fart starts reminiscing about his lost youthful innocence, or admits to admiring the vigour and vitality of the young.
The pendulum has swung to the other extreme from the bad old Victorian days when lecherous men used their status and preyed on children, cripples, the poor and the handicapped.
Today young people have no respect for the 'authourity of age'. They cannot be seduced and abused as they were even half a century ago. But they can isolate, humiliate, and flame broil the elderly with impunity. Shame on you!
Believe me, old folks really don't need to be reminded that the young and all their toys are forbidden fruit. We get ignored (in most threads, no matter the subject) for being 'past it'. Do you remember the 'literary lust' thread? I suggested 'Lolita' and got told to take a valium and shut up.
There was little point in explaining that I was a teenager myself when I read it (lo these many years ago), because obviously now at my age I should have purged all such thoughts from memory.
To all of you still young enough not to know yet what it's like to be told how useless and unwelcome you are by an impudent child of ten, twenty or even thirty, I say, 'Burn, baby, burn'.
peace (I mean that I really really really ..dew)
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Corinth Posted Jul 4, 2001
Now all my postings are being hidden. That's not very nice!
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jul 5, 2001
Peace Corinth! It is a conspiracy in the most insidious form, also known as the tyrrany of democracy, or ganging up on someone, also called 'swarming'. Ignore it.
Many people in this thread are 'older' and -(believe it or not, Children)- wiser. So, don't let the 'enthusiasm' of the Defenders of Youth get to you, Corinth. You are not alone here. Feel free to e-mail at the addy in my name.
Attention shoppers!
Corinth has raised an issue, which has been waiting to boil over here for a long time - 'agism'!
It takes many forms in our youth oriented consumer society and we old farts have had enough of it. So we will, here and now, begin a campaign to remind children of their manners, perhaps even tell them how in 'normal' societies, Elders are still respected, welcomed and supported.
These youth zealots are victims of agitation propoganda and target marketing. They think because they are many (Yay Democracy) they can insult and discriminate against old people. Well think again. The 'boomers' are hitting their mid fifties and there is going to be a terrible backlash, a new iron age of discipline and righteousness, because we (the boomers) really do outnumber the punks. And we know more. We control the planet's assets and resources. And once enough of us have been scorned, threatened, insulted and isolated by ill mannered youthful impudence, things will change. In a very democratic way I assure you.
Oh, and don't bother flaming me chilluns, I been flamed by people who know how to do it. Older, wiser people.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jul 5, 2001
PS: Corinth, e-mail me a copy of the hidden posting please. And, in the meantime, protest its removal at the Moderation thread.
TPTB, young as many of them are, will listen to a reasonable argument. But they are currently being pressured by the special interest groups of youthful self-righteousness. They will soon see this is all a case of agism and prejudice by brainwashed youngsters who have been told the world is theirs. It ain't.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Autumn Hughes Posted Jul 5, 2001
No you're wrong dear. The world DOES belong to them. They have never been subjected to much discipline or any real hardship and as a result they just take whatever they want, with no thought of its effect on anyone else.
Even the parents that try to teach their children responsibility are shot down in flames, since society these days sees any sort of 'repression' (Like insisting that a 14 year old should be home by 11pm ) as reprehensible and offers the kids alternative places to live - where they will be allowed to go clubbing/take drugs etc with no parental control at all.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating a return to the "Bad Old Days" (By the way your timescale is wrong - even 25 years ago 15 year olds could be abused by their powerful protectors and I'm sure it still goes on. The social workers target the wrong kids - the streetwise ones know how to manipulate the system, the really neglected, abused ones collude with their captors to evade notice. They wear ankle-length skirts, long sleeves and high necks and make excuses to get out of having to undress for PE - any intelligent middle-class or professional person knows enough not to mark their faces - and when the men start taking notice of them they have nowhere to turn, and besides they are so grateful for being treated gently for a change that they just put up with the strange parts )
Oops! Sorry. That turned into a rant didn't it?
