A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1001

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Halliburton. smiley - winkeye

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1002


>>"First of all fluoride can't exist on its own:" I never said it could ??? You did a few posts ago: "fluoride on it self may not be harmfull">> "fluoride on it self may not be harmfull" by this comment i not saying it can exist on it own" i say when mixed it can over a longer time it can be harmfull ,,,, >>So tap water is poisonous? You can die from drinking tap water? I'm compelled to ask, though I probably know the answer - do you know what a toxin is?<< if you drink it no you will not drop dead but It kill's Both Good and bad bacteria but is now know to damege Bones in long term use... bacteria on your skin or in your lungs and blood helps fight of virus and helps in other ways ,,, >>Another quick question: who made your water filter that supposedly removes all of these "toxins"? If it was made by a company, surely they're part of the NWO - how do you know it works? Surely a group that was part of the conspiracy would want to trick those who try to avoid the tainted water?<< To point out R/o systens are on All Navy ship, elite Mp homes, HoP, elites use Them the white house has Got one all elites DO NOT DRINK TAP WATER Plus water is nicer when it gose in one of this systems "http://www.detox.co.uk/ishop/405/shopscr192.html" web link yes i have tested for things in the water before and sent water for testing to the labs , i have sent both tap water and R/O water for testing reson for lab work i trying to breed liveing rock in a tank(very hard) so water testing is need i speed �80 a time for water testing i am a Fish Keeper "hobbey" but i went to sparshott college and i do now about Toxins in water

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1003


>>if you drink it no you will not drop dead but It kill's Both Good and bad bacteria but is now know to damege Bones in long term use...<<

How does it damage bones? How does it kill bacteria? Please be precise.

>>o point out R/o systens are on All Navy ship, elite Mp homes, HoP, elites use Them the white house has Got one all elites DO NOT DRINK TAP WATER

Plus water is nicer when it gose in one of this systems<<

Right, so the elite use filters to protect themselves from the big evil conspiracy, but other people use them for the taste. The elite couldn't possibly being doing it for taste reasons because, as we all know, lizard people don't have tastebuds.

I'm also trying to think why else Navy ships might have filters - something to do with the medium they travel through maybe? No of course not, it's all part of the conspiracy.

Again, I have to ask, if this conspiracy is so powerful and we're all taken in by it, why are we allowed to have filters that remove the mind-control agents from the water? Wouldn't the NWO use its limitless powers to stop it? Wait, maybe they have...

>>i have sent both tap water and R/O water for testing<<

Sent to whom? How do you know you can trust them? How do you know they aren't part of the NWO and are deliberately deceiving you?

>>so water testing is need i speed £80 a time for water testing<<

So every time you put a jug of water through the filter, you spent 80 quid to get it tested? Wow, that seems awfully expensive, especially when you can't trust the people you're sending it to. How long do you have to wait to get it back? Don't you get thirsty?

>>i trying to breed liveing rock in a tank(very hard)<<

I'm presuming you're talking about stromatolites (though with a sentence starting "i trying," all bets are off)? In that case, if you're filtering the water you must have an astounding failure rate: stromatolites need very salty (not just NaCl, other salts including NaF, KCl and KBr), very brackish water. Filtering would remove these. Stromatolites die in pure water.

>>reson for lab work<<

Don't lie, you don't work in a lab. You very clearly don't have the faintest clue about any kind of science. The only lab you could conceivably work in is a narcotics lab, which would actually explain a lot.

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1004

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I very much doubt he went to Sparshott college either.


They won't be teaching such a mishmash of such rubbish...

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1005


Now your just be rude and insalting

i never said i worked in a Lab ,, i said i use them to test my water

i spend a lot on my Tanks so i don't mind get my water tested
when i keeped over 20years of fish cold water,trop,saltwater
i have a Koi carp that is older then me and im 30!!!
so i think i know what i am talking about
i have never ever lost a fish

ie you put living rock in tapwater they Die so your have to get the salt levels right and ph level and meny other thing as Light types and water flow,, i just started this about 4 weeks ago

i was at sparshott for 2 year studing Fisherys management, and on this couse your learn about water and how to test it and this is where i first learned about Ph levels and shell fish and hormones in water ways that can harm fish .

Tap water for watering farms with crop any farmer will tell you if you keep useing tap water the rubbish in tap build up in the mud and lowers the health of the crops,,,

they is talk about Fluoride water 'causes cancer'


so where u get i have no idear of science

when the Government give us "science" behide it resons for the things that the Government get up to like what in our water,food,global warming ect thay have a Aim to get what they want not the truth
as the science Facts are remixed and shaped in to they aim and then go to PR for rewording to Sell to us pubic so anything by the government can not be trusted as a fact of science...

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1006


"I very much doubt he went to Sparshott college either.



fishery is a land based Industrie
so where dose it say ins not a land based Industrie
or do u know what your talking about "Still Incognitas,Still Chairthingy,Still lurking,Still invisible,unnoticeable,missable,unseen"

and why is the point of this silly name and u have reson to doubt me?

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1007


>>Now your just be rude and insalting<<

smiley - laugh Sometimes your complete inability to spell throws up ironic gems.

Do tell was your spelling this bad when you were at Sparshott/holt? And how come you can't even spell the name of your alma mater?

>>i was at sparshott for 2 year studing Fisherys management<<

So no degree then?

>>Tap water for watering farms with crop any farmer will tell you if you keep useing tap water the rubbish in tap build up in the mud and lowers the health of the crops,,,<<

Utter tosh and you demonstrate a complete ignorance about both biology and pedology.

