A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 21

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Tell them your going on holiday and wont be back for two weeks. And a trilby is a hat.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 22

Arisztid Lugosi

ah! Job!!! you're brilliant!! thats a wonderful idea! oh, wait i've jsut discovered a little flaw... what if they call and someone answers the phone... perhaps i'll say i'm going to visit my cousin, by myself. yes! thats a brilliant idea!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 23

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Leave the phone off the hook or tell everyone there that you aren't in then sneak back and hide. Or pretend you're ill with something contagious.

Alternatively you could just say you don't want to.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 24

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

"...you could just say you don't want to." smiley - applause I agree. Like I say, just be honest.

"...friends are important so i cant just let them all go..." Yes. Yes they are important. But if they don't care about what you want and just barge in, then they're not very good friends are they?
And it's okay to just want to be by yourself sometimes. They have to understand that.
Just because you want to spend some time by yourself occasionally doesn't mean you never want to see them again. If they can't understand that then that's their problem. /Everybody/ needs to take time out sometimes. Even you. And /everybody/ needs to spend some time with other people. Even you.

When you're ready for it. When it's /comfortable/. When /you/ want. Not when your friends want you to.

Be strong, mate. You're the one living your life. Your true friends will appreciate that.

smiley - hug

PS as for your music, I'll keep thinking about what styles of music you might like. The only things that I can think of off the top of my head would be Korn or Dope. I'm sure I can think of more, when I have a little more time. (Assignment due in soon!)
smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 25

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Oh, and yes. I should have realised a tribly was a hat from way back in post nine. Never mind. I know now.
smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 26

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Re friends: I agree with what was said before ... not a lot to add, sorry.

Re music: You could try "Sisters of Mercy" or "Fields of the Nephilim" for more rock-ish stuff. Try "Einstürzende Neubauten", "Endraum" and "Goethes Erben" for some German and "Joy Division" for some English stuff similar-ish to Bauhaus.
And for something for a bad mood I can only recommend "Nefilim"'s [not "Fields of the Nephilim" - though it's their bassist] album 'Zoon'. Very aggressive while not death/trash metal-ish.

smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 27

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I recommend:
1. Type O Negative for the industrial metal side of things. Try their website but i can't remember what it is atm. Could someone please remind me to find that out. Could be http://www.typeo.net .
2. Sisters of Mercy """"""" etc
3. Vivaldi's Pax Hominibus
4. Some of Marilyn Manson's stuff can be less angry more gothic.

Also try http://www.sfgoth.com/primer/ then music for some short clips of some good stuff.

Moving on, how about films. Has anyone seen any of the following:
1. Donnie Darko
2. The Crow (My Fave Film!!!)
3. Any of the Hannibal Trilogy, in particular Silence Of The Lambs or Red Dragon
4. Alot of spoof stuff as well. Shriek if you know what i did last friday 13th, scary movie trilogy, Alot of Monty Python can be funny in a twwisted way, Austin Powers in a way as well. Just because We dress in black doesnt mean you cant laugh right?
5. Who could forget Dracula? Keano Reeves was in a version of the film which was quite good but slightly confusing at times.

Has anyone seen Twelve Monkeys?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 28

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Re 1: Yeah, TypeONegative are good. Also recommended: "Oomph!", "And One", "Umbra et Imago", "Dance or Die" and *"In Strict Confidence"* and even better "Swamp Terrorists" (all on the metal/industrial side)

Re 3: Chopin, Fryderyk "Piano Sonatas"; and the following Bands "Ordo Eqvitvm Solis" and "Stoa"

Films? Ohh, I'm more for the gory stuff, meself. smiley - winkeye Braindead, Meet the Feebles, Dawn/Night/Day of the Living Dead, Evil Dead ... you get my drift? smiley - winkeye
Also: anything by David Lynch. Esp. Eraserhead.
Leon the Professional and most stuff by Luc Besson.

smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 29

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

This is me nodding.

smiley - applauseBraindead? Meet the Feebles? I didn't think those films were so popular outside of NZ.
I still remember reading on the Weta Studios website about the making of Braindead - or maybe it was Bad Taste... can't remember.
They had so much blood in some scenes that they decided it would be worth making a blood pump - I think they modified a vacuum cleaner - to spray the set with gore. Unfortunately the pump exploded, showering red goo all over their set AND the set next door. The set next door was about to be used for a LIVE gameshow. They had twenty minutes to clean it.
I've never had it confirmed, but I /believe/ that night was one of the two times that the host did his trademark run and slide across the stage and up to the podium. Except that night he just kept going, right off camera and off the side of the stage, too.
It was great. smiley - rofl

Even more of an aside; 'Barry the Bulldog' in Meet the Feebles, was my ex-flatmate's sister. Yes, that's right. Sister. I bet you'll never see that movie the same again. smiley - winkeye

"Just because we dress in black doesnt mean you can't laugh..." - somebody famous (dunno who) said that to be able to appreciate the lighter side of life you must first experience the darker side, and vice versa. Basically comedy isn't as funny if you haven't experienced tragedy, to compare it to.
Makes sense, and probably explains why a lot of my goth mates are keen on a Pixar movie marathon (Ice Age, Finding Nemo, Monsters inc, etc - but not Toy story I or II... they're just cr@p.) but the others aren't interested...

