Icy North

h2g2 is a wholly remarkable website. in fact it is probably the most remarkable website ever to come from the works of the author Douglas Adams. Not only is it a wholly remarkable website, it is also a highly successful one - more popular than ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, better smelling than My Space, and more controversial than Answers.com.

In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of cyberspace, h2g2 has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Wikipedia as the standard repository of all wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly written by 2legs, it scores over the younger, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it has style; and secondly it has the words Like It, Lump It or Leave inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover. smiley - winkeye

About Me


I joined h2g2 in 2003. I fled here along with a number of people from the BBC Radio 4 messageboards after many months of technical problems made the site unusable. The others have all long gone, but I stayed, fell in with some very friendly people, and here I am today.

I started writing edited guide entries in 2005. I try to pick subjects which interest me. If I hear a fact and think the world needs to know it, then I might research it, and some of these exercises turn into entries. I'll write about anything, but recurring subjects are mathematics, words and nostalgic food brands.

I've volunteered as a scout and sub-editor, and for a brief period of time was a guide editor (post-BBC, of course). I'd love to do more, but my job in real life simply doesn't give me enough time at the moment. Maybe one day it will.

Most people here would know me from posting to the Askh2g2 forum. Other things I've done include maintaining a list of edited entry citations, sending difficult quizzes to the h2g2 Post, and running the Deathlist and now-defunct Entry of the Month competitions.

If you're new to h2g2, then welcome. Please take a while to explore - it's a lot bigger than you think. You'll find an eclectic set of bookmarks below.

wheat #F5DEB3

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lavender #E6E6FA

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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