A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2661

Steve K.

"Tron" (1982). Inspired an animator named Lasseter to start a garage company named "Pixar":

[a Bit flies around Flynn's head in a Recognizer]
Kevin Flynn: Hey! Hold it right there!
Bit: Yes.
Kevin Flynn: What do you mean, "yes"?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin Flynn: Is that all you can say?
Bit: No.
Kevin Flynn: Know anything else?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin Flynn: Positive and negative, huh. You're a bit, aren't you?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin Flynn: Well, where's your program? Isn't he going to miss you?
Bit: No.
Kevin Flynn: I'M your program?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin Flynn: I've got a mouth to feed.
Bit: Yesyesyesyes!

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2662

A Super Furry Animal

>> Very powerful film but overlong, could have cut Costner's character's romantic ( ) bits out <<

A Kevin Costner film that's too long? Say it ain't so! smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2663

Red Supergiant


"Who Killed the Electric Car?"

"Lady in the Water." *vomit*

Most of "Casanova."

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2664

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

I, Robot, (better than I thought it'd be, and "V" for Vendetta on dvd, that was better than I remember watching at the cinema.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2665

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i loved the film TRON a very inspirational film all round...smiley - ok

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2666

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Foir Halloween we had;

Wilderness - directed by the guy who brought us trench warfare horror flick 'Deathwatch' a couple of years ago. This is a *much* better film, being a bizarre cross between 'Scum' and 'Blair Witch', with some rather hammily done 'Lord of the Flies' overtones. The casting of Sean Pertwee as the prison warder gave it a weird 'Dog Soldiers' tinge as well as the scenery, being set in Scottish woodland as it was. Overall not bad at all.

Ring - the japanese original which SLG had never seen. Then complained 'it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be' having spent most of the film hiding behind various bits of soft furnishings and indeed, Shark smiley - laugh. Still a belter.

smiley - shark

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2667

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

we saw THE WILDERNESS recently and yes the DOG SOLDIERS connection was evident... and didn't the nastiest kid get off rather lightly? when others died in more gruesome ways... disappointed me, bloodthirsty beast that i am....

i've just seen BORAT....smiley - laugh still a bit in shock... this film is extremely funny... it shocks you all the time... sasha cohen is a genius, and yes much of it is controversial, you have to know that before you go along... so you have been warned... i give it 10/10smiley - ok

theres a wrestling scene that is hystericalsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2668


I saw The Prestige and was totally blown away by it. It is awesome. It is a rather dark psychological thriller about rival magicians.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2669

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Saw Borat last night.

It was without doubt the most offensive film I have *ever* seen. And you know what?

I laughed my self hoarse from start to finish.

Easy to know whether or not you are going to like it, did you laugh at Borat on "Da Ali G Show"? If so then watch the movie, if not then maybe give it a miss.....

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2670

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Enjoyed watching Warm Springs last night and watched The Straight Story the night before for the 3rd time .smiley - smiley

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2671

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i like the look of the prestige good to hear a positive report. will probably try and see it...

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2672


Dammit, I probably have to wait three months or so before The Prestige comes here.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2673

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Watched South Park the Movie over the weekend for some low-brow humour. smiley - winkeye

Am looking forward to seeing what the new Bond Movie and Pan's Labyrinth are like. Both are out this month. smiley - popcorn

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2674

A Super Furry Animal

I watched National Treasure. It was quite good, apart from the contrived "race" required to provide dramatic tension.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2675

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

pans labyrinth sounds interesting...smiley - run off to imdb to look it up...

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2676


Just back from seeing teen-dance movie Step Up with the daughter...

Trying to be Fame for the Noughties, it fails. Acting is as wooden as a bag full of clothes pegs, but the final dance routine is rather good.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2677

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Some trailers / clips for Pan's Labyrinth


What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2678


Watched Donny Darko last night - never seen it before.

It wasn't what I was expecting, I think I was expecting something more involved and intricate when it was actually quite straight-forward. I really enjoyed it though, Jake Gyllenhall was very good and I liked Drew Barrymoore's character, which is unusual for me.

Nice, interesting though slightly wierd story told with a fair bit of flair. Loved the song at the end as well.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2679

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Niwt has written a bio on the other actress who starred in that. Can't recall her name tho' smiley - sorry
'Tis in Peer Review if you care to go browse.

What film did I see on Tuesday? Russell Crowe was in it. Ah yes,
"A Good Year"

Enjoyable enough, some funny moments, just seemed weird to be watching Russell Crowe trying to be funny.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 2680

urchinvic - the budgies are restless

Have been lent "National Treasure" to watch- had it for about 40 years, will really have to make the effort now. Bought that "Confetti" on dvd tuther day- is quite good really, although I was just watching it for Martin Freeman. I'd reccommend it for anyone who likes Four Weddings... no hang on, it's a bit more Office than that....well try it if you like Martin Freeman or Jessica Stevenson then. smiley - ermsmiley - smiley

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