A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 61

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Dear god that's a long post.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 62

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Ok well I only read half of that. Things to do and all that.

Yeah I know about the links thing but I don't have the password to change it because ill abuse the website apparently. Which is true but not the point.

6mm will do for the moment. Then I'm almost there...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 63

Arisztid Lugosi

ok wellll... i'm about to reply to the monster posting first...smiley - erm i'm not really sure how it'll work out....

first off. Jerms I absolutely love long postings! keep 'em comming. i'll take as many as i can get! right now this is procrastanationg fir cleaning the upstairs of my house. smiley - grr that is supposed to be my brothers job! i cleaned the whole stupid downstairs. but anyway...

smiley - bigeyes i just love that smiley i think its so cute.

"I try not to let my previous experiences define my expectations, though. Because otherwise I get too depressed." i've tried that. for some reason i seem to do it subconsciously or something because i dont even seem to realize that i'm doing that.... but i wish that i could.... i tried supressing my emotions, sort of like vulcans (i'm a total star trek nut). it worked very nicely for a while, and it was lovely not getting upset about things that botherd me. but i had to stop doing that becasue after a while i'd just explode all over someone because of something small. and that wasnt good... not fun eihter. but in the end i may try doing that again... and then maybe screaming into my pillow at night... well maybe i'll find a different way. but the same thing seems to happen if i dont tell people about the way i feel andi jsut bottle it all up inside. so i've had to stop doing that as well.

sorry job. i dont really want to see 13 going on 30 either...

"Karl Hyde from Underworld waved at meeee!"
oooh! lucky! *pauses and then looks embarassed* umm... sorry whos he?

"So yeah there are heaps of bands that I like which aren't part of the culture"
i couldnt just listen to goth music and watch goht type movies all day.... i'd be perpetually depressed. and i dont want to do that. so instead i watch comedy shows, they keep me in a good mood, and they distract my mind.

i know its my grandma and my cousins problem.... but for some reason i needed you to tell me that smiley - erm i wonder why....
i take things too personally. and i get upset too easily. but i cant really help it... i jsut blame myself for everyhting. i've really got to stop doing that. it makes me sad, and feel stupid....

"I'd happily go to the concert with you, but ahaha, wrong continent."
smiley - cuddle aww... thanks Jerms. too bad it is the worng continent... its the thought that counts. now why is it that i try and say something like that on here and i immediately get a million people warning me about strange people on the internetsmiley - erm hmm... and thanks for your advise on concerts and drugs...

hooray for no more hanging out wiht annoying popular kids!!!

u'm going to try and get that book. i wonder if i can get it at that lovely litte used book store in town. the man there is always so nice to me. i got a free book for christmas last year... but is the book funny, or depressing, or what?

"...either to avoid any semblance of conformity..."
ok heres a small dilemma. all our clothes, unless you sew your own, have to cone from stores... and so someone else will always have the same shirt or whatever... and theres so many people in the world that there must be at least one person that dresses like mesmiley - erm so can we ever escape a small amount of conformity? oh! wait brain wave... every ones facail features are differnent. and so are their minds... so... ok never mind. i think i must be having a bad morning... i really cant remember where i was going wiht that....

"So: I am a goth. I am a member of the goth subculture. I wear gothic clothing. etc."
hey me to! ... have we met before?
people can be really funny. for example just the other day i asked my brother if i could borrow his black shirt. and his reply was 'why?... oh.... i see... so you can turn it all goth!" well he said it in a reather accusitory mannor.smiley - erm and how exactly do you turn a black shirt goth? it seem to me that there are a lot of misconseptions.... i feel like handing out pamphletssmiley - biggrin/
maybe i can get him to give me all his black clothes by telling him that black only is a goth colorsmiley - evilgrin no thats to mean... and besides i dont want so be sending him disinformation... oh well.

and i'm sure i will have fun at the dentists...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 64

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I'm completely lost.

