A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 121


Life is for living we only have a short time here,so injoy life,go talk to someone about your problems,dont let things get you down.help is out there.talk to your doctor he will be able to help you.

depression--help me

Post 122


bearing in mind of course that some doctors choose to help and some don't. I have been living with depression now for 19 years and cannot get help from my doctor.

depression--help me

Post 123


I find that when I'm depressed, murdering a piano seems to help. But you have to know how to play it, and you have to have a piano. And by murdering I mean finding something to play really loudly. And if it doens't hurt your fingers you're probably not doing it right.
But that's just me...

depression--help me

Post 124


there is a site which you might like to check out, if you have depression or other mental health issues. www.depressionet.com.au. I am a member and it is a very reliable and safe place to talk about it.

depression--help me

Post 125


hi ppl in here, hmm im bored, well ive only got like 2 weeks left in school...sounds good right..nope finals coming up project due friday that i need to work on and after that im stuck at home with my sister and my mom...the ppl who wreck my life...o well on the other side i cant go kill my selfsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

depression--help me

Post 126


smiley - applause

depression--help me

Post 127


well wonk seeing as i cant play piano for my life and im not gonna snap my guitar strings i just cut my self...sure it might seem odd but it workssmiley - towel

depression--help me

Post 128


or you could hit somehing with a smiley - towel, yes.

Perhaps violence isn't the answer. smiley - laugh

smiley - zen

depression--help me

Post 129


ive never really concidered cutting ur self violence but now when i look at it is.....i guess i will hit something with a smiley - towel

depression--help me

Post 130


you have been working very hard to get folks to help you. that is the first, and hardest, step. keep taking it.

depression--help me

Post 131


Feeling bad is (most of the times, asides the more medical related kinds of depression) a result of an inactive (passive) approach of life. For instance, staying in bed all day will not get you any positive response and eventually make you feel because, well just because. The only way of getting over this point is by trying to do something. Start by turning off your TV if it's on or just leave it off if it's off. Now find yourselve something nice to do, but pick something that you can do in company or speak about after doing it. This can de virtually anything. (being on this forum also counts, but it's better to be doing stuff in real life). Don't compete! Yoou could lose and that sucks...
After all this should give you a positive response and that's a nice thing.

Also try reading or listening to 'the way to a meaningful life' by the dalai lama!!

depression--help me

Post 132


well i havnt head of that book but i saw this book on the book shelf above me and...its called its a wonderful life, i was concidering lighting it on fire this morning....smiley - cheers

depression--help me

Post 133


maybe you should consider finding a different doctor
I went through a few shrinks until I found a good one
And a couple of GP's and psychologists.
you don't have to put up with them ignoring you.

depression--help me

Post 134


Funnily enough I did think of that, changed my doctor once and there are no more doctors in my area. So unless I move I am stuck with it. Its not that bad, it just means I have to take responsibility for researching my own problems and how to dealw ith them. Least I can take the odd herbal remedy without my doctor deciding that means I am totally thick!!

depression--help me

Post 135


Hello Flynn,
Are you depressed because of something in particular - someone who is depressing you? or a particular event? Or are you depressed for no reason in particular?
If you are depressed in reaction to someone (parent, step parent, bullying, teacher, etc) just remember you are fairly helpless and trapped now at thirteen, but time passes quickly and although you might not see it now, the world is a wonderful place. ONe day you will be able to go and do whatever you want to, you can, believe me, you just need to believe it and believe in yourself. However low you feel about yourself, just tell yourself that you ARE a wonderful person and life is a wonderful gift. While you are alive there is so much potential for change and happiness, so many millions of choices you can make to make your life better. If you die you will miss out on so much. I believe in an after life, but I believe we shouldn't hurry unnecessarily to get there!My brother died at twenty and was very depressed before his death. I miss him so much, and I often wonder what he would be doing now. I also had a very good friend at school who killed herself aged twenty. SHe is buried not to far from my brother, and every time I visit them, I think what a waste. The point was, when they died, they believed there was nothing out there for them. But there is. No person is worth dying for, if it is someone making you feel this way. If it is a clinical depression, you must see a doctor or call the Samaritans. I wish my brother and friend had. One last point, I once did therapy (probably to get over depression too!!!) and I went to a seminar. The guy there said : "Every one at some time or other in their lives has had a secret fantasy about dying, and being at their own funeral, hiding behind a tree, and watching the suffering of all those who made you suffer, making them realise how far they drove you. But the sad fact is, you can never be at your own funeral or witness these things. When you die the only one who misses out is you."
At the time, I have to admit, due to boyfriend problems, etc, I did play around with the idea, or threaten others I would kill myself because I was so unhappy. But now, if I let myself go down this road, I always remember what the guy at the seminar said! It's true, if I had killed myself at the time over some guy, he would be with someone else now, and where would I be? Wherever I might have ended up, I am better of here and now and alive. I now have two lovely children, lots of ambitions, and I love life! In fact one day, you even get to the stage where you love it so much, your worst fear is losing it (due to illness, or accident.)
Last word of advice, sometimes it just helps to go outside. It's very easy, just go out. Get out of your room, house, just listen to the word around you, try not to think too much, don't drink (alcohol) or stay in listening to sad songs, for example. Just go out, sit in a garden or park, whatever, just force yourself to get out. When I feel low these days it's what I do. I sit in a café and watch the world go by, imagine some one else's life for a change.
The very best of luck to you, and I hope you grow up old enough to look back on all this one day, and be thankful you chose life.

