A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 1

Arisztid Lugosi

I loved it! it was wonderful, thanks so much. pretty much all year i've been looking for myself. i think i've found it. for the past 2 weeks i've been trying to find out about goths, and was slowly comming to the conclusion i was... sort of, on the inside. but now i see that i am goth, just 80z dark wave goth. i didnt realize that there was more than one kind. i was concerned that i would have to sleep in a coffin, drink blood, listen to marylin manson, or wear multiple skulls, or something allong those lines. i'm glad it doesnt mean i have to wear spikes either. so once again thanks vey much. however i was quite saddened to see no mention of Bauhaus who, if my information is correct, started the whole goth scene... although obviously not the medevil stuff. i think i'm finally at peace with myself. thank you so much. smiley - smiley

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Glad to know that the entry is of service. smiley - ok As for Bauhaus ... if you take a look through the other threads you'll find that there are a lot of people who said that this and that band should definetely be included in the lists. With a subculture that places such a great deal of identification on music that is to be expected and I just couldn't include every band. smiley - erm Nothing against Bauhaus, though.

smiley - cheers

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 3

Arisztid Lugosi

well thats ok. i guess you're right. and you did a beautiful job on guide entry. so something like that is pretty minor. thanks smiley - biggrin

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 4

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Heres a tip you might find useful in your 'new life'. Long black jackets, cloaks, trench coats etc are all better to have when theyre good quality as eventually, if you are anything like me it will get caught in doors or trod on on stairs and the seams will split, meaning you have to sow it together which looks good but it leaves you with weaker material so it tears more often, so gradually your new leather jacket becomes so short you're wearing it as a scarf. If that made any sense whatsoever.

I could do with a party. I want a reason to wear a black tux with a black shirt, black tie, black make up with white eyes, and ankle boots complete with the 20 odd rings and pendants i own.

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 5

Arisztid Lugosi

thanks for the advise. i think i'll listen to it. and i knew what you meant. but right now where i live its much to hot to wear black, or anything long... i'm sitting here in shorts and a tee shirt and i'm only exerting my fingers by typing, and i'm sweating. so right now black, and long garments is a mistake.

a party you say? alright. i dare say this isnt what you meant but i here by invite you to a lovely little party right here. we'll have smiley - cheesecake and everything! and it'll really be an occasion to get dressed up... i'll dig out my black lipstick and stuff... will yo come? or rather will you stay for the party?

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 6

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Awesome! Personally I haven't got anything except black clothes. They all got too small and I threw them out. They were all hand downs anyway.

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 7

Arisztid Lugosi

yay! a party!!!
*hands Job some smiley - cheesecake, while dressed all in black*

a vast majority of my clothes are balck... or dark blue. its really hard to find jsut plain black clothes. whenever i go shopping thats what i mean to buy. but i only go shopping if i really need something and so i have to get whats there. and to be honest i have a hard time finding plain black clothes, they all have some stupid add for something on them or something like that... and so i have to settle for dark blue. but sometimes i see something colorful that i really like and so i get that instead... and i think thats a good thing becuase otherwise there'd be times when i'd really be melting because it can get really hot in the summer where i live.

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 8

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Yey! I got a new hat!

I realised something about gothic bands. Modern gothic bands are hard to find for the simple reason that goth is a sub culture and will remain in the shadows. For this reason, it is harder to find a band which is trying to hide. But I can thouroughly reccomend Type O Negative.

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 9

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm.. i'll have to give them a try. i think you're right its hard to find them if they're trying to hide. do you think that the cure is goth? i heard someone say that but i'm not abuot to believe just one person on the web... what do you think? i really like bauhuas, however i am slightly desturbed by some of their lyrics...
"I hold the fresh pink baby
With a smile
I slice off those rosy cheeks
Because I feel so thirsty"
i've tried to look at it from another angle but no matter how i try i cant seem to see it as anything but slightly disturbing. i'd like to ask them what a lot of their stuff means... that one about ear wax confuses me to no end...

more smiley - cheesecake?