Don't blame you not wanting to see it. Tis smiley - cheese.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 65

Arisztid Lugosi

*pulls out a map of the conversaion*
maybe i can help. what is it that confuses you?
*looks politely inquiring*

could someone tell me why people keep accusing me of being mad at them or looking angry when neither is really the case?
*waits for a responce*
no... i thought not.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 66

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

"...I don't have the password to change it because ill abuse the website apparently. Which is true but not the point." smiley - rofl

"...i seem to do it subconsciously or something..." People's expectations are /built/ on previous experiences. That's all they ever can be built on. But realising that what we experience isn't the total sum of reality, helps. smiley - cheers
"...it was lovely not getting upset about things that botherd me." I had a revelation one day, when someone pointed out that if something is worth stressing over, then you don't need to stress, just act on it. If it's not worth stressing over, then don't. It makes such sense, so now I almost never get stressed any more. smiley - biggrin Just sad. smiley - erm

Karl Hyde's the singer of the band called Underworld. http://www.underworldlive.com/uwlive/archive/index.html

"...I just blame myself for everything. i've really got to stop doing that..." Yes. Yes you should. Stop right now.

The book illusions isn't really a book made for entertainment, although it /is/ entertaining. It's more a book which makes you think. Sort of like a Stanley Kubrick movie. It's vaguely about the philosophy of religion, but not really. smiley - erm

"...theres so many people in the world that there must be at least one person that dresses like me..." Well I don't know about you, but I have yet to meet a 6foot1inch goth with blue hair, wearing a chainmail choker, handwraps, and a black velvet ball dress to go clubbing...

Hmm... handing out pamplets... we could go doorknocking! smiley - devil "Knock! knock! Excuse me sir, are you religious?" smiley - evilgrin


"Could someone tell me why people keep accusing me of being mad at them or looking angry when neither is really the case?" Do you subconsciously frown when you're thinking? The woman I'm interested in at the moment is like that too, looking slightly angry is just her natural facial state... it's not directed at anyone...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 67

Arisztid Lugosi

"Yes. Yes you should. Stop right now."
very encouraging. in fact thamks to you i've decided to stop right now smiley - biggrin.

i cant think of any stanley kubrik movies... care to list a few so i know who you're talking about?

"if something is worth stressing over, then you don't need to stress, just act on it. If it's not worth stressing over, then don't."
well thats very good advise but a lot of the things i stress about dont make any sence. so i cant very well stop. like being nervous before i go out wiht friends... i dont even know why i do that...smiley - erm. and i was so nervous about my driving test. you shold see my picture it looks jsut like a mug shot, and every one thats seen is says i look really p!ssed off. i didnt mean to, but the lady was so mean. and i was so shocked taht i'd passed. i was almost crying. i wasnt mad....

maybe i do jsut look mad when i'm thinking. that would expalin a lot. things like why people keep asking me whats wring, when theres nothing wrong.
waht really irks me when someone says 'oh, are you feeling alright? you look awful'. when in fact theres nothing wrong.

i'm going too look at that link tomorrow... i'm about to go watch 'pirates' the roman polanski movie. i'll let you all knwo how it turns out.

"Hmm... handing out pamplets... we could go doorknocking! "Knock! knock! Excuse me sir, are you religious?" "
i think its a mavelous idea. it'd be pretty funny. i'd do it but i know how much i hate haveing to tell jehovas whitnesses that i'm not interested. they jsut dont listen...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 68

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Er, Stanley Kubrick... his last movie was AI, although he died before it really got underway, so Steven Spielberg took over. Before that he made Clockwork Orange, and "Doctor Strangelove, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love the Bomb." Can't think of any others just now. The point is that he makes entertaining movies, although he doesn't make them to be entertaining, he makes them to make people /think/. And Illusions is sorta like that.

Stress is a natural thing for a body to do, although sometimes it can get out of control. If you find yourself getting stressed or nervous, just ask yourself if there's anything about the situation you should change. If the answer is yes then ask yourself what, and then do it and you'll stop stressing. If the answer is no then just take a deep breath and try to calm down. smiley - ok

I'm not the biggest fan of Jehovah's witnesses, either. Although I seem to be able to tolerate them more than most. I just figure they're trying to improve my life in the only way they can think of. So I'm grateful for the thought, even though I think they're wrong. And I know that they only knock on doors trying to 'spread the word' because the church tells them to, and they usually don't want to. Poor buggers.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 69

Arisztid Lugosi

ahh... those movies. i've never seen any of them but i now know who you're talking about. i'm going to look for that book soon. maybe tomorrow if i can convince my dad to take me into town... maybe ill walk... but its kinda far-ish....