depression--help me

Post 136


If you're a person with a depression you might try to become a farmer, for depressions form rain, rain turns little seeds into crops witch we all can eat, witch again is a good thing.

Also, being depressed the best place to be is outside, in the rain. I mean, being depressed turns good things upside down and makes you feel quite nice in a place that is actually not. Though there are different kinds of rain I would suggest this "not so real hard kind of rain" that will get you wet through the bone anyway. Make up an imaginary boyfriend to complain to about being in this awfull rain. Make him feel really guilty for convincing you it would be a sunny, nice day.

The good thing of the imaginary part is you don't have to share your towel after standing in the rain, you only have to pretend sharing! You can also pretend not sharing your towel to make him feel even more miserable...

Do you know of Marvin the depressed robot?
He'd work for that.

or find someone real, really more depressed than you..
Marvin would also work for that one, though he's last spotted in Ursa Minor (Beatlejuice)

depression--help me

Post 137


I don't know what to say, except hang on in there. I'm depressed, so I don't have any useful advice.
All I can think of is while your life may suck , you may hate it, it won't stay that way forever.
I hate my life. But I like having a life that I might one day learn to enjoy.
Sorry to be cliched and irritating.

depression--help me

Post 138


thanks for posting, well i forgot some stuff...as of march i am 14, i am no longer as depressed, possibly due to much free time in which i read, listen to music, skateboard, do nothing and walk in the rain..i try to stay away from home most of the time...its a boring life but less depressing as it was..i hope high skools nice to me...smiley - ale

depression--help me

Post 139


Really sorry to hear some of you are so depressed. But don't feel ashamed of it.

Depression isn't a bad habit. It's an illness - like eczema, or a migraine. Yes, talking to the Samaritans is a good crutch. But it's not a solution. Suggest you get allergy tested. Sensitivity to some foods can make you feel low. I (and a lot of others) find starches (bread, cakes, biscuits) and sugary foods can do that. You feel great after eating them. Then get tired and low a while later. Alcohol is sweet so it does that too. To avoid this cycle don't eat any sweet or starchy foods until evening. Eat protein - eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, - and vegetables by day.

Also I found starches stopped doing that to me after I started drinking noni juice. A friend told me to drink it when I broke my arm very badly. It's a tropical fruit juice and she said it has goodness in which helps healing. My arm healed fine. And starches stopped making me tired. So one of my family looked it up on the web and found people said it helped major depression too (she went to www.incc.org). She had really bad depression so she tried it. And she has no depression any more. She says she feels great now.

And my friend has just told me the whole Australian Olympic swimming team takes it - for extra strength, not for depression!!

I know fruit juice for depression sounds crazy. But when a doctor first suggested sailors needed lime juice to stop them dying from scurvy it sounded mad too!
But it worked! Food isn't medicine but it can make a difference. And if it works who cares if it seems crazy? A lot of top drugs come from plants. So food isn't so very differnt.

But be careful or you could be ripped off. There are a lot of 'noni juices' around. Many are just rip offs and have little or no real juice in at all and are not EU approved for sale. But the one my family uses has lots of the fruit and is approved. Must sleep now. If you have a question will reply to short e-ms to: [email protected] if I can.

Take care

depression--help me

Post 140


Hello there, I know how you feel about problems at home...I'm sorry you were depressed and I'm glad you are feeling better.

The hootoo community is a great place to find support and friends but don't forget RL too; I couldn't have survived without a couple of my friends on here and I hope you will also make good friends you can count on when you are down.

I would like to talk to you and anyone else who needs to....

smiley - cheerupHave a loobrush on me!

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