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Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7321


I usually forget about valentines day, its been a non-event for me for so long, I usually just blank it out.

Oh Xan, the knowledge that i'm desperate didn't seem to stop Serephina at the meet smiley - smooch. (has bad feeling that Serephina will take that sentence badly smiley - erm)

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7322


smiley - footprints

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7323


My last post should be used as an example of how to dig your own grave.

er... can anyone help me get out of this thing?

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7324


Nice.... smiley - cross

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7325


Blimey Ged, that was a sequence of posts worthy of the pit-digger extraordinaire, Master B, himself. Congratulations on such finesse and skill in this most difficult of tasks!

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7326


Trying to think of a way of getting myself outer here, without digging the grave any deeper...

er ....help

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7327


don't ask me!
You got yerself in it!

Although I would perhaps suggest staying quiet, keeping out the way and waiting for everyone else to post on here and forget about it smiley - winkeye

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7328

Number Six

Well, if you fancy a change of subject...

Me, I was wondering what Bob's secret to pulling on the dancefloor is. I've done it possibly three or four times in my life, and every time that's been because the girl in question liked me and made a move. They tell me I'm not half bad at the dancing bit, which I prefer to believe - I reckon my problem I've got nothing in between looking around hopefully (which never works) and getting so into it that I ignore women completely...

And Bob, that's terrible news about being on crutches - hope those bones recover soon.

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7329


Hmmm, I meant it as a bad thing. Girls don't like desperation.

I've also attempted to get some girls out dancing. I'm not a good dancer however, and girls don't seem keen on dancing with me anyway. Even if they've just been going on about how they love to dance.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7330


Just be normal with people n stop trying! Though i'm sure i've said that before smiley - erm you never find anything whilst youre looking for it..n definate;ly not if youre looking that hard..it may not be easy but you have to relax n forget about it! Treat people you meet as people not potential girlfriends or whatever.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7331

Number Six

I agree with you about desperation - I don't know how girls can smell it a mile off, but they do... there's a definite sliding scale and the more you want to pull, the less you're likely to. This is why I know that when I'm out in a club, once I start looking around hopefully, all is lost.

I'm a bit worried about my state of mind on that front, because in my more lucid and honest moments I've admitted grudgingly to myself that at least part of me wants to have a proper girlfriend again. Having been happily single for a while, I got severely concussed just before Christmas and had quite a rough January getting over it, and at times like that you get to feel vulnerable and want someone to curl up with.

Because, of course, if I really do want a girlfriend again, the inverse-law sliding scale thing means I'm unlikely to find one.

But my rational, confident self (as opposed to the vulnerable one that got clobbered over the head late last year) has realised that the most enjoyable times of my life have been the few months before I met my two long-term girlfriends... Both times, I was going out loads with the underlying aim of finding myself a girlfriend, and it's only now I realise that the chase was better than the kill, so to speak.

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7332


All my relationships have started just when i was determined a relationship was the last thing i wanted! ..that seems to be when it sneaks up on you..

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7333

Number Six

In that case I hope I can go back from trying to convince myself that I don't want one to genuinely not wanting one... this is getting too complex for words smiley - headhurts

smiley - mod

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7334


It's always complex unfortunately! At the moment I don't know what I want ,really havent a clue...on the one hand i really miss having someone there for me, but on the other im scared of being hurt like that again, whilst also being a bit numb,and pretty confused! Muy self imag is all over the place..I'm more me than ive been in years n kind of feel better about myself in some respects.. but then i think but if i wasn't some sort of hideous mutant the only person ive ever truly loved wouldnt've left me ,let alone as basta*dishly as he did! (not that long ago)..anyone else ive met has either been just desperate or not desperate enough to go near me..perhaps both, which does wonders for a recently chucked girls esteem..n im ranting now sorry smiley - blush

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7335


I used to be a rigid, bad dancer, I didnt used to dance. And then I just learnt to let myself go. Since then theres been several occasions when I've pulled girls and they've told me Im the best dancer in the club.

You just got to let yourself go..

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7336


And I thought it was a constant complaint by the ladies that men just let themselves go?

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7337


I've tried actively finding someone, and I've tried periods where I just didn't care. Neither gave any results either way. And I think trying is probably the better option.

I've joined a Science Ball for next week. Not too sure what it is, but something with a dinner and fancy clothes. But seeing as uni arranges it, probably not that classy. They have them for a lot of different groups. I figured I should try it once, and I noticed the queue for the tickets was about 50% female. Maybe a good place to find some nice, friendly, smart girls.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7338


Have you thought thrt perhaps the prob id your'e pinning all your ideas of being happy n what happy is on other people and this mythical 'great relationship' instead of just 'being' happy? No other person can 'make' you happy., no one can complete what you wont allow to be whole etc! stop trying n start being! you'll get no where in life otherwise..

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7339

You can call me TC

That's a good point, Seraphina. Xan: Are you happy with yourself? You seem to always be wanting to change yourself. Once you have learned to live with yourself, you'll be able to live with others.

And I wouldn't underestimate the dressing up at the Ball. Even if some do turn up in jeans, you won't be out of place in full evening dress, and it looks smiley - droolsexysmiley - drool on any man. Beg borrow or steal a black evening suit. It might be the turning point of your life.

If you've been taking our advice, you should be chummy with some other chaps now, so ask if they can give you any advice on where to go to get kitted out.

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Post 7340


Working in a charity shop i can recommend them for cheap but stylish suits n whatnot smiley - winkeye got some very smiley - drool shoes n yet another new smiley - handbag to bring home today..

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