A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 201

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - ok
well good for you job!
...by the way did you get my reply to your last email?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 202

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

No I don't think I did. I may have accidentally deleted which is probably the case but I'm 99.98% certain I didn't see it. I'll see if I can find a way to check my recently deleted emails.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 203

Arisztid Lugosi

its oksmiley - smiley
i'll send annother.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 204

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I got it.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 205

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - wah Why do you insist on only being online when I'm not, Job?

Grr. Grr I say.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 206

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I blame the illusion we call time and continental drift.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 207

Arisztid Lugosi

ah.. time... quiet a nusience isnt it.
i wish i could speed things up and slow them down at will...
that would be nice...

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 208

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Yeah. I would bypass adolecence all together!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 209

Arisztid Lugosi

hmm.. well i'd just get rid of times when i'm sad, of course that could be a large chunk of my life...
and spend an eternity with people i love.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 210

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh I'm going to start blaming continental drift, now, instead of saying "I blame the parents," like I usually do!

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 211

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Everyone in our band blames geraint. Whos geraint? Head boy in our school. How he got there we can't work out. Although you should see the competition.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 212

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - laugh

I knocked over a cup of water last night: "Aw Jerms! What happened there man?!" "It was that bloody continental drift again!" smiley - laugh

Another good line to use at random times: "I'll give you in a minute!"
The best one I've heard was in a normal conversation, where the word 'metaphor' was used. Instead of a witty comeback, the person they were talking to simply said: "I'll give you a metaphor in a minute!"
Flawless. Random, yet perfectly placed. smiley - applause

I've also heard: "You'll be -ing in hospital by the time I'm finished with you!" which can work quite well... except I keep stuffing it up and saying 'prison' instead of 'hospital', which if you think about it has entirely the opposite meaning. smiley - ermsmiley - doh

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 213

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Quite funny really. I'm gonna have to use the metaphor one more often.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 214

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - musicalnote
tip toe through the tulips, to the window....

hmmm... its going round in my head. and just that little part.

so how are you all doing then?

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 215

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

smiley - musicalnote
I just died in our arms tonight.

Im not too bad thank you.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 216

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - musicalnote
this is no terror ground, or plave for the race, no broken haearts, white washed lies

glad to hear you're wellsmiley - smiley

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 217

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

You too.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 218

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - smiley

oh, i was having fun putting little bits of songs at the topssmiley - sadface

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 219

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

sorry I just couldnt think of any.

Absolutely Beautiful

Post 220

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - musicalnote
all you need is love... de de de de de, all you need is love... de de de de de, all you need is love, love, love is all you need.

oh oksmiley - smiley
i'll just continue doing it then....

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