A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
HonestIago Posted Sep 25, 2003
People who criticise the accents of others. I very fond of my strange and inaccurate pronunciations thank you very much
Petty Hates
Citizen S Posted Sep 25, 2003
It's not really an accent if you say 'proberly'. It's actually missing out a whole 'B' sound.
It annoys me too.
Along with 'would of' rather than would have.
Petty Hates
HonestIago Posted Sep 25, 2003
I get really criticised when I use 'yous' as the second person plural when this is a distinctive dialectical feature found only in a Scouse accent (I think!) and is a relic of the Anglo-Saxon times
Petty Hates
Researcher 185550 Posted Sep 25, 2003
I always wondered about that.
People who use "thou" when imitating Old English, not realizing it is the equivalent of the French "vous".
Petty Hates
BryceColluphid Posted Sep 27, 2003
So-called Bible scholars referring to the book of " Revelations"( It's all one Revelation)
Petty Hates
The Groob Posted Sep 28, 2003
"seeing someone" should suffice in both cases.
Courting makes me think of peacocks prancing about. Oh, and my dad uses it.
Petty Hates
HonestIago Posted Sep 28, 2003
My grandmother uses it, which is why I like it, it's old fashioned. I don't like 'seeing someone' - it's too vague and there's no real feeling to it
Petty Hates
The Groob Posted Sep 28, 2003
The kid who won pop idol last night. Goes by the name of Marc.
Word of advice: you cannot burst into tears every time something good or something bad happens. You look like a sissy.
For gawd's sake, I bet he goes and wins now just to annoy me.
Petty Hates
Lady in a tree Posted Sep 28, 2003
Spinks - I totally agree! I found myself getting wound up by him and found myself shouting "grow up you big snivelling baby!" at the telly. I know I shouldn't have let that happen but sometimes it's just all gotta be released (PMS)
Petty Hates
Researcher 185550 Posted Sep 30, 2003
Strangers who won't just stop and talk. I'm not talking about randomly accosting people, I mean when you're in a queue in a checkout or something, and you say "Nice day isn't it" and they just grunt.
Petty Hates
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Sep 30, 2003
Tony blairs speech,i wonder if one could sue for breach of contract half of what he said six and a half years ago has not been achieved
Petty Hates
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Oct 1, 2003
People who put their foot on your chair and then fidget.
I keep forgetting this one...here in Southern California, home of the silicone and botox eternal youth program (which are incidental petty hates), the weather is usually pretty nice. The instant a drop of rain hits the streets, the newscasters are all shouting "STORM WATCH!" Hurricanes are storms, blizzards are storms. A rain shower is not a storm.
People who whiten their teeth so much they blind you when they smile.
The fact that an ex-bodybuilder is likely to be the next governor of the state in which I reside.
Drivers who pass you, only to take the next turn. Where did they need to be so badly that an extra 30 seconds would have made that much of a difference?
And whoever said they hated loud eating sounds...be glad you haven't heard the Carls Jr. ads. It's up close sloppy eating noises. EWWW.
Key: Complain about this post
Petty Hates
- 861: HonestIago (Sep 25, 2003)
- 862: Citizen S (Sep 25, 2003)
- 863: HonestIago (Sep 25, 2003)
- 864: Researcher 185550 (Sep 25, 2003)
- 865: BryceColluphid (Sep 27, 2003)
- 866: crazyhorse (Sep 27, 2003)
- 867: The Groob (Sep 28, 2003)
- 868: HonestIago (Sep 28, 2003)
- 869: The Groob (Sep 28, 2003)
- 870: HonestIago (Sep 28, 2003)
- 871: The Groob (Sep 28, 2003)
- 872: The Groob (Sep 28, 2003)
- 873: crazyhorse (Sep 28, 2003)
- 874: Lady in a tree (Sep 28, 2003)
- 875: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 30, 2003)
- 876: Researcher 185550 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 877: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 30, 2003)
- 878: HonestIago (Oct 1, 2003)
- 879: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Oct 1, 2003)
- 880: Researcher 185550 (Oct 1, 2003)
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