A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Where can I find some nice friendly *and single* girls?

Post 7281

Number Six

Yeah, I hope it works out. smiley - zen

Me, well, I've just met my fourth consecutive girl who was very flirty and encouraging and then later on it transpired that she's got a bloke. It's not like the more usual gripe of "all the nice girls I know are already spoken for". It just seems that girls with blokes are somehow attracted to me.

And I'm sure they definitely *do* have blokes as well, it's not like I'm doing anything to put them off and make them change their minds.

Still, at least I'm meeting nice girls from time to time who seem to like me. So something's bound to happen sooner or later smiley - zen

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7282


its always a col thing to start up a relationship with someone new. god, its been going on 15 years with my wife so i couldn't imagine what thats like anymore but finding someone that you enjoy their company is always a great thing so good lucksmiley - goodluck

Where can I find some nice friendly *and single* girls?

Post 7283


No news from me..still would like very much to stay civil/friends with ex,as he said he wanted..but we had a bit of a row a few weeks ago,n despite my apologies for my part in that has totally blanked me since smiley - sadface

oh n my new haircut n colour has got me a few admiring lookssmiley - diva

Where can I find some nice friendly *and single* girls?

Post 7284


Taking it relaxed would be a problem. At first I had no real concerns about the impression I would do on her. But if I was to go on a date, then I would be all nervous about making her laugh and such. So I'd just tense up and not know what to say or do. Dammit.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7285

Number Six

You don't need to make her laugh or worry about the impression you are making!

All you need is to be interested in *her*, to want to find things out about her (and I bet you do anyway) and let her do most of the talking and you most of the listening and asking. Don't worry about trying too hard to make her laugh, try and avoid telling her interesting things you've thought of or going on too much about what *you* think (this is the trap I always find hard to avoid) - make the whole thing about her. What she thinks, what the feels, what she likes, what she wants to talk about.

It's the only thing that's every worked for me (usually by accident rather than planning!) is when I can forget about myself a bit and give someone my full attention and respond to what *they* say rather than trying to bring in my own topics. They love it, and will love you for it! Although admittedly I've only ever managed to do it by accident.

But it's so easy in theory!

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7286


Well been awhile since I have posted here... how are you all???? smiley - smiley

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7287


Try telling her your Mr Decmeber in a nude charity calendar smiley - winkeye

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7288

A Super Furry Animal

Will there be a 2005 calendar?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7289

Number Six

Hang on, do I sense an undercurrent or in-joke here?

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7290

A Super Furry Animal

We're referring to Lucky Star's 2004 Nude Charity Calendar, that's all: A2263637 .

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7291


I'm all dissapointed now, i clicked on that link, hoping to see LuckyStar au naturell. smiley - bigeyes

Instead I get ReddyFreddy and his magic wand smiley - erm

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7292


I'm up for 2005s... if anyone's doing it.

Only on a site taht doesn't allow photos of course..

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7293


When I talk to a girl in general, I do tend to let them talk and be interested in what they say. And I tend not to say so much, partly because I don't feel I have that much interesting to say about myself. But it still doesn't get me anywhere. And one thing I have noticed is girls like guys who make them laugh, so that is probably my best bet.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7294


Well, called her yesterday. Asked if she fancied doing something friday. She told me she had a girls night in planned with some friends. It was a bit of an awkward conversation, and I'm not sure if she understood what I was saying. That I was after something date-like rather than just meet up and say hi. Well, maybe next week I should ask again.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7295


I went to the Xerox x-mas party last weekend. It was good to see all the people again. Sadly the French girl wasn't there. Shakespeare Girl was, but I didn't manage more than a quick hi. I wanted to go over and talk to her, but she managed to disappear before I did. Was out dancing a few times with a girl from the volleyball team.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7296

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well it sounds as though Uni is improving your chances to meet NFGs anyway, and you are getting lots of practice talking to them and even asking them out. Keep up the good work and I am sure we'll be hearing some good news soon smiley - smooch

smiley - puffk

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7297


Well, uni is basically my last chance. Except newspaper ads. So let us hope I manage to find someone willing to date me.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7298


When in Dublin for the weekend, I just saw a flyer saying they were doing a big performance of Handel's Messiah. Sadly they did it on the 9th of December. The Chezch girl said she loved that piece of music, it would have been a great thing to ask her out for.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7299


Glad to see you're getting out there Xan. smiley - ok

Yeah, i always see adverts for really cool events just after they've happened. smiley - doh

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7300


So what would be the best way to get dates? Would it be best to ask out only the few girls you think might be interested, or would it be better just to ask out a lot of girls and hope that one of them at least will say yes? The latter method could make you seem really desperate, and women don't seem to like desperation. But with the first you do also limit your options. So what would be better, a sniper or a shotgun method?

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