A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Researcher Tuesday Started conversation Jul 20, 2000
Has anybody noticed?
On the one hand the males in our society are supposed to live the dominant role in daily life. But in the private part of their lives these men are behaving in a more female way when they come to the point where they have to cope with problems. But why?
Researcher 145396 Posted Jul 20, 2000
because the female species in our society are starting to learn that they control the earth. has something to do with the woman's movement. as a male i feel the female species will self-destruct themselves, they feel they can treat us like crap and if we don't like it then we can leave. this will only happen for so long then they will realize what an error the woman's movement really is. hey think about it this way you don't need us for income----you can get your own job. you don't need us to open your doors for you------you do it yourself. you don't need us to hug you when you had a bad day----you already turned into a cold-hearted.....well you get the picture. the female species has learned to survive without the male counterpart. why else would we be treated like crap almost all of a sudden??? no worries though i believe your self-destruct device is just about at it's end................
Pandora Posted Jul 21, 2000
I don't treat men badly. I LOVE men!!! I don't get on well with most women though, mainly due to their behavior. It isn't wise to lump all
of anyone or thing into one group, as there are differences! Woman have realized in the last 100 yrs or so that they are not chattle. But with anyone who's newly found freedom...many things can be over done.
Let's hope nobody self destructs...what ever would we do without eachother
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Jul 21, 2000
Going back to the hipacricacal whomans movement thing alot of the time sexism, raceism and other discrimaations (dont get me wrong I know they actully happen) are just brought out when it souts people. componys now feel bullied in to tacking on whimen because they would be called sexist if they didnot evan though a man might of been better quolifyed. as I said I know discrimanation does actully happen just not as much as we are led to baleive.
and another thing about the whimens lib thing they are after indapendace and that but I have never yoet been out with a whoman that did not expect me to pay for everything. not that I am botherd but I just wish they would make up there mind.
Pandora Posted Jul 21, 2000
Putting all the 'eggs'in one basket still! I've not only paid for dinners, I've bought men very expensive gifts, expecting nothing in return. So, at the tender age of 43 I have many men who love me in a variety of ways. And I even have the respect of several men who do not like me. PEOPLE are dysfunctional for a number of reasons. To hate an entire species of anything requires a good look into one's self. I do recommend therapy for anyone who truely believes the negative statements that have been made in the forum...just like chicken soup...it couldn't hurt And if you don't like your therapist, try another & another...just like shoes, sometimes the first one feels great, other times, you must try on a few before you find the right fit.
Truffy (dazed and confused) Posted Jul 21, 2000
I just wish people would write correctly. Stream of conciousness is one thing. Verbal (or should that be typed) diarrhoea is a completely different matter.
The electronic medium is quick and causes us to make errors, no one's perfect and we all do it, but poor punctuation and grammar, coupled with wantonly reckless spelling suggest illiteracy where it may not be justified.
It makes the message difficult to read, and does nothing to get the message across.
Pandora Posted Jul 21, 2000
Hello Truffy, I agree. However, perhaps age is something that we haven't factored in. There's also a very good chance that those of us reading these posts could be having our legs (albeit silly) pulled.
Truffy (dazed and confused) Posted Jul 21, 2000
A good point Pandora, but if it were a leg-pull it still doesn't detract from the fact that the spelling and grammar were abhorrent.
If someone's going to take the trouble of having a laugh, you'd think they'd at least make it easy for their adoring () audience to get the joke!
But then I'm no grammatical saint, and not very funny, so p'raps I shouldn't cast aspersions!
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Jul 21, 2000
First of all I am dislexic so back off about the spelling and grammer.
Secondly whats the problem as long as you can read it.
Pandora Posted Jul 21, 2000
Cast away!!! You are right. It's not funny if you can't get it. But I was trying to be kind. I think a problem does exsit. But, what a brave soul to not be held back by whatever problems there are! Between my spelling, my long finger nails and the rush I'm always in, I've had some fairly embarrassing moments myself! There could also be a language barrier that we're unaware of...it's the bigotry that has me concerned. h2g2, I thought was a sort of 'safe haven' for all who would venture in. While opinions are always welcome, and the right of free speech reigns, it's important not to use this forum for hate mongering. Which is how I have perceived some of the afore mentioned statements...of course...it could just be 'THAT' time of the month
Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment Posted Jul 21, 2000
There are many reasons why people have such bad typing aside from dyslexia (which I myself have and it is very hard to type sometimes) There is also the fact that many of the people are from differant countries and do not speak fluent english or type for that matter.
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Jul 21, 2000
Well thats (the differant langadge I mean) easy just go to the bable fish andit will translate it for you.
Mick & Hoppa Canuck Posted Jul 22, 2000
I agree with the spelling and punctuation bit. Womens lib. Like in any group there are extremists. I do not agree with all what is said on either side. I make my own choices and have my own beliefs on each subject. It doesn't make me a feminist it makes me opinionated !!!!!!