Absolutly Beautiful

Post 10

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm.. i'll have to give them a try. i think you're right its hard to find them if they're trying to hide. do you think that the cure is goth? i heard someone say that but i'm not abuot to believe just one person on the web... what do you think? i really like bauhuas, however i am slightly desturbed by some of their lyrics...
"I hold the fresh pink baby
With a smile
I slice off those rosy cheeks
Because I feel so thirsty"
i've tried to look at it from another angle but no matter how i try i cant seem to see it as anything but slightly disturbing. i'd like to ask them what a lot of their stuff means... that one about ear wax confuses me to no end...

more smiley - cheesecake?

what kind of a hat is it?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 11

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

As with every other part of the goth subculture (or any subculture I guess), you'll drift into whatever you're most comfortable with. As Tube rightly pointed out being Goth is primarily a state of mind.
If you don't like Bauhaus... don't listen to them. You might prefer the Cure, or you might not. Just keep your ear to the ground and you'll find what you're looking for.

Personally I don't listen to Bauhaus, for pretty much the same reason you find them unsettling. The Cure have been described as goth, although to be fair they never called themselves goth; that's one of the strange things I've never been able to figure out.

There are many genres of music, and you can find goth music in pretty much all of them. For example, even though Goths and Ravers tend not to get on too well (happy bouncy music just doesn't go well with dark undertones of despair)... it is possible to find goth techno music. Eg, pretty much all of the 'Pocket Universe' album by Yello, or anything by Gothminister. Not that I recommend it much, but it's there if that's what rips your nightie.
Dark industrial may also be what you're looking for; try Static-X, Kovenant, or Front Line Assembly, perhaps.
Some of the larger and easier to find names might set you in the right direction; try Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, some Garbage, or some would say even most of Pink Floyd's 'the Wall' album.

As I say, there's plenty out there and you'll find what you like. Good luck! smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 12

Arisztid Lugosi

thanks. maybe i'll give that a try. smiley - smiley
as for bauhaus i've decided that i can still like them i just dont have to listen to all of their stuff. i'm not sure i can actually name a band that i like all of their songs.

would you like a sloce of smiley - cheesecake?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 13

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Nightwish is a new band from Finland which are becoming increasingly popular with a mix of opera and heavy metal. A bit like the Rasmus only darker (and good). I wouldn't describe the Cure as Gothic but every band has there moments. They seemed a bit pop to me, a bit like HIM (which suposedly started out as gothic). But goth can range from Vivaldi to Black Sabbath to Incubus Sucubus, its all about perspection.

And it's a black tribly to go with my black Tux and Trench Coat.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 14

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm... i've never seen a tribly before... what does it look like?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 15

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Peaked back, pork pie shape, a bit like the guys off the cleo advert (va va voom).

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 16

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm... interesting. i dont think i've ever seen that add. and i'm having a hard time picturing it.

so heres a question maybe you can answer for me. if someone calls yuo and asks to do someting wiht you and you dont want to what do you say. i dont like to lie but i find that theres no way around it. idont want ot say 'well actually i've got nothing planned but i dont want to be wiht you'. and it seems that if i try and tell someone that i just want a quiet evening by mylsef no one will accept that answer. they either think i'm avoiding them or they try and convince me to change my mind.
any ideas? i'm really stuck because i know that the same person who called me today will call agian tomorrow and i had a hard enough time thining of an excuse this time and i dont know how to tell her that in the end i decided not to go to the movies wht my mom....smiley - erm

anyone for more smiley - cheesecake?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 17

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Re: Arisztid Lugosi, #9: If you are confused by Bauhaus lyrics, don't attempt Einstürzende Neubauten. smiley - winkeye
To me The Cure is Goth, with a capital "C". Mainly because they are so old that they could be considered founding memebers of the scene. smiley - laugh

As JermsG pointed out so rightly ... there are so many different types of Goth music. I suggest checking out the style you like by means of the bands named in the entry. Tell us whioch ones you like and we'll chuck similar stuff at you. smiley - winkeye
Ummm... you live in North America ... that makes it hard for me to suggest stuff that is easily obtainable to you. I can wholeheartly suggest http://www.projekt.com/ for some very good US bands. Though rather on the ambient edge.