Favourite move, though: Hannibal. Lecter is my hero. smiley - cheers

/smiley - 2cents

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 30

Arisztid Lugosi

"Just because we dress in black doesnt mean you can't laugh..."
thanks for that... all the last 2 days i was fighting that. i said to my self. well thats stupid its not like you have to be depressed all the time, maybe not even the majority of the time. so that came in very helpful. how did you know i needed it? smiley - smiley

i really like the movie sloldier. i dont care what anyone says, i like it! and thats all there is to it. someone had the nerve to try and tell me waht to think. that made me jsut a little upset. oh well. i like it and no ones going to disuade me from that. i also liked dracula, but the original one wiht bela lugosi. hes so great! i liked finding nemo and ice age ect. and a few other disney novies. and i love disneyland. it seems to me that its the one place on earth where something bad happening is not always a constant... but maybe thats becasue i was no vacation...smiley - erm. however i hate watching sappy romance movies even if he gets the girl in the end or whatever. it always makes me feel so hopeless. and then i'm depressed for the rest of the day. its just not worth it. i much perfer action shows. i like james bond and stuff like that. and i like horror movies with a good plot. but i'm always the one that jumps 10 feet in the air. and then every one laughs at me for the rest of the evening...'did you see how high she jumped!?' and then my imiganations to good and i almost have to sleep wiht the light on. but quite it works better for me if i get a book and read untill my eyes cant stay open anymore and then my imagination doesnt have a chance for me to see monsters under the bed or whatever. so i try and avoid really scary movies.

thanks for all the advise on music. i may ever be able to listen to some or possibly any of them though. simply because i live on a little island where all the youth like rapsmiley - ill and for some very odd reason i cant find and goth music, even if i go into town. i'll still try though.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 31

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I don't know where I heard it. I thought I made it up but I'm glad i wasn't the first person to use it. It least then I know I'm not alone.

12 Monkeys is from one of the Monty Python crew and may feature some of the cast members, I'm not sure. It's about a virus which wipes out 99% of the population of earth and Bruce Willis has to travel through time to find out what caused the virus and put a stop to it. It's one of those films where it all makes sense and time can be altered by being in the wrong place at the wrong time etc.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 32

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I'm glad you realise that you don't have to act a certain way even if you dress a certain way. That would just be stupid.

I haven't seen soldier, or 12 monkeys... every time I think I'm catching up on all the good movies I hear about more! smiley - wah
Not a big fan of Disney; too cliched. How come every animated 'love interest' type character has a waistsize the same as her handspan? Among other things. smiley - grr

Treasure your imagination. It makes life fun!

And don't despair: "i live on a little island where all the youth like rap". Me too. Except it's hip-hop over here at the moment. The best solution (if you can) is to get a home computer with an internet connection and download a program called dc++. Make sure you get good virus protection first though. Not that I'm endorsing copyright enfringement or anything... ('ullshi'<ahem&gtsmiley - winkeye

And I think you might also like the band Blindspott, if you can find any. Try for the most popular song: 'Nil by mouth', closely followed by 'Room to breathe'. Favourite song: 'Phlex'.
I'm in their music video for 'Lit up'! smiley - smiley Somewhere. smiley - erm

smiley - cheers

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 33

Arisztid Lugosi

interesting i may have to try that progam. i usually use winmx, but i couldnt find any of the bands you'd mentioned. and as for annoying youth listining to annoying music... well i'm glad i'm not the only one who has to put up wiht it. bbut i bet you've got some friends that are somewhat like you, or similar in your musical tastes. i've only got one person and she's always busy doing something. but oh well... i'm not complaining or anything...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 34

Arisztid Lugosi

interesting i may have to try that progam. i usually use winmx, but i couldnt find any of the bands you'd mentioned. and as for annoying youth listining to annoying music... well i'm glad i'm not the only one who has to put up wiht it. bbut i bet you've got some friends that are somewhat like you, or similar in your musical tastes. i've only got one person and she's always busy doing something. but oh well... i'm not complaining or anything...

thats really neat! how did you get to be in their music video?

i agree wiht your assessment of disnet cartoons. its not fair. i'm certainly not chaped like that. and if i was that shiny, well, i think i'd have to have several of my ribs removed and wear a corsette to be as skiny as some of them. and i'm not fat. i'm actualy quite thin. and i wont even go into the other thing you mentioned except to say that its not fair to make little girls think they should look like that.

but anyway i'd certainly reconnemd soldier... and i think that the cure did a song for the crow movie... called burn or something.