Having just read this thread I didn't get the impression Corinth had hankerings towards child abuse. Writing 16-25 doesn't really have the same sort of ring to it does it? And whatever the law says we all know what some of our 14 and 15 year olds are doing don't we? (and conversely how innocent and unprepared for life some 24 and 25, or even 34 and 35, year olds are)
Exploitation is never right, but right from the start he was talking about wanting someone that WANTED to pamper him, freely, voluntarily, lovingly - unlike the militant man-haters that a lot of our generation seem to have become.
Corinth, if you're trolling (and ) but if you're genuine
(An 'old' lady )
old guy
unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS Posted Jul 5, 2001
with this whole thread, my mind keeps coming back to one thing....
Sean Connery.
he's what? 60? 65? and yet, i rarely find a girl who doesnt think him wildly attractive... so, perhaps you need to study sean for a bit, see how he does it?
old guy
Autumn Hughes Posted Jul 5, 2001
70 ....
*wipes mouth surreptitiously*
Ben, why on earth would you want a 19 year old boy? They're much too arrogant.
(Hmm - come to think of it... *remembers the odd teenager she's known* . . .count me in)
Posting removed
Peta Posted Jul 5, 2001
I removed the posting jwf. I'm not going to change my mind. So there's no point posting to the moderation help desk.
> TPTB, young as many of them are, will listen to a reasonable argument. But they are currently being pressured by the special interest groups of youthful self-righteousness. They will soon see this is all a case of agism and prejudice by brainwashed youngsters who have been told the world is theirs. It ain't.
Young as many of them are? Some of them yes, but not all of them, so don't accuse me of being ageist, you pup.
Posting removed
Corinth Posted Jul 5, 2001
There was another one in the second dot, I believe.
May I ask why it was removed? I don't recall writing anything offensive. I've read the House Rules and can't understand which one I violated. Would you kindly tell me, so that I may avoid having my postings removed in the future?
Afraid to express myself,
Posting removed
Corinth Posted Jul 5, 2001
It's in the third dot, no. 54.
I just don't get it. I've tried to be very careful with how I said things. I'm not hurting anybody; never have, never will.
I wish I had kept a copy, so I could speculate on what got it hidden. It was about a page long, just my replies to everyone's comments since I'd last logged on. I thought it was rather friendly, even. I'm confused.
Posting removed
Robin Posted Jul 5, 2001
howdy all.
i'm getting a little confused. how can this tread be about agism. it started with an older person wanting a young person. so if anyones agist, isn't it conrirth, because he only likes the young. maybe i'm reading this all wrong, but i don't get why it's got so heated.
i'm very intigued to see the answers to everyones questions though. maybe you could try and re-write them
Posting removed
Corinth Posted Jul 5, 2001
I'm feeling particularly emasculated lately. The only weapon, shield, or anything I have is my voice, my words. They are being whisked away. I feel rather defenceless. I can't communicate with all of you and I exert my calming influence, which has so far kept this conversation somewhat comprehensible. Now until the great and inexorable Peta, who can bring me to my knees with her awesome powers of moderation, deigns me with a reply. I have no idea of knowing what it is I'm not allowed to write. I'm quite unaccustomed to this feeling of helplessness; my words have always gotten me out of trouble.
I'll post this first and the following one will contain my responses. I'll try hard to keep it tame, so if it appears 'hidden' you will know that I am not only an old pervert, but an incorrigible old pervert
Here we go:
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Posted Jul 5, 2001
I don't see anything wrong with what Corinth wrote- not offensive, perverse, unpleasant or creepy. And the earlier posting that was removed- what??! I read it before the moderators descended, and can't remember anything that must be screened from us. (Unless 'seed' is deemed too racy.)
However, being fairly young, I don't see why this (seems to be) turning into a rant against the perceived selfishness etc. of young people. The only people I hate, argue with, take against, are those who are rude, offended for no good reason or hold prejudicial opinions. (There are plenty of people my own age who I wish could be culled.) I respect superior knowledge. However, just because you're older than someone doesn't make you a sage, or any type of authority.
Besides, all authority must be questioned, or at least examined, in order to see if it works... a good start would be moderation practices.
Posting removed
Corinth Posted Jul 5, 2001
Posting 70:
15-25 years? You are ambitious. But what is it you believe you have to offer a young girl?
