A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 121

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Sure! smiley - oksmiley - clown

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 122

Arisztid Lugosi

thanks jerms. if you do i'll get quite a good laughsmiley - smiley
smiley - cuddle

10mins till bed time...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 123

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Can someone give me a basic backlog of what's happened I've been on hols for a week an am completely lost.

Greetings darkness reigns- I take my hat off to you.

I may have found a way to trick god into non existance. I'll tell you all later when I have my notepad handy.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 124

Arisztid Lugosi

ok Job... i'll give you the basics... but just this once. and then next time you'll have to do it yourself... you could jsut skim itsmiley - erm or something.

this is going to be an un-opioninated and slightly vague summary starting when you left... i cant really say much becuase i dont want to be taking sides... even though i already have... i'd jsut rather not say who's here...smiley - erm if that makse any sence...if you really want to know whats going on then i think that you should maybe jsut read at least posts 94-105... the rest is jsut me and jerms chatting...

post 94&95
D_R came and posted two very long posts about lots of stuff. and expressed his opinion about some stuff we'd been talking about.

jerms came back and replyed to all the things he missed from us in the first half of that post. the second half he replied to the post from D_R. Which ended wiht jerms saying ""...if you don't mind, I wish to light more incense, dance to ritual chants, and drink my girlfriends blood." Yeah you do that. Your words are hypocrisy. Go away now. Perhaps you might like to update your intro while you're gone."

post 97
this was from me mostly replying to jerms... and a small paragraph in reply to D_R

post 98
was taken away because it violated the house rules... and i cant remember what it was about... and even if i did its probably best i dont say what... if it got yikes-ed

post 99
my little reply to 98 from D_R asking to keep things polite...

post 100
from D_R a reply to things that had been said before... a small appology to me.

post 101
was i think a sinulpost... i infact didnt even know that it existed untill jsut now...smiley - erm

post 102

.... never mind... this is really not going anywehre...'
i hardly think that this is at all helpfull. like i said you really should jsut read 94-105 if you want to know whats going on. all the other posts were just kinda ma nd jerms chatting... but i dont think that what i've done so far was ver informative... i realized that when i was about to type yet again that waht was said was a reply to teh prevous post...

sorry job.

by the way i'm going to watch uptown girls... smiley - erm even though i said that i wasnt going to. i had a friend that i hadnt seen in year spend a few days wiht me and she brought me that as a gift. so i suppose that i'll have to watch it. because i know she'll ask me about it.... oh well... we'll see what i think of it.....

good to have you backsmiley - hug. i was starting to wonder what had happend to you.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 125

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I'm just glad to know I'm wanted. Or at least noticed.

Isn't it weird how when you go away you get about a million posts but as soon as you reply to them all you don't get any after that. Strange.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 126

Arisztid Lugosi

yeah that is kinda weird. but i think it has a lot to do wiht being online at the same time as people. and whatnot...

and yes of course your noticed!!! and even more than taht you're definately wanted!smiley - hug

so yeah... sorry i couldnt be more helpful with the quick recaping...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 127

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Hi guys... Darn I missed both Job and Arisztid by only a few hours... ah well.

How were your holidays Job? What'd you do? Hope you had fun. smiley - ok

Arisztid - I didn't find the fake moustache in time, although I found it while Ilya was here, so he wore it on the trip to the airport and I wore it home again. We got the best weird looks in the terminal - He looks like a dodgy french guy with it on... smiley - laugh

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 128

Arisztid Lugosi

jerms! glad you're back!!!smiley - cuddle

i dont know how long i'll be on... my darned brother wants the computer... but i'll be on later tonight if its the last thing i do.

thats great about the moustache. i wish i had friends taht would do that wiht me but they're all too concerned about what people would think. or they jsut think i'm very smiley - weird

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 129

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - weird is good. I like smiley - weird. Besides, it's good to laugh!
smiley - hug

