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19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

We're pleased to announce a new volunteer group that has been created to help with the Editorial side of h2g2. The Curators are a small but dedicated bunch of existing volunteers whose role it is to pick up editorial feedback, make changes to Edited Entries and generally keep an eye on existing Edited Guide entries. Currently, the plan is that the Curators will handle basic maintenance, fixing broken links and checking for feedback posted to the bottom of entries as well as to our feedback forum. There may also be potential for further responsibilities in the future, although as with other volunteer schemes, we hope the scheme will be flexible enough for people to just help out when they can.

Because this role requires a greater degree of Editorial know-how than usual - and comes with a great deal of trust attached - we have recruited only from people who have already shown their dedication to the Edited Guide and membership of the scheme is by invitation only. We've also had to keep the group small enough to be manageable while being of a size big enough to make a difference to the upkeep of the Edited Guide archive. The Curators are already actively working their way through the backlogs and the response so far has been encouragingly positive.

We're still in the process of building the scheme a proper homepage, like the other groups, and we still haven't agreed on whether the group should have volunteer badges (acknowledging minor concerns over 'badge collecting'), so we'll leave it up to the members to identify themselves for now. But we thought it would help to explain why editorial feedback queries might receive a reply from someone other than a member of the in-house team.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Good afternoon, everyone!

smiley - smiley

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 3


Somehow I suspected that you would be a curator Gnomon. Maybe it was the whole "dedication to the Edited Guide" thing that tipped me off...


19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 4

Danny B

I knew I wouldn't beat Gnomon here..!

smiley - ok

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 5

Demon Drawer

I though of Gnomon 2nd when I read that line. Off to look at Pennsylvania

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 6


Ok, so Gnomon and Danny B have admitted to being members of the new secret handshake & funny walks club... Shall we start a sweepstake on who else is going to own up smiley - winkeye

Personally my money's on the PA-branch of hootoo... but who else?

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 7

Danny B

With 18 Edited Entries on Monty Python, I think I'm perfectly entitled to a funny walk... smiley - winkeye

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 8


I haven't been around long enough to really know...

But traveller in time always seems to turn up to these, I bet he's one.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 9

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit (with capitals)
"Doubt it, I am hardly serious enough smiley - biggrin. "

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 10


sorry, i've been cutting down on my use of capitals....

but i did know you'd be next here, anyway....

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

TiT thinks he is capital of his TiT country!

I like the 'curators' idea, but I keep thinking that they are liberians with grey hair who ended up to be Indiana Jones' dad: Professor Henry Jones.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 12



Or security guards....

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 13

Danny B

Well, I've no objection to being played by Sean Connery in the film adaptation (although Sean Connery c.1962 would probably be better than the grey-haired version!)

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 14

Jimi X

smiley - whistle

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 15

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - headhurts

Let's not go splitting hairs where Sean Connery is concerned. Never mind his grey hairs, he has precious few hairs peft to split. smiley - tongueout

Gnomon, Demon Drawer, and Jimi X are the ones I would have bet on in the invitation sweepstakes. Go, Pennsylvania! smiley - smiley

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 16

Demon Drawer

My vision for the guide and the towers has been in a little bit of conflict recently. Mind you that might be just what they need.

I'm not holding out hope.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 17

SchrEck Inc.

*materialises from the Continuum* smiley - biggrin

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 18


What happened to openness and inclusivity? smiley - erm I really don't like this 'secret volunteer club' thing... it's a bit distateful.

It doesn't even seem terribly appropriate for something funded by the BBC.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 19

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Invitation only? Great deal of trust?

Does this mean there *is* an elite on h2g2 now? smiley - silly

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 20

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit confused
"smiley - erm This was about a Volunteer Group, as in by your own choise.

The members are however selected by the Towers. smiley - weird"

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