h2g2 Maths Lab
Created | Updated Nov 6, 2005

Welcome to the h2g2 Maths Lab, a place to talk about mathematics!
The Maths Lab is here to provide a focal point for mathematical discussions.
If you have some mathematical idea or theory that you'd like to discuss with others who share your interest, this is a great place to do it.
If you have a question about maths, whether it's a real-world application, a homework problem, or something you're just curious about, why not post it here? The h2g2 community is a fantastic source of knowledge on all topics, and mathematics is no exception.
If you're thinking of writing a mathematical entry for the Edited Guide, and you want a group of people to bounce ideas around, get feedback, and help hone your entry into an h2g2 masterpiece, then just post here!
If you enjoy mathematical games, brain teasers, numerical riddles, or (God forbid) maths jokes1, then this can be a great place to start a thread and match your wits against your fellow researchers.
Anything else you can think of for which a Maths Lab would be handy...
There aren't any special qualifications for being part of the Maths Lab, all you need is to be interested in Mathematics, and want to talk about it. Different levels of experience notwithstanding, we're all students here, so roll up!
Current Members
So, you guys really like maths, huh?GTBacchusGnomonHenrySPinnipedCleoMarjinPencil QueenChrissix7sDr JustinBob the FarmerDogsterme[Andy]gDaveJohn LukeSkatehornSilverfishToy BoxBagpussLyssiaGo stick your head in a pigMaduinJeffTemporal BanditJohn x 3²Raymond the CurmudgeonWibble McWibbleCombattant Pour LibertePimmsIf the Universe is Infinite then I'm "a" CenterRandom_squiresOld HairyMuseSusanEvilAlBobbyjoe656Icy NorthDoug_the_Cat_LoverAdder
Q & A
We recommend that members subscribe to this page, so if you post a question with this form here, someone may come 'round and answer it.
[your question here]
At h2g2
On the Web
If you know of anything else we should link to, just start a thread and say so!