I don't know how long I'll be on for either; I really only came in to check the H2G2 posts, so once that's done I might just go home again. We'll see what happens. smiley - ok

smiley - hug

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 130

Arisztid Lugosi

i likesmiley - weird too. and laughing is lots of fun. but its not so much to laugh on your own... you know what i mean?

i hope you end up staying longer. it'd be nice to talk to yousmiley - hug

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 131

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I know what you mean. Having somebody else to laugh with is the best way... my Russian's great for that, although most of the stuff he finds funny involves taking quotes from random shows, and using them in other contexts... unfortunately most of the shows he's seen haven't been seen by other people around him, so he usually gets a lot of weird looks, and even I don't know what he's on about sometimes... smiley - erm

If I'd planned ahead I'd have prepared some more info so I could update my entries and hang around longer, but I left it all at home... smiley - sadface
Never mind, I'm taking my time anyway. smiley - hug

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 132

Arisztid Lugosi

having friends to laugh wiht is great! i've really only got one and i dont see her often enough. but she's the one who understands, and shares my dracula/bela lugosi obsession...

i'm glad you're taking your timesmiley - hug i want to talk to you as long as i can as i havent talked to you in what seems ages.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 133

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh Four days! But it does seem like ages... I supposed I must confess that I'm addicted to H2G2, when I spent an hour walking in to uni this morning so I could come online here... (and check my e-mails, too, I guess, but there's nothing very interesting there anyway.)
smiley - hug

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 134

Arisztid Lugosi

wow! it took you an hour to walk there so you could be on h2g2!?
but i msut confess that i'd do the same in a heart beat. i'd walk 2 hours to talk to you Jermssmiley - hug
was it only 4 days? wow! it really seemed like forever!!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 135

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Aww... smiley - blush
Admittedly if I didn't come here today I'd just be sitting at home by myself watching music videos or something; I'd much rather be here instead.
And I think it was four days; I have no head for chronology these days (It's still August, right?) but when I signed on H2G2 happily told me that I'd last posted four days ago. I guess it's right! smiley - winkeye

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 136

Arisztid Lugosi

yes its still augustsmiley - biggrin but almost september!smiley - yikes which means school starts up for me...yuck! which also means that i cant stay up late talking to you anymore... unless its a weekend, in which case i will definately stay up as long as i can if you're online.

and i guess it was 4 days... sounds about right even if it seemed like forever. i would have guessed 5 days or so... but i was close...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 137

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Can't wait til late autumn. Living in fear of wasps and sunlight is not my favourite erm... thing.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 138

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I like autumn. Pity it's another six months away, for me.
The best thing, in my experience, for detering wasps... is a BIG-ASS FLAMETHROWER!!!! YAH! smiley - laugh

AL: Stupid school. smiley - grr What are your main topics? I already know Job's...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 139

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm... a flame thrower... thats an idea. how would you llike to come over and burn down this annoying tree outside my window? its like some sort of wasp magnet... theres thousands of them swarming around it.

the courses i'm taking this year are...
math honors... i really hate math. and i like to listen to music in class... but shhh... dont tell anyone or i'll get in big trouble.
english... i was going to take honors but then i discovered my favorite teacher is teaching regular english and decided it was better to go wiht him...
Chemistry, Phisics(which i'm really bad at),
French... as my country is bilinguial thats what we started learning.. so i figured i'd just continie what i allready knew.
History,... and i thnink thats it. i get a spare!!! i'm so happy about that this year!

so thats what i'm taking... all very boring. except english. i used ot hat english untill last year when i got a great teacher. and now if i do get him again it'll be fun, and i'll do well.smiley - smiley

i love autumn! thats when my birthday is, and halloween and everything! and the leaves are pretty colors! and the air is a little cold but its nice and crisp. and its not too darned hot out to wear black!!smiley - smiley

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 140

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

deoderant can and a LARGE lighter...

Mmm Halloween, Samhain, New Year depending on your particular faith. Tis all good.

A level i think I may take law, history, politics and Religion... become an honest politician.

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