A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 101



Firstly, my first post was not meant to come across as forcing my issue, I was merely saying what I have learned about the gothic culture.

Secondly, jerms response to my post was not polite at all, calling me pedantic, calling me a hypocrite, telling me to go away, well, that is not what I would call polite.

Thirdly, I have known thousands of americans in my lifetime, not only lived together with americans, but worked together and played together, so I think I know what I am talking about in that department.

If people are to have a polite and adult conversation, then shooting someone down because of their views or opinions is not the way, as I said, if I feel that I am attacked in any way, then I will retaliate.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 102

Arisztid Lugosi

now now... lets try and keep it friendly... does it have to come to challanging people to a duel?

"But it just doesn't make sense to say that being a goth, is being an individual...... so who is the individual ?. "
ok i have somewhat of a problem wiht that little paragraph... ifs just not really fair...no matter what you do you must fit into somw sot of a catagory somewhere... and even if you dont really, everyone must fit into somehting even a little bit... no matter waht you do you'll probably end up being classifyed... so theres really no way out... smiley - erm its a tricky thing... but i think that by fitting into a sub culture at least you're not just following the vast majority of people...

about goths being skinny as a rake.... well i'm not sure thats fair... i mean some people are just truely big boned... does that mean that they cant be goth? and as for me, well i'm not exactly skinny as a rake... i have shape... i may be under weight for my age group, but i'm not anorexic or anything..

and do lets be nice about policemen... you may not like the job they have, but someone has to do it. and actually some of them are very nice. my dads a cop, so maybe my opinion is slightly biased... but whatever...

"I sincerely hope that you can soon find out what is best for you Arisztid, that you finally find your true direction."
well thank you very much D_R i certainly hope so too...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 103



Nice to recieve such speedy replies smiley - smiley

I have often had to deal with issues of faschism and communism in my life, where people are forced to conform to a certain rule or law, so individuality is a very strong subject for me. To me, the idea of being an individual means that I will not try to look and act like others, I will have nothing and no'one telling me how to dress or talk or act, that is a true individual. I cannot grasp the idea, that dressing to the goth code is being individual....I'm sorry!!!

It is not easy today to be an individual, because practically everything has already been tried out, there are laws and codes to adhere to, no matter how stupid some of those are. I know people who wear goth clothes and give out the whole attitude, because they say they are being individual against normal civilisations conformity, to stand out from the masses, well the goth subculture has now been going for a very long time, the goth subculture is becomming 'the masses'.

As regards to the 'being skinny as a rake', well, I have spent years surfing the net and reading books about the goth culture and "how to be a goth". So called experts on the subject, and it is most often said that it is preferable to be skinny to be classed as a goth. Just look at all the movies pertaining to be a bit gothic. The crow for example, do you think it would have had the same impact if the leading character had been a bit plump ?, no, brandon lee was pretty skinny. Don't worry about your shape, I'm sure it is lovely, I am no spring chicken myself smiley - winkeye

Hahaha, the bit about the pi....sorry policemen, yeah, I have had 3 uncles in the police force, I know what that is about, but I have myself been treated badly by the police on a couple of occasions, where police have lied and cheated me, plus I have also noticed a total increase in police related crimes, theft, extorsion, rape, child sexual abuse. It is difficult to have respect for the police when so many of them are just criminals in uniform. I know we should not generalize, but it is too hard not too.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 104

Arisztid Lugosi

no problem.... but i'm going off now.... so the next reply wont be so speedy.

and i'm not worried about my shapesmiley - smiley. i think its fine... i was jsut drawing atention to the fact that i can still be goth but not be annorexic.

i disagree about goths becomming the masses. i just dont hink its true. i mean i dont know where you live, but here it seems that everyone where i live dresses the same... all like the popular kids... the kind that are into rap, ect.

again, about the policeman... i dont know where you live... but i think generally here the police arent corrupt...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 105

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

D_R: Oh dear oh dear you really do have issues. What do you hope to achieve here by barstardizing my name? Do you enjoy being alienated? Because you certainly aren't making any friends here.

You're right that our current term 'Goth' is derived from the French 'Gothique', however with a bit of probing you'll realise that the French, in turn, derived that word from the creed of peoples we now know as 'Visigoth', and used it to describe the architectural styles they borrowed from them.
"I in no way assumed to say what is termed 'Goth' these days." - I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I assumed that's what you meant by "The term 'Gothic' actually denotes a feeling someone has, abiding by old medieval traditions and customs."
"...the need to wear black clothes and listen to a certain types of music... where is the individuality in that?" I agree with you on that.

