A Conversation for Ask h2g2
women's hair length
tjeika Started conversation Jul 22, 2003
One question has been occupying me for a while.
I read somewhere that men generally prefer women with long hair, nver short hair. Now this was kind of new to me - even as a prejudice.
Answers I have been getting may have been a bit biased for fear what I am going to do to my hair according to the answer.
So, I want to know: Do men really want a woman's hair to be long, no matter what the rest of the woman looks like?
women's hair length
Geggs Posted Jul 22, 2003
Well now, my love has long hair, but generally wears it in a bun.
I'd love her however she wore her hair, but I prefer it when she wears it long.
women's hair length
Cheerful Dragon Posted Jul 22, 2003
When I first met Richard, my hair was short and layered. He said he'd prefer me with my hair slightly longer - he admits that long hair wouldn't suit me. So I grew the back (from behind my ears onwards) so that it was between collar length and shoulder length. I kept it this way for about 10 years. Then I decided to get my hair cut the way it used to be - Richard said go ahead. Now he says that I look better with my hair this way.
I think women should feel free to ignore what men say they like and go with what suits them. My hair is quite fine and it's straight. It wouldn't look right long (too limp) and long hair wouldn't suit the shape of my face. When I let it grow a bit I chose a style that I felt would suit me, which Richard was happy with.
Richard says it depends on the woman. Some look good with long hair, others look good with short hair. Hair length doesn't bother him that much.
women's hair length
Crunchy Frog Posted Jul 22, 2003
who could watch alien and say vasquez didn't look good with short hair!!
It all depends on the person, and the look they're going for.
women's hair length
Professor SmokeTooMuch Posted Jul 22, 2003
It depends on the person but personally I prefer girls with long hair. I certainly find them more attractive.
women's hair length
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jul 22, 2003
It does depend on the person and personality. Generally, I prefer short hair, although I've heard it said that having a type is a sign or insecurity or immaturity or something.
women's hair length
IctoanAWEWawi Posted Jul 22, 2003
depends on the look. I quite like short hair, generally looks kinda funky'n'cure but, hey, I'm a bloke with long hair so perhaps my comments on the latest styles and fashions are not worth that much
women's hair length
BobTheFarmer Posted Jul 22, 2003
I prefer long hair, but obviously it depends on the person. Some women look better with short hair, but in my opinion more look better with longer hair...
women's hair length
Beatrice Posted Jul 22, 2003
*just back from the hairdressers*
I used to have my hair long. I spent AGES washing and drying the darned thing, before I cottoned on to the fact that it didnt actually suit me that way.
So now it's pixie-cute-short. And in the mornings I just wash....and go!
I can't imagine me ever changing it just to please a man
women's hair length
GreyDesk Posted Jul 22, 2003
Short please. Preferably as short as mine - ie a number 3 crop
women's hair length
Mu Beta Posted Jul 22, 2003
Long is best - gives you something to hang on to.
Will somebody help me persuade Odo to grow her's long?
women's hair length
Researcher Eagle 1 Posted Jul 22, 2003
I used to prefer hair down to the shoulders, but my wife's hair is fairly long, and it suits her very well.
I also used to prefer brunettes and my wife's a blond, but that's another story...
women's hair length
*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx Posted Jul 22, 2003
My hair just touches my shoulders, and once it grows past i go to get it cut off my sis in law.
Shes a qualified hairdresser.
Stuart likes my hair the way it is aswell as myself, i will never change my style which is straight with a bit of a wisp.
women's hair length
Researcher 235628 Posted Jul 22, 2003
Yup, statistically men do prefer women with long hair, but that's in a psychological 'physical attraction' kind of a way. How exactly that can be explained in terms of choosing a fertile mate, I have no idea.
I tend to keep my hair pretty long (it's nearly at my waist these days) but cut it off in foot long chunks! But that's cos I know it suits me that way. I'll probably keep it shorter when I get older, long hair has a tendancy to pull your face down and make it look heavy once gravity's starting to do the same.
Anyone got any thoughts on men's hair length? My best friend's is longer than mine - is a weird experience for a girl to live with a guy whose hair is longer than hers. Weird but fun.
women's hair length
Xanatic Posted Jul 22, 2003
Depends on the hair style. Straight hair just looks fairly boring when it gets too long. I`d say long hair makes someone look very feminine. You have to be fairly classically beautiful to still look good being semi-bald. Though the Pixie like stuff can look pretty good on women. But women`s hair should really only go down to the shoulders.