>>i never said i worked in a Lab ,, i said i use them to test my water<<

Okay then, can you tell me what chemicals you test for and exactly which methods you use to test for them?

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1008


>>Tap water for watering farms with crop any farmer will tell you if you keep useing tap water the rubbish in tap build up in the mud and lowers the health of the crops,,,<<

>Utter tosh and you demonstrate a complete ignorance about both biology and pedology<

u keep saying this but no claim to back it up

when u use tap water growing growing plants over a long term it will build up toxins in the soil THIS IS A FACT A well KNOWN FACT by Farmers and Gardners alike even has been told on the bbc gardners

so how is this tosh??????????????????

so your saying anyone who's spelling is bad should not say anything
this make your a nasty bit of work and your No place in the world of
spelling Dose not change any Facts

and i was going to go all the way in college and uni but i came to reson that degree and other awards are all rubbish and and no reel value part from that you can write from a book!!

like muti tick box exams or just repeat what is all ready in a book in your own words , and you can pass most of the tests just by writing your name on it and meet the point of the test or exam so at the end of the day what your point!!!!

all you can Do is Name call just like a Fool HonestIago

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1009


>>u keep saying this but no claim to back it up<<

I'll supply my evidence when you supply yours. You're the one making all these deranged assertions and not providing the slightest bit of evidence.

>>when u use tap water growing growing plants over a long term it will build up toxins in the soil<<

Only certain soils act like that: clays, podsols and heavy loams. The first two aren't very good for cultivation anyway and heavy loams are cleaned out by biological means as much as physical ones.

>>A well KNOWN FACT by Farmers and Gardners alike even has been told on the bbc gardners world!!<<

Shouting doesn't make you any more right. Interesting to note that when the BBC says something you want to hear, it's unimpeachable but at all other times it's a tool of the NWO.

>>spelling Dose not change any Facts<<

No, but a total inability to display any knowledge of spelling or the rules of language kinda undermines any claim you have to any intelligence or education. For smiley - bleeps sake, you can't even spell 'does' or use capitals correctly.

Just for reference, there are people on here who, for various reasons, struggle with spelling. However what they write is usually fascinating, insightful, very funny or all of the above. Nothing you've written is and when you wade through pages of barely legible rubbish, it gets a bit grating. Have you not heard of spell-checker?

>>i was going to go all the way in college and uni but i came to reson that degree and other awards are all rubbish and and no reel value<<

Sure, degrees are worthless. So why did you spend two years of your life trying to get one? Why did you attempt to trumpet your 'education' if you consider it so worthless?

It's my observation that the people who denigrate education are the ones who've tried and failed to get one. I think it's a fairly safe bet that you didn't drop out of your course, you failed it and your rant against it is a mask for your own bitterness. It really sucks to fail so I can understand the venom.

>>all you can Do is Name call just like a Fool HonestIago<<

And once again the irony meter is in need of repair.

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1010


Also, I note that you haven't told me how you test your water samples: contaminants sought, methods and indicants used.

Until you do so I'm going to carry on with my assumption that you know nothing about biology or chemistry.

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1011



Well, probably he or she didn't realise they were worthless at first. This realisation may have dawned on RMacOX half way through the course.

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1012

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

So, nothing to do with submitting incomprehensible course-work then?

alec.smiley - clown

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1013

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - bigeyes

No end of the entertainment yet!

smiley - laugh

smiley - towel

Abiword, The GNU Word Processor, is on teh Innerwebs -- You Need to Install it!

Post 1014


.. comes complete with a very good spell checker dictionary, and plug-ins such as a thesaurus

It's available for Microsoft Windows, (teh evul! smiley - devil), or Linux, (teh good! smiley - angel)

With a little effort, it'll even work on a Mac!, (teh cool! smiley - cool) smiley - winkeye


smiley - geek

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1015


>>It's my observation that the people who denigrate education are the ones who've tried and failed to get one. I think it's a fairly safe bet that you didn't drop out of your course, you failed it and your rant against it is a mask for your own bitterness. It really sucks to fail so I can understand the venom.<<

NO i have passed all my course's but it is when i went to Highbury College And did a course In programing and the teacher who had A levels ant of other Uni awards but Did not know the slightest thing and the class just walk out i also seen people with a levels who our totle clueless about the A level subject the have , Most of them,

You can not beat someone with 50 years of experience to teach you as you go in any subject

it has come to be what your are taught at school or college is no use in the reel world
how writing a 1000 word essay on how to change a printer ink cartridge just seem silly to me

and to get a A levels or honors if the subject is Computers etc
you can hand in a report on the Moon and still pass it be-cos you got you name on the top, writing and grammar right ,

now back to the Soil,,,,,,,,

What is all the stuff that build up on your hot and cold water tap's
what is the blue stuff that builds up in the pipes
some of it is chalk yes but a lot of it is the chems they put in the water when you water Fields with it this same chems build up in the soil and can change the pH levels, acid levels that can effect the bacteria that is on the roots of the plant and stop from taking up water and minerals that keep the plant healthy and will not give the same amount of food , farmer have to spend a lot of moneys to clean this toxins out of the soil , and potted plants tap water will wash out the minerals in the soil

I use a tds tester for my fish tanks covers up to 15 toxins any thing more I just send the water away to the labs I do this 3 to 4 times a year

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1016


desmiley - lurk

just poked my head in here for a moment after a bit of an absence . . .

smiley - yikes

smiley - run

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1017


Wb slapjack

been anywere nice

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1018




The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1019


is that a joke name ? lol

The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!

Post 1020


yes and no.

It's not a real toponym, but I was quite serious when I used it.smiley - erm

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