A Conversation for Ask h2g2
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Jul 26, 2009
Oh I'm sorry but I never in a month of Sundays thought you would read it like that.
But then of course you would..you are very good at grasping the lighted end of a match.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Jul 26, 2009
Of course you rejected them for your failings of impatience.
Now as an educator of senior years I frequently have trouble with present day technology.However it's my experience that the students usually have a great deal of patience with me about this and frequently step in and offer to help..Did you make any such offers?
As far as I'm concerned somone who has the temerity to decide that they couldn't understand the course but knew more than the lecturer is a fool who gives up far too easily.
Tell me were there any other colleges you gave up on?
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Tumsup Posted Jul 26, 2009
Thanks Clive.
I wasn't avoiding this thread, I was just denying it my essence. If there's one thing I'm fond of, it's my precious bodily fluids.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 26, 2009
i have nevel been rejected from any college
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 26, 2009
HB was the only one as the couse was just rubbish i did not cover want i wanted to learn even that they said it did i was told it was a 90% practical and 10% thory but when it cane to Networks it was all thory, bacicley they lid to me how the couse was ,,,
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Jul 26, 2009
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 26, 2009
>>I fail to see how a networks course would be 90% practical and 10% theory... <<
well by setting up a networks with computers,hubs,Rj45 and routors
and not having to write a 1000 word doc on it
practical your learn better and faster and u can prove you can do it
theory just wast's your time and dose not prove you can do it,
but i do understand if your building a 1000 computer network that some theory is needed
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Jul 26, 2009
Well if you work for a boss who doesn't know how to set up a network you are going to have to provide the paperwork and there has to be a way for examiners to be sure that you understand why you are doing something.Sitting around while you do it and explain it is time consuming so it's simpler for you to write it down in a 1000 word essay/explanation so your examiner/boss can read it at another time just like any future employer would expect.
Maybe your English is poor but it is no reason not to try to use it more effectively..and it is possible to get on top of.I'm failing to see why you don't use a spell checker when posting here.There are many people who post here at hootoo who have as many problems as you.However they work hard to overcome them by using all the technology and software available..indeed there is no excuse for poor use of English in this time except for apathy and laziness.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jul 26, 2009
Just because governments have *sometimes* been told lies or convenient half-truths doesn't mean they *always* tell lies, as you seem to believe.
There are two main reasons why conspiracy theories don't stand close scrutiny. Either:
(a) They are a very poor way of achieving the alleged objective of the conspiracy.
and / or
(b) If governments/lizards/aliens had the power, influence, and competence to pull off the conspiracy, they wouldn't need the conspiracy in the first place - they'd already have the power to do whatever they want.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 26, 2009
>>Sitting around while you do it and explain it is time consuming so it's simpler for you to write it down in a 1000 word essay/explanation so your examiner/boss can read it at another time just like any future employer would expect.<<
sorry but that not true when working for a boss the just want you to get on with it , if you have to write it all out and then give them time to read it and the time for you have to write it all and then carry the work out that just takes up more time 3 times as long and time is money when you got 5 network cabal puller working in a building that cost a lot of money "time" the job has to be done fast they no time for a long draw out plan
all a boss wants is the cost and time needed to carry it out
writing it down in a essay dose not prove u can do it
best way is to be put in a room and be given task to carry out to prove that you can do it,,
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 26, 2009
>>(b) If governments/lizards/aliens had the power, influence, and competence to pull off the conspiracy, they wouldn't need the conspiracy in the first place - they'd already have the power to do whatever they want<<
no government Dose not have all the power yet
to get the NWO that the elite want is to have a one world Government
the one world Government is being built behide closed door's
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
kuzushi Posted Jul 27, 2009
You could use this thread to start improving your English.
You can do it one word at a time. We can help you.
Let's start with 'does'.
It's 'does', not 'dose'. Now you try.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 27, 2009
kzwg why nit pick at my grammer, it dose not matter
i said >>no government Dose not have all the power yet<<
your ment to say what powers do that need!!! as this will be the right reply to my post
This post is about the Nwo and how it will affect your life.,,
were in the in the subject box dose it say grammer post,,,
>>Let's start with 'does'.
