A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 21

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - tongueout @ j'au-æmne

do not be so paranoid let them have their janitor..uhm.. curator club it is hardly a secret, because announced it!

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 22


Hardly secret... (I was joking about the handshakes...

But considering the volunteer group is being figuratively and literally given the right to edit the h2g2 holy of holies, the edited guide, it's hardly surprising the staff want to keep a tight rein...

Personally, I wouldn't have chosen Gnomon, he'll only go around editing everything in sight and within a week we'll all be reading the guide in an Irish accentsmiley - winkeye

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 23

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Plus if you gave anyone who wanted them the powers to update edited entries it would defeat the point of the edited guide, something that's been approved and can be trustworthy. If any Thomas, Richard or Harold could update it we could end up with a website like Wikipedia, completely untrustworthy, always changing and providing information that is bias.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 24

Demon Drawer

Whiskey smiley - winkeye I already read the Guide in an Oirish accent

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 25

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

wonder's how many entries are just wikipedi entries that the scouts haven't noticed anyway ?!

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 26


smiley - yikes They're taking over! smiley - run


smiley - steamWhiskey!!!!!!! <- (That many exclamation marks is a sure sign of an extremely unhappy chappie!)


smiley - nahnah

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 27

Demon Drawer

Sorry must have been the Irish aCCENT smiley - winkeye

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 28


Not many, a google check is pretty fast and efficient for that kind of thing.


19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 29

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Though I did see an EG entry a few months ago that had a Wikipedia article as a reference point, which I think is wholly irresponsible. If somebody is reading this website and they use the link they could think that that website is as trustworthy as this one.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 30

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I'm rather shocked. 2legs hasn't turned up yet....

Very unusual. That powercut must have been mighty powerful.... smiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 31


Here I am, owning up to being a curator... smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 32

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I might as well own up as well...

David - not elite smiley - winkeye

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 33

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

WRT earlier comments of elitists, ... Of course there are some self-appointed/self-annointed ones here-abouts. But as I read the opener of this thread, it seems pretty clear. Folks who have given solid effort over the years are simply being recognized. And being asked to do more !!!

Simply, who-ever has been asked to learn the secret hand-shake, I offer smiley - applause and sincere smiley - goodluck wishes. smiley - smiley

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 34

Demon Drawer

Hang on the first Scouts and Gurus were invitation only were they not?

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 35

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I might as well own up and say that I'm not amongst the elite. First time round I had a hyperspace engine problem that zoomped me to the other side of the galaxy, which wasn't inhabited (bugger), and the second time, I picked up a passenger who wouldn't get off (damm buggy elite 2) so I had to park my ship in a nearby sun.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 36


I guess I'm not elite either smiley - smiley

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 37

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - laugh elite smiley - rofl sorry, but that term so old fashioned in my opinion

"have you ever been member or sumptiser of the communist party?"
Senator Joseph McCarthy, a Republican of Wisconsin.

glad to be member of the non-elitism.

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 38

Danny B

Elite..? You're joking, right?

Does the sort of person who, when reading a hypothetical Entry on, say, Sea Cucumbers, thinks "wait a minute, I remember seeing an Entry on Cucumbers on the Front Page 16 months ago, I must link it immediately; and, by the way, 'Holothuroidea' is spelt wrong" sound like the sort of person who should be classed as an 'elite' member of *any* sort of society? smiley - winkeye

smiley - geek

19 December, 2005: New 'Curators' Volunteer Group

Post 39

Gnomon - time to move on

The Curators were chosen, in large part, for their ability to spot a typing error. That would necessarily exclude certain people who have done trojan work for the guide over the years writing entries. smiley - winkeye

19 December, 2005: New 'Gnomons' Volunteer Group

Post 40

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

>>by the way, 'Holothuroidea' is spelt wrong" sound like the sort of person who should be classed as an 'elite' member of *any* sort of society?

having spent 3 years in a top physics department, yep

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