I'd also like to point out that /you're/ the one attempting character assasination here. I did not call you a pedant. What I /did/ say was "If you're going to be pedantic, you end up with a situation..." And in this case the word 'you' is utilised in the third person generic, rather than the second person direct. Ie it's used the same was as someone would say 'How does one spell 'tenacity'?'. I can see how the confusion arose.

Following on..."anyone has a right to their opinions, and is free to express those opinions," No. Not true. Your right to swing your fist wherever you like ends at my nose.

"my first post was not meant to come across as forcing my issue, I was merely saying what I have learned about the gothic culture." Well then I apologise. Your first posts seemed very much like your own opinion, and some of it was unfounded, which I responded to. The rest was fine, but you shouldn't assume that I attacked everything you said.

Before you go any further I'd like you to read the House rules: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/HouseRules
Because of your language, and your personal attacks, you are in violation of at least two of those rules. If you don't tone down what you say and the way you say it, you will probably be removed from the site.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 106

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug Jerms!!! its so good to have you back!!!!

well i dont really know what to say to that post...smiley - erm as it really was directed at D_R... but oh well....

how have you been since i talked to you last?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 107

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Mostly busy... It's supposed to be a teaching recess at the moment, but being third year that just means that not having lectures just gives me more time to do assignments... smiley - erm
And I have to work as much as possible, because I've run out of money and need to buy food.
I was supposed to lay a floor yesterday, for a friend, but as I suspected there is absolutely /no/ way to completely re-lay a lounge floor in one day, so I have to go back tomorrow to finish it.

On friday my Russian's coming to visit!
Pity I don't have the internet at home; I'd love to be here more often.

smiley - hug

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 108

Arisztid Lugosi

sorry to hear you have to lay floor tomorrow. but i'm glad that you're on now! its so exciting! i didnt expect to hear from you for a while...

you're russian? i'm confused?

and i wish you had internet at home too. but i'll look on the bright side and tell my self that at least i get to talk to you at all::
smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 109

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Don't be too sorry about my floor-laying; at least I'm getting paid for it! smiley - ok

smiley - laugh No, I'm not Russian! But I have a russian friend, and he's flying in to visit on friday, for the weekend. smiley - cool So he's 'my Russian', just like that guy in Braveheart says 'It's my Ireland'! smiley - rofl

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 110

Arisztid Lugosi

oh good if your getting paied for it then you're well on your way to the castle!smiley - rofl

that makes sence now. thanks for explaining... i wish i could speak russian.... i think it'd be cool... or at least be able to write itsmiley - erm

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 111

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Well smiley - erm I'm not sure about on the way to the castle, but at least I'll be able to buy food now.

I'd like to be able to speak and write Russian too; I've heard my friend speak it, usually on the phone to his parents, and it sounds very cool. smiley - cool
I have a short course in beginner's Russian at home somewhere... but I haven't actually looked at it yet... It's on the 'to do' list along with learning Ancient Norse and Runic Swedish... smiley - headhurts
smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 112

Arisztid Lugosi

sure you're on the way to the castle....smiley - biggrin.... baby steps....
and food is definately a good first step.

all of those sound fun. i know the russian alphabet but i cant write russian. the best i can do is use it as a code so no one around me knows what i'm writing...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 113

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Yep baby steps are good. smiley - ok

Hmmm... a code breakable only by those who can write russian? smiley - laugh That could get you into a lot of trouble! smiley - winkeye

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 114

Arisztid Lugosi

ahhh.. yes... well dont let on.. but i intend to be a spy sometime later in life smiley - winkeye

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 115

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - cool You can practice by spying on me... smiley - winkeye If I catch you I promise to let you go again. smiley - smiley

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 116

Arisztid Lugosi

well thanks jerms!smiley - hug thats very kind of you.

ok time for the trench coat, sunglasses, breifcase, false mustache... hmmm.. i'll have to wear the collar way up as if to protect me from the wind...smiley - erm too bad its a clear sunny day....

smiley - cool

good thing you'll let me go again.smiley - cuddle thankssmiley - smiley

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 117

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh I'll probably have to let you go 'coz I'll be laughing at the false moustache so much! smiley - rofl

(No, seriously, I really can't imagine it!)

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 118

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - rofl good...

yeah, i know what you mean.smiley - smiley i'm having trouble imagining me in a false moustache.... at least imagining me seriously. i think i'd look rediculoussmiley - biggrin

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 119

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I believe I have a cheap false moustache at home somewhere, Groucho Marx styles... If I can find it I'll wear it to pick up my Russian at the airport... smiley - laugh

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 120

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - laugh

if you do that tell me. it'll give me a really good laugh!

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