I believe I have "to offer" just what anyone else does: myself, a wholly separate entity, another life, another set of views, stories, perspectives, and allergies. I have to offer a different universe with which to mesh, blend, learn from, and be taught. All of this has nothing to do with age. The young girl who is not interested in this, I care not for.
Posting 73:
i just don't understand this obsession with young. i'm only just out of your age limit, and find it ammusing that i'm now considered old. the odd part is that there is a limit. why be so set on one thing, why can't older women be interesting and good at frollickiing (sp). for someone who says they've wandered you don't seem to have learnt much. why not try looking "outside the square"
You don't understand this obsession with young? Let me explain. There are two scientific explanations: one evolutionary, the other sociological. The evolutionary explanation tells us that men are genetically programmed to prefer proud breasts over saggy ones, smooth faces over those wrinkly, and fresh flanks over spent ones, for the simple reason that the former are much better at procreating than the latter. The reproductively successful pass on their genes and their tastes, and I come from a long line of successful spermatozoa. The sociological theory says that the exhaltation of virginity is a social construction based on the desire bind a female to a family, which is a system of allocation of wealth and genetic patrimony. We don't want our wives spending our money on other men or sleeping with them because we want our families to be successful. Virgins are girls who have not slept with (other) men. Young girls are more likely to be virgins.
But this is all bunk to me. I like young girls because I do, and that's all. I couldn't give a damn about virginity or money.
Robin, I never intended to establish a concrete range with 15-25. Someone asked what I was looking for so I threw that out there. 26 is definitely not too old. Why do you ask?
Posting 75
Tell us more about your youthful wanderings... You sound like a 're-tired' rock star from the hints you gave. Any juicy road stories. C'mon, it'll give us a chance to know you better and help us decide how best to proceed with your lusty ambitions. Besides it seems like anyone left in this thread is at least 30 now anyway. We're all adults here, so tell us!
GW by name
GW by nature
I think I might write up a series of old road stories and put them up in my space. I'm afraid they might get whisked away though... I know you're all adults, but that doesn't seem to stop the moderators. It would be great if you could all get to know me, so I'll give it a shot. We'll see how it goes.
Postings 77-81
I don't feel I was made fun of. Quite the contrary, I was probably sharper to some of you (albeit very subtly). I'm not offended easily. Give us your best shot!
Postings 85, 87, and 89
I hate to disagree with one of my staunches supporters, but I don't think ageism has anything to do with it. Some people are just queasy (and possibly envious, too) at the thought of my (or any other old lecher) caressing a rose blossom cheek. But it does happen, and it's not rape. I've rarely been subjected to impudence from the little whippersnappers, and I've never used any age-linked "authority" to get my way. My honey tongue is all I need, and I had it even when I was younger.
I also wrote, in one of my now-hidden postings, that I'd met a young woman in the park and spoken to her on more than one occasion, and that she'd invited me to a barbecue at her parents' house yesterday evening, but I don't want do write anything else about that for fear of having all the rest of this posting hidden. Can't you just *** out the parts you don't like, Pets?
Key: Complain about this post
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
- 81: Xanatic (Jul 4, 2001)
- 82: Pink Paisley (Jul 4, 2001)
- 83: Ommigosh (Jul 4, 2001)
- 84: Corinth (Jul 4, 2001)
- 85: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jul 4, 2001)
- 86: Corinth (Jul 4, 2001)
- 87: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jul 5, 2001)
- 88: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jul 5, 2001)
- 89: Autumn Hughes (Jul 5, 2001)
- 90: a girl called Ben (Jul 5, 2001)
- 91: unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS (Jul 5, 2001)
- 92: Autumn Hughes (Jul 5, 2001)
- 93: Peta (Jul 5, 2001)
- 94: Peta (Jul 5, 2001)
- 95: Corinth (Jul 5, 2001)
- 96: Corinth (Jul 5, 2001)
- 97: Robin (Jul 5, 2001)
- 98: Corinth (Jul 5, 2001)
- 99: Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' (Jul 5, 2001)
- 100: Corinth (Jul 5, 2001)
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