( I hope I spelled everything correctly) wink wink nudge nudge, say no more!!!!
Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord) Posted Jul 22, 2000
Quite frankly even the bable fish doesn't have a hope in hell.
Straw Walker Posted Jul 22, 2000
Getting back to the original question, it seems that many younger women (Respect Pandora) are confused about their role in society. They are driven to succeed in a chosen career, compete with men on an equal footing and at the same time cope with the biological need to procreate with all the hard work and restrictions that this implies. Men are directly affected by this , in that they not only are they competing with women for the same jobs, but the task of finding a wife is made almost impossible when many women are unwilling to sacrifice their careers for the domestic life. As a 58 year old family man, it seems to me that many young men are sub-consciously preparing for a role change where they have the more emotionally sensitive role of raising children.
Pandora Posted Jul 22, 2000
*Pan slaps heself on the forehead* Sheesh. What's wrong with changing
roles? Many ladies, as I'm sure you know manage work & family just fine. It is time for women to stop being bullied by men! This newly found self esteem many gals now have does tend to confuse various issues. But honestly it is time for men to let their guard down a bit.
Not all women have a biological need, or ability, for that matter to
procreate. How a woman working affects a man's chance of finding a wife has zipped right over my head. Perhaps you could explain?
I think it's important to bring up the issue of sexual harassment in the work place. (please don't roll your eyes so, it does occur more than you know) As a woman who has been on the receiving end more than once I can tell you it's no joke! NEXT?
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Jul 22, 2000
There is nothing wrong with whiman men or any one chnging roles as long as they stick to whwt they cange to and dont try to change back when it souts them.
Pandora Posted Jul 23, 2000
Why? You mean to say if a person (man or woman) works hard to have a certian job, but ends up not liking it, then they should just stay there? Or let's say a man thinks he might be gay...so he dates a few men...then he realizes that he would rather be with a woman, he should stay with men? Please really THINK about what it is you're trying to say. I'm trying very hard to follow. But what you've said is: there's nothing wrong with changing roles as long as they don't change again when it suits them. But why? If a person is uncomfortable why stay instead of change? Variety IS the spice of life. Since I liked scuba diving more than flying, should I have comtinued to fly, even though I liked diving better? I truely am trying to 'get your point',
but perhaps you'll be able to see my point.
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Jul 23, 2000
No that is not what I meane at all what I mean is that you will get some people who say lets be equl and then expect you to pay for everything and the like that is what I mean
Pandora Posted Jul 23, 2000
Now I understand. This is where I ask you to not lump 'us' all in the same pile! I want the freedom to speak my mind, hold office, be rescpected for my accomplishments, etc.! However, I have managed to hang onto my femininity. It's just a matter of balance. (I was thinking that I might hold classes to help teach young ladies to balance their lives in much the same manner.) At the same time, I feel quiet comfortable asking a man out & paying for the evening. A good friend & I use go out on a weekly basis. When it was my turn to pay, he'd pick the spot. When it was his turn to pay I picked the spot! It was great fun. We also took his daughter & my niece to museums & the like. Each sharing in the cost. There were times when one or the other insisted on paying. But I see nothing wrong in that either. I've had this type of relationship MANY times! I've also had men that were SO offended by my trying to pay ...for ANYthing during a date that they actually caused a scene! These are the type of men that don't last with regard to me...many women seek these men out. Many would refer to these women as 'gold diggers'. They would defend themselves by saying things such as: a girl must do what she can to make it in this World. What you've done is mixed us ALL up together &
gotten a rather nasty attitued about women in general. I hope you can get past that, as I'm sure you're missing out on some nice friendships
by 'coming on too strong'. I hope we understand one another & can be friends. It's also okay to agree to disagree
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Researcher Tuesday (Jul 20, 2000)
- 2: Researcher 145396 (Jul 20, 2000)
- 3: Pandora (Jul 21, 2000)
- 4: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Jul 21, 2000)
- 5: Pandora (Jul 21, 2000)
- 6: Truffy (dazed and confused) (Jul 21, 2000)
- 7: Pandora (Jul 21, 2000)
- 8: Truffy (dazed and confused) (Jul 21, 2000)
- 9: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Jul 21, 2000)
- 10: Pandora (Jul 21, 2000)
- 11: Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment (Jul 21, 2000)
- 12: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Jul 21, 2000)
- 13: Mick & Hoppa Canuck (Jul 22, 2000)
- 14: Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord) (Jul 22, 2000)
- 15: Straw Walker (Jul 22, 2000)
- 16: Pandora (Jul 22, 2000)
- 17: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Jul 22, 2000)
- 18: Pandora (Jul 23, 2000)
- 19: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Jul 23, 2000)
- 20: Pandora (Jul 23, 2000)
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