It's 'does', not 'dose'. Now you try.<<
this is just rude and just show's how you treat people ,,
Do not post in here unless it's about the NWO or one world government
and anser you need to understand how the NWO works....
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Jul 27, 2009
I think you may find that grammar and spelling do matter - it will make people take you seriously. And you really want to be taken seriously, don't you?
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jul 27, 2009
If the "NWO" can already manipulate absolutely everything as you seem to believe, why would they need a single world government?
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Jul 27, 2009
Your poor use of English despite all the software available is going to be taken as disrespect by any employer or viewer.
There is a vast difference between having poor language skills and trying to overcome them and then getting it wrong and the position of saying to everyone else who is stuck trying to decipher your poorly worded postings that it doesn't matter.
That attitude will just make people not bother to interact with you because life is too short to deal with someone who doesn't care about their poor communication skills..
It just makes your conspiracy theories impenetrable and people won't read them any further.
Right that's it I'm out of this conversation..it's a waste of my time.
Can we defeat The New World Order if we can't spell 'does'?
kuzushi Posted Jul 27, 2009
Ok. I think it's important that we all know how to spell 'does', otherwise we'll never be able to defeat the NWO.
I'm sure you're doing your best, but you're still getting the 's' and the 'e' the wrong way round.
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
RmacX0 Posted Jul 27, 2009
Otto Fisch that is a Good question
>>If the "NWO" can already manipulate absolutely everything as you seem to believe, why would they need a single world government?<<
Well the idea is that they have full power over trade etc
the Nwo order has been stopping nations from being self sufficient and make sure that sure they use out side trade to feed they nations and Nwo will control the Trade with taxed routes and with a one world army to back it up and to make sure they can enforce world law in each nation, carbon tax is one way of doing this ,
NWO is going to bring laws like one child law and you be taxed on the 2nd one and if your can not pay it the child will be taken away,
family that stick to together are a threat to the nwo plan
they want access to our kid to and to force them in to a education system to brain wash they little minds this is why the Muslim family is the biggest threat to them as they teach they own values to they kid and understand the power behind family values, in the UK they have all ready wiped out most family Values and all ready force our kids in to a education system ,,
Nwo is to bring in ID card system that , is a passport,money card, etc
and they have the power to turn it off if you go against them stopping you to have access to food and other thing you need to have total power over u ,,
To have a unchallenged Government by having permit to protest at first then inch by inch change the permit rules they ask the the reason why you want to protest and if dose not meet they rule your will not be given one, to shut down the internet V1 and bring in WWW2 and limit the flow of information and to bring all media news under one rule
They need the one world government to have to power to wage war against people who do not want to join
It will be a far bigger then the united nations and more powerful then ever ,,,system to brian wash they little minds this is why the muslum faimely is the biggest threat to them as they teach they own values to they kid and understand the power behide faimley values, in the uk thay have all ready wiped out most faimly Values and all ready force our kids in to a education system ,,
nwo is to bring in ID card system that , is a passport,moneycard, ect
and they have the power to turn it off if you go againest them stoping you to have access to food and other thing you need to have totle power over u
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jul 27, 2009
Lots to question and to respond to there, but I'll restrict myself to a single question for now?
Why on earth would the 'NWO' (even if such a body exists) want to do such things?
The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jul 27, 2009
They are The Sith.
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The New World Order Is On Our Doorstep - We Need To Wake Up!
- 1041: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1042: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1043: Tumsup (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1044: RmacX0 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1045: RmacX0 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1046: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1047: RmacX0 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1048: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1049: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1050: RmacX0 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1051: RmacX0 (Jul 26, 2009)
- 1052: kuzushi (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1053: RmacX0 (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1054: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1055: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1056: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1057: kuzushi (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1058: RmacX0 (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1059: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Jul 27, 2009)
- 1060: Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. (Jul 27, 2009)
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