I`ve been told it was normal for men to have long hair untill Alexander the Great. His army had problems with lice and ended up cutting it all short. And then it ended up being seen as more manly that way.
women's hair length
daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters Posted Jul 22, 2003
when i started dating darrenmy hair was dyed black and halfway down my back. it looked nice when loose, but was so
irritating i kept it in a ponytail 90% of the time. then i got bored bored and had it cut very short(to jawline)and dyed it various shades of red. Now it's at shoulder level again and needs a good hacking(and is black again). in the next two weeks i'm dying it purple and having it cut off again.
darrenprefers my hair long and black(more gothy), but says it's 'different' when short. i think that's a compliment. i tend now to treat my hair as a fashion accessory, changing the colour and length to suit my prevailing whims
ps darrenhas his hair much longer than mine, his is halfway down his back. but to change tack, am i the only girl here who prefers long hair on men?
women's hair length
Saturnine Posted Jul 22, 2003
I think women should feel free to ignore what men say they like and go with what suits them.
Feel free. But when you start ignoring what men like completely, you tend to not attract them. And yes, I wonder how many of you will jump on that comment and tear me apart for saying that. But it's true. It's not fair to cut out male opinion like that. I know I always feel good when I command male (and female) attention. Self esteem and confidence plays a big part in how you look in general. That added extra slice of confidence always helps in how you perceive yourself, and makes it easier to choose what suits you best.
My opinion: consider what suits you FIRST. Putting anything onto your body that doesn't fit you, will only make you look frumpy, ugly, or just plain odd.
But going out and getting all your hair shaved off just because you can't be bothered to maintain the way you look...this should never be an option in my book. Every woman should be proud of their looks, as nearly every woman has the potential to be a stunner, if they aren't already.
I personally have Bettie Page hair. I attempted to go blonde for a while, but I am pretty sure I am dying it back to black tomorrow.
women's hair length
*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx Posted Jul 23, 2003
I have a male cousin (not Alan) whos got long hair aswell as a male friend.
Mick is the oldest hippy around here and his age is 58, his age doesnt put him off.
He has had his locks ever since i can remember.
His hair is by his waist, and he looks after it even though hes a hippy.
now my cousin Thomas, well his hair is just a mess lol
Its all originally wavy, that why it looks such a mess lol
He washes it when the mood takes him.
I for one look after my hair, i have it dyed which needs doing again, aswell as cut cos its gone past my shoulders.
So away who ever wants to cut it, and who ever wants to dye it for me be free too lol
women's hair length
Mina Posted Jul 23, 2003
The men I know who have expressed a preference have said they like long hair. Maybe they don't mention it if they like short hair? My dad and my eldest brother have said all my life that they like long hair on girls, and guess what? I've always had long hair. Even though my mother spent all that time telling me it didn't suit me, and now Ashley tells me quite a lot that it would suit me short. But I like long hair on *anyone* myself, male or female, and I'm keeping mine. That two family members like it long has become secondary, I'm keeping it long.
Key: Complain about this post
women's hair length
- 1: tjeika (Jul 22, 2003)
- 2: Geggs (Jul 22, 2003)
- 3: Cheerful Dragon (Jul 22, 2003)
- 4: Crunchy Frog (Jul 22, 2003)
- 5: Professor SmokeTooMuch (Jul 22, 2003)
- 6: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Jul 22, 2003)
- 7: IctoanAWEWawi (Jul 22, 2003)
- 8: BobTheFarmer (Jul 22, 2003)
- 9: Beatrice (Jul 22, 2003)
- 10: GreyDesk (Jul 22, 2003)
- 11: Mu Beta (Jul 22, 2003)
- 12: Researcher Eagle 1 (Jul 22, 2003)
- 13: *angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx (Jul 22, 2003)
- 14: Researcher 235628 (Jul 22, 2003)
- 15: Xanatic (Jul 22, 2003)
- 16: daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters (Jul 22, 2003)
- 17: Saturnine (Jul 22, 2003)
- 18: *angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx (Jul 23, 2003)
- 19: Mina (Jul 23, 2003)
- 20: Serephina (Jul 23, 2003)
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