deep breath.... big deep breath... good idea. i'll give it a try...

i can tolerate them more than most too. so many people get very upset, and i dare say are rude to them. i try to patiently expalin that i'm quite happy with my religon... and that no i dont want any pamphlets. and eventually they go away. but your right you kinda have to feel sorry for them. its mostly a fear thing, they think theres only so many seats in heaven. so there trying to get one. i never tought to look at it like you said "I just figure they're trying to improve my life in the only way they can think of". if you look at it that way i mind even less.
but i'm not religous by nature. i figure that you shuold try and be a nice and good person and make peoples live better smiley - erm or whatever. and i believe in god. but if hes as nice as everyone seems to think then i dont think he'd care what you are so long as you were generally good. does that make sence? i mean i dont really mean be nice all the time... it would be nice if i had that kind of restraint. but no i can still be mean, not often though....

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 70

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

It's a hard book to find, so try not to be disappointed if you can't get it.

"...if hes as nice as everyone seems to think then i dont think he'd care what you are so long as you were generally good." smiley - applause Exactly what I think! Otherwise what would be the point of giving us volition, even if we're created to have it? smiley - huh And if we're not created to have it then it's a moot point trying to figure out whether we should be good or not.
Let me know what you think of my philosophy (A2841158) sometime; it also covers where our concept of 'god' came from.

I'm trying to learn to be less nice. I'm sick of being A Nice Guy.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 71

Arisztid Lugosi

i was jsut about to go and read your philosophy when i read this... " 'm trying to learn to be less nice. I'm sick of being A Nice Guy"
noooooo......smiley - wahdont stop being a nice guy!!! taht would be terible! smiley - cuddlewho would i have then? no one thats who. i know you can carry being nice way too far, like i jsut finished tellling you about that girl, but the world needs a few nice guys. so i guess if you must you can stop being a nice guy to the rest of the world, but please dont stop being a nice guy to me.... if that makes any sence....

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 72

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Well I wasn't intending to turn into a complete @$$hole. But there are limits to how much one person can be stood on before they start to feel like too much of a doormat. smiley - erm

And if you're not standing on me, you won't notice any difference, alright? smiley - cuddle

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 73

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddle ok thats fine wiht me. just let me know if i'm ever standing and i'll get off immediately. because if i am i wont mean to be doing it.

i know what you mean about being a doormat, or at least i think i knowsmiley - erm. so i can totally undersand you're not wanting to be one. but for me i'm afraid it jsut may be my calling in life.... i jsut never want to be mean to anyone.

but i'm glas you're not gonna turn into a complete @$$hole. thats good.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 74

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

ok someone give me a brief summary of what the conversations been about since i said i was confused and the basic plot of before that then don't post anything longer than a paragraph til i get unconfused pleaseeee.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 75

Arisztid Lugosi

starting with post 60
ok first Jerms said that some of the things people said to me were not my problem, theywre the other peoples. then he wished me luck at the dentist. then he said that both of us seem to be people that he agrees with a heck of a lot. then he said he'd go to the concert wiht me but that we were on the wrong continents, and he also made a remark about drugs at concerts. then he told you "I've been wanting a longer tongue for years too... I got a quote a few months ago for an oral surgeon to cut my lingual frenellum (that ligament under your tongue.) but he reckoned he could only increase the length by about 6mm. I was hoping for about 42. Pretty cheap, though." then jerms seemed to express some concern about saking people for a sip of their drink. then we talked a little about popular kids. then he reconnended a book called illusions by Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. tthen there was a langhtly remark about the 3 kinds of goth you were talking about. i'll put it here. "...once they become gothic, they'll no longer call themselves goths so it'll cancel itself out." Nah I disagree with that. Most goths deny being a goth, but I find that's mostly because they don't want to be labelled, either to avoid any semblance of conformity or because they want to keep people off-balance. 'Goth' now refers to the three you mentioned, plus the Goth subculture.
"...maybe the subculture should have the name but the individuals shouldn't..." Don't get confused between 'goth' (noun) and 'gothic' (adjective). The name of a subculture is always derived from the individuals contained within it, not just used to describe an attribut e of them. Eg. Gothic architecture was made by members of the goth civilisation. You can't say that the architecture itself is goth, but it has gothic attributes. So: I am a goth. I am a member of the goth subculture. I wear gothic clothing. etc.

