A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 141

Arisztid Lugosi

i knew i was forgetting something!!!
i'm taking law too! .... an honest politician? that'll be a very nice change.

deoderant kills wasps? i didnt know that. i assume you mean the spray stuff...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 142

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Law...? How come that most of the Goth I know hold a degree or two in law?

Maybe the desire of knowing what makes the word and society turn/do the things they to?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 143

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm.. i dunno.
law interests me ever since i read nancy drew. i dont read her any nore, actually i find her quite annoying now... but anyway...

tube, how do you do that neat thing around your name?

-=-.... is it like that...? i guess i'll find out if it worked when i post this...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 144

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Yup. Seems like you took less than five years to figure it out ... smiley - erm I shall go and crumble to dust now.. smiley - vampiresmiley - winkeye

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 145

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - yikes
dont do that!!!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 146

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Well if you held out the lighter and sprayed deodrant through the flame at a wasp that would probably kill it. Or wind it up even more, then all you've got is a massive flaming wasp. Gulp.

I'm not bothered about doing law or polotics, it's just something I could get a degree in History with and still be uselful. A career in polotics would be fun...
I'd thing law as a career would be a bit tedious but as a subject it seems quite enjoyable.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 147

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh Hehee! Massive flaming wasp!

"... become an honest politician." Or learn how best to be a /really/ dishonest one... smiley - winkeye

"Maybe the desire of knowing what makes the word and society turn/do the things they to?" smiley - ok Yeah that sounds feasible. I wouldn't say that most of the Goths /I/ know hold a degree or two in law, but aparrantly a law degree is fairly expensive over here, so that's probably why. smiley - cheers

I was never really interested in either law or politics; they seem too 'dry' for my liking. I was a linguistics student instead, although J'ai parlé pas le bon Française depuis six ans. smiley - ok

"I guess I'll find out if it worked when I post this..." smiley - erm You know there's a 'preview' button, right? Or are you too busy to use it? smiley - laugh

The lighter and deodorant can thing works really well; my dwaf and I would use them to get rid of paper wasps in the woodshed while we were working at the cabinetmakers. A bit dodgy, I agree. One bad aim and several thousand dollars worth of timber would be going up in flame around our ears. smiley - erm The main trick is to make sure the lighter is far enough away from the can so that there is /no/ chance of a backdraft. I happen to like my fingers.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 148

Arisztid Lugosi

i know thers a preview button...i jsut forget its there... because i never really use it. as you can probably tell from my mass of typos...

hey guess what jerms!!!
i bought this book and cd's to teach me how to read, write, and speak russian! i'm so excited!!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 149

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - cool Sweet! smiley - biggrin

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 150

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

My cousin took russian. Gave up after a while.

A group of mates (the old band before Polo joined and Dudley left) mainly Dudley almost managed to set fire to my house with the deoderant and lighter thing. Band practice gone awry.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 151

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

(mental note: Wear asbestos next time I go to one of Job's practices...) smiley - ok

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 152

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Lol. That would be a most excellent idea. Or just wait until the end of the practice to sell lighters to my mates.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 153

Arisztid Lugosi

*rubs hands together and thinks $$$*
hmm.. selling lighters, i wonder how much of a profit yu can make out of that...

no jsut kidding job, i'd feel terrible if someone burnt down your house using a lighter i'd sold them...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 154

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I wouldnt mind as long as it wasnt my fault.

If you can buy 10 or 12 lighters for £1/ $1 (Idon't know what the rates for cheap lighters are there) you can cell them for 20 - 25p/c each depending on the gullibility of the client and their knowledge of the local area etc. Or 50p for three. Thats my rates. But stay away from my school though.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 155

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

That's a pretty good profit! smiley - ok

Reminds me of a friend who was talking about his simple money-making schemes in South Africa; he could buy a big-ass bag of premade popcorn for about $2 - about a kilo - and those zip-lock bags for about 50c for 100, transfer the popcorn, and then sell the smaller bags of about 100g of popcorn for $1.50 each! smiley - cool

People are so gullible! smiley - laugh

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 156

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Hmm what an idea...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 157

Arisztid Lugosi

i never want to see any more popcorn as long as i live. and that goes doubbly, trippley for hot dogs....smiley - ill i made so much of them on saturday and sunday!!! the hotdogs are the grossest things ever! if they get left on the spinny lighted thing too long they get all bubbley and i dont mean the skin bubbles, i mean some sort of grease bubbles start to form on the top... and they're so greasy.... ick!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 158

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

They dont taste very nice in my opinion either.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 159

Arisztid Lugosi

thats annother good point, smiley - erm they really dont taste very good either.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 160

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

It's not that I dislike them with onions and mustard and ketchup and everything else but if anyone ever eats frankfurters take heed of my advice: DON'T EAT IT!

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