As for Nightwish, if you like them, make sure to check out "The Gathering" (pretty similar), "Therion" (a bit more bombastic, like full choir etc) or "Samsas Traum" (More on the metal-ish side).

smiley - cheers

PS: Ommmm sorry, can't come up with an answer to that last question qickly enough. Perhaps agree to mee that person together with a group of your friends so that you don't have to spend all the time with hir?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 18

Arisztid Lugosi

thanks tube. i'll try and listen to those bands and then i'll let you know so you can give me more ideas. as for your answer to my question i grately appreciate your answer, but the problem is more that i dont feel like going out at all. at the moment i'd much rather staying home and listening to music or working on my new room that i'm building in the garage. but i want it to be just a place for me, to be alone and do what i want. the walls will be black wiht one crimson. anyway i dont want to have to tell anyone for the reason that people can be so rude and not take no for an answer and just go barging in anyways.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 19

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

A.L.: Is a sloce of cake bigger or smaller than a slice of cake? smiley - winkeyesmiley - cake
I'll have the bit with the most icing please. I don't suppose you're giving away free rollercoasters too? smiley - handcuffs

Just be honest with the people around you. If you feel like having some time just to yourself, say so. Openly, honestly and firmly. Your friends will respect you for it, and if they don't then they're not your friends so you're better off without them anyway.
If they try to barge in then just barge them right back out again. Stand up for your own desires, just like I didn't.
And can you think of any bands which you like /most/ of the songs of? Just off the top of your head? And can you explain why? Eg, do you like deep rumbling bass shivering up your spine, or do you like soulful lamenting lyrics, or do you like screechy metal which makes you want to flick your hair around in a bar? Any ideas?
Let us know what you like and I'm sure between us we can come up with some names of stuff you'll also probably like...

J.B.: I still can't picture a trilby. I assume it's some variation of a coat? Remember I'm not in the same country as you, so our pork pies can be anything from oval to square, to squashed-hedgehog-shaped; and even if I watched TV I still wouldn't see the same ads as you. smiley - erm

and Tube: You're right about The Cure. They never called themselves goth because they were such founding members that 'goth' music per sey just about didn't exist before they did. So they're still goth.
And thank you for the mention of Samsas Traum; I'd never heard of them before. I'll have to find some. smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 20

Arisztid Lugosi

wow that is a lot to think about.
a sloce of cake is jsut the perfect size to how hungary you're feeling at the moment... not too big not too small just the right size.
it would be so lovely regarding your advise about friends but at the moment i'm still in highschool and friends are mportant so i cant just let them all go. in a way i tried that year before last, and it was a really bad idea. i got so depressed. and i'd love to jsut not tell peopel my reasons but they never take no for and answer and they keep bugging you untill yo finally give in.

as for music i could go on for ages and ages. heres a probably very incomplete list:
guns n roses-- for thieir guitar solos and lyrics.
bauhaus-- for the kind of feeling their music seems ot give off. ans if you're ever listenedto their version of spirit in the sky, i love the deep bass sound that vibrates through you even if you're not listening to it that loud.
the tea party-- for their use of different instraments.
the cure-- for their lyrics and theuir voices. i particularily like their songs cut here, maybe someday, and boys dont cry.
tchicovsky-- for some reason i cant explain
matallica-- probably for their anger when i'm in a really really bad mood.
billy idol-- i've only listened to a few of his songs rebel yell, eyes witohut a face. and a few others but i like him, for whatever reason. i'm not sure.

thats about all i can think of. if you can help that'd be great smiley - smiley thanks guyssmiley - hug

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