post 61
jerms connented that the previous was a long post

you came back but said you'd only reald half of that post (so i thought i'd include it)

post 63
here i replyed to posting 60 first. i told jerms that i love long psotings, and the smiley - bigeyes smiley. then i talked about not letting previous experiences st up expectations for the next. then i asked him who karl hyde was. then i remarked that i couldnt jsut listen to goht music and watch goth type movies all day because i'd get permanantly depressed so i like to watch comedy shows to keep me in a good mood and distract my mind. then i thanked Jerms for saying hed go to the concert, but that it was a pity that we ;lived onteh worng continents. then i said something about conformity and forgot where i was going wiht it. then i said something about my broher, and remarked that i sometimes feel like handing out pamphlets.

post 64
you said you were confused

post 65
i offered to unconfuse you. then i asked if anyone knew why people kept accusing me of looking upset and mad.

post 66
jerms pointed out something interesting. " if something is worth stressing over, then you don't need to stress, just act on it. If it's not worth stressing over, then don't" then he told me who karl hayde is. tehn he told me a little about the book, kindasmiley - erm. and then he told me that hes never met anyone that looks like him. then he said if we were going to hand out pamphlets we shold go door to door. then he said maybe people think i'm mad because its my normal facial expression and i jsut look like that when i'm thinking or something.

i told himi didnt know who stanley kubrik was. then i made some sort of remark about that something interesting he said, and it seemed to hend in me talking abot my terrible drivers liscence picture. theni said it'd be funny to hand out pamphlets and go door to door, but that i hate having to tell jehovas whitnesses that i'm not interested.

post 68
Jerms told me who stanley kubrik was. told me stress is natural and to take a deep breth. and then said something about jehovas whitnesses.

post 69
i told jerms that i'd never seen any of the movies he mentioned. then i said something about not being very religous by nature but atht i bleieve in god ect.... you can read it if your interested.

post 70
jerms warned me that its a hard to find book. then gave a link to his peronal philosophy. then he said he was trying to learn to be less nice because he was sick of being a nice guy.

post 71
i said...
well actiually i think form that point on they're very self explanitory. sorry if this is really long but i was never very good at sumarizing. hope that helped.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 76

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

ok I think I get it.

B@$*@*D Jehovas witnesses. I hate them. They came to my house (I'm wiccan btw) and they gave me a book, asked me to read it and said that they'd be back for it some weekend.

Two days later my friend cleans me out of a bible, 80 odd p, a money box, blade 2 (film) which i tried to loose coz it was rubbish, a lighter AND THE JEHOVAS WITNESS BOOK at a game of poker.

WITH THE DEAD MANS HAND (two pair aces over eights)

smiley - wah

I have developed a fear of jehovas witnesses.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 77

Arisztid Lugosi

ahh... like i said i dont think they're that bad. and like jerms said they mean well. i mean even if they're wrong its nice that they want to try and help everyone. we wont mention the fact that most of them are only doing it because they want one of the few seats in heaven. it does scare me that if your entire family is jehovas whitnesses and you decide not to be one taht the will immideately cut you off from teh family and pertend that they dont know you. i dont understand how someone could do that to someone they loved. i have a friend whos a jehovas whitness. well actually shes more of an aquantince but anyway shes so nice it scares me sometimes. at first i thought it was all jsut some sor ot act, but now i think shes actually genuinely that nice. so i dont really know what to think. but i for one never appreciate being told i'm going to hell...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 78

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - huh Hang on. How the heck can you get two pairs of aces and an eight in poker AND STILL LOSE????!! smiley - headhurts Still at least you didn't lose anything important, right? Except for maybe the money.

And AL, you just reminded me; my brother in law is Jehovah's witness! And his family disowned him for marrying my sister. smiley - erm

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 79

Arisztid Lugosi

i think thats absolutely terrible. how can anyone think thats right?

is he still a jehovas whitness after that?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 80

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I dunno. I guess so. He doesn't talk about it much, it seems like he's not missing them.

The problem was being a Jehovah's witness he was only supposed to ever marry once. If that fell apart then that was it, no more. Except his first wife died, and he eventually remarried, to my sister. Aparrantly even that wasn't allowed. smiley - grr It wasn't as if they got divorced, or anything.

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