down wiht stupid hopelessly romantic movies! sorry if any of you like those...smiley - erm

"I'm glad you realise that you don't have to act a certain way even if you dress a certain way. That would just be stupid."
thanks. slowly i'm getting there. but i've a mojor dilemma1 none of the stores are selling balck clothing. but i'm sure that'll probably pass when sunners over. now if only i can find one that doesnt have the brand name or a stupid slogan printed all over it...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 35

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

The thing about disney is that all the bad guys have black eyes, pale faces and long black clothes. I feel somehow stereotyped there. Lol.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 36

Arisztid Lugosi

thats odd... i never realised it myself. but now that you mention it.... i cant really think of seeing a villan in yellow or anything. but then i suppose thats why some people are afraid of goths. and well maybe thats part of the reason we are stero typed as being bad. i mean i think when i was like 5 goth people in all their makeup would really have scared me. i dont know... and i certainly never would have guessed that they might be nice people. but fortunately people change. thank god. i'm soooo glad i changed. but anyways... i wonder why all disney villans are like that... i dont quite feel sterotyped... my eyes are green (biggrin)...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 37

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

It's just because it's the easiest way to portray a villan i guess. I was thinking in particular of the evil queen from Snow White and The Squid from the little mermaid. Yes very masculine films I know. Ah well. They were the only disney films i could think of off the tope of my head.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 38

Arisztid Lugosi

ah yes. snow white and the little mermaid. very masculaine. i dont see how that really matter. after all, who needs sterotyoing. i dont see anything wrong with guys watching the little mermaid if they want to. I mean if it makes them happy... then whatever.

When i went to disneyland and did that find out what charactor you are survay thing i ended up being Malfelecent. or however you spell it, and unless i'm quite mistaken shes the villan i snow white. to be entirely homest i think i accidently clicked the i like to eat nice people for lunch button instend of the have lunch wiht nice people button. oh well...

and you're probaby right its probably the easiest way to portray a villan.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 39

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I did have some friends with similar musical tastes here for a while, but they've all left now. The last one moved to another country just as I moved back to this town. smiley - sadface

I was in 'lit up' because I saw them live a while ago, and they used crowd scenes as most of the video. I haven't been able to spot me yet though, it's pretty blurry. Also a pity it's not their best song.

As for the shape of Disney characters; I suspect I'm yet to meet a woman who is actually happy with the shape of her stomach. It makes me really smiley - grr 'coz most of my female friends have a fantastic shape.

And good luck finding black clothes, especially if you don't want labels. I gave in and bought my first label in years, last week. To be fair, though, it was a really cheap and nice black skirt.

I never thought about the disney villain thing before...

"...maybe that's part of the reason we are sterotyped..." I think you're right. Mansonites don't help either, by dressing similar to goths and then deliberately trying to create a negative image, just for shock value... Gives us other, similar, subcultures a bad name.

Still haven't seen the little mermaid yet either... I can wait. I'll add soldier to the list though. smiley - cheers

"I think I accidently clicked the I like to eat nice people for lunch button instend of the have lunch with nice people button." lol. I am amused. smiley - biggrin

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 40

Arisztid Lugosi

there are no goths here where i live. its a small little returement town. to be able to hangout with goths i'd probably have to go in to the bigger town nextdoor. and well... i'm not sure its that safe of an idea. so i'll jsut stick to hanging out wiht my non goht friends. i do fortunately have one friend who also likes bauhaus and bela lugosi.

"I'm yet to meet a woman who is actually happy with the shape of her stomach"
i'd like to know why that is. for my part i think its mostly a self confidence thing... i'm not the most self confident. so i think thats my problem. i dont know about other people though. i'd like ot figure it out. smiley - erm if i can figure it out then maybe i can stop myself from doing it. i think perhps if someome other than my mother would say something that woud help. but people just dont... its not socially acceptable or something.

Ok... dont laugh... whats a Mansonite? i've never heard of them...
i think you're right goths have probably got a bad name because of a lot of people dressing in black and then other people jsut assuming they're goth.

ok heres a question for you all. whats a goth outfit? i'm so confused. i went to see my grandma and one of the first things she said to me was. "let me see your goth outfit". well i was totally flabergasted! no one had told her i was goth and i was only wearing a black t-shirt and black pants. nothing to really hint that i was goth. and i wasnt about to tell her either. i've got a strained relationship with her already... but anyway. i just didnt know what to say to that. what is it? and is it the sort of thing that you should take with you on a trip to visit your grandparents?

i havent seen the little mermaid in ages. i remember the first time i saw it. my mom took me and my cousin. and the eels scared me so much! i held napkins over my eyes... i actually didsmiley - biggrin. and let me know what you think of soldier.

and i'm glad you're amused. i do like to make people laugh.smiley - smiley

oh and by the way i stole that quote about dressing in black and still being happy. i used it in the thread nextdoor. the one titled "scary..." if you're interested to know where it ended up.